posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 10:07 AM
...on the internet/world wide web. It's God's ppl vs the beast's ppl.
I notice certian thing in Revelation have to do with the electronic.
Rev 11
8And their living selves shall tell truth out the street of the small (or: insignificant) city, which spiritually is answered Sodom and
Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
E-gypt. When you pronounce Egypt you make the E sound. The So-dom is that even so it's where the battle wages on. Wicked (God) vs Delightful (Satan).
The Lord is as us so when you get crucified so is it the same as the Lord getting also crucified. The Lord is also as the religious content being
published by way of just posting it on the net, so when it gets crucified in this electronic online internet www computer world, our Lord is also
Anyone see the connection?
The gospel must last be published. When you put gospel content, which includes your interpretation, on the net, it is being published technically.
We are under the End War Fight Moment electronically! There isnt the devil that could say otherwise when they know they've come to battle us online.
The devil is fulfilling what the bible declared.