posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 08:36 PM
Hello ATS
Been checking this site a lot lately and finally decided to join. Got plenty of time on my hands now, so what the hey.
Let me tell you all a bit 'bout myself. I'm a believer. Seen my first UFO close to 10 yrs ago and always had some weird out of body instances as a
child-teen. In the back of my mind something tells me I have been visited, but I'm not sure. I have always loved astronomy and still research it. I
have no faith what so ever in the current Presidential Cabinet/Government and believe they are behind some of the biggest atrocities that have
happened to this Country and World, past and present. I consider myself a spiritual being without subscribing to any mainstream Religious
I found this site through the disclosure project Project Camelot and love what they are doing. I hope to learn about some great things and maybe make
a contribution or two while I'm at it!
Any questions, fire away!
[edit on 6-6-2008 by 20 Eyes]