posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by bamaoutlaw
100 dollars/barrel in january (record high)
135 dollars/barrel in June (record high)
6 months it took for oil prices to increase by 35 percent. Where are the politicians? Where is the reveared alternative energy movement we hear about
so much on TV? Politicians made such a huge issue over dependance on foreign oil, but they failed to care about our dependance on oil altogether.
Now we're screwed with no alternative but unleaded or super unleaded (god forbid).
Not to mention fuel-oil costs which are projected to be around 10 dollars a barrel this winter here in the interior of Alaska... On top of
skyrocketing fuel costs for transportation. How are we gonna do this?? Alot of folks up here are already getting pretty nervous and it's only June.
People rely on fuel-oil to survive the harsh winters up here. Here in the interior they almost ran out of fuel-oil altogether last winter (yes..
they almost ran out of fuel oil to refuel customers). This isn't a matter of just the economy..For some it is a matter of life or death..Plain and
35 dollars a barrel in less than 6 months.. At this rate, the January fuel prices will have doubled in less than 2 years. And how long until they
Basic economics is ups and downs. In the oil industry, these ups and downs depend on alot of different factors. Primarily geopolitics, supply and
demand, and it doesn't help that we have a weak dollar and a housing mortgage crisis. None of these situations are going to get better in the
short-term because the factors that determine oil prices are not getting better. Geopolitics are screwed with all that's going on..(possible war
with Iran now? How long will we be in Iraq?) and Global demand is skyrocketing due to developing countries' ever-increasing energy output.
[edit on 7-6-2008 by BlasteR]