posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 12:49 AM
True fact:
Planned Parenthood was started by a woman, Margret Sanger, who was a very strong believer in the science (in 1920) of eugenics. Planned
Parenthood has been continuously supported financially by JD Rockefeller (later the Rockefeller Foundation) and the Carnegie Foundation since its
Now think about what services, exactly, Planned Parenthood perform. They are the happy, smiling face that indoctrinates you into the world of
List of the services they perform:
Abortions (more than 250k a year)
Provide Contraceptives
Provide Morning After Pills
Vasectomies and Tubal Ligations
Sex Education
...and they do all this for the good of the community - the poor community.
The people that started planned parenthood saw all those poor and uneducated people having babies that were growing up to be poor and uneducated
adults. Since this obviously was a bad state of affairs, they decided to start a non-profit organization that gave everyone access to free educa--
Oh wait, no they didn't.
The founders of PP decided the problem wasn't the nonavailability of good jobs or free education. Instead, these haughty intellectuals figured the
problem was simply that poor and stupid people were allowed to reproduce in the first place.
They knew that a law restricting who can have children would never fly in a modern western country so they didn't even try. Instead, they realized
that putting honey on the poison made it easier to swallow.
Make people think it is their right to choose whether or not they want a baby. After that, it is simply a matter of using economic methods to strangle
the population because more economic pressure on the lower classes means that the poor must start making sacrifices.
Using early indoctrination, by convincing schools to outsource sex education to Planned Parenthood workers, the elites have setup a system where
people must question the affordability of their own sexual reproduction. They have successfully implemented eugenics in the USA by turning it around.
Instead of being about killing off undesirables, the US version of eugenics is about economically neutering the undesirables.
[edit on 6.7.2008 by Voxel]