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Another Iraq war documentary

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posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I found this 2 part docu on Youtube(surprised!?) which i am sure many of you have already viewed. But for those who haven't it's one of the few that is filled by reputable people who have held posistions of power in the CIA(Ray Mcgovern), British (Claire Short) and American Governments(Chass Freeman), and weapons inspectors, such as Scott Ritter and David Albright.

Now i am sure the majority of us now realize how much of the information pertainint to Iraq's 'WMD'S' was either inaccurate or completly untrue. But when you go back and actually look at it it is amazing how people fell for it. The U.S and to a lesser extent British press fell over themselves to agree with the party line, so why wouldn't the general public believe them?

One aspect of the docu where it talks about the American regime administration talking up ties between Iraq and Al-Qaeda makes me laugh. Even to the most amateaur follower of the situation at the time(journalists) this was clearly completly untrue.

One of the fact's the Documentary revealed to me that i wasn't aware of was the attack on Joe Wilson and his wife a CIA agents, which led to the deliberate leaking of her name putting her life and of those involved with her at the CIA in danger. All in response to his report on the infamous 'Yellowcake Uranium purchase by Iraq from Niger' which showed it to be a forgery, which he was sent by the American government to investigate.

Now with the rhetoric gearing up against Iran i really hope the media and Congress and the American people will stand up and do it's patriotic duty and reveal the truth about the situation.

Here are the 2 parts of the documentary

[edit on 6-6-2008 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 11:45 AM
If you have an hour watch the documentary it is deeply engrossing and revealling.

Only posting on my own thread so people will still have access to the link, not for points


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