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The Obama Assasination

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posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:27 PM
I think it's crossed a lot of minds as a possibility. He definitely has heightened security even now.

I'm sure he's aware of the risk, and willing to risk it.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:41 PM
This topic will probably remain the "elephant" in the room for at least the next 5 months.
I for one, could not think of a worse thing that could happen to this Country if that happened. The damage it would do would be worse than 9/11. I kid you not.
Don't make the argument that one life is not worth more than another. That is sound empirical and natural law logic but practically speaking it is meaningless. It isn't even about Obama as a person anyway, it is what he represents. Are we the America we hope we are or are we a third world banana republic?
I'm certain I'm wasting my time getting some to see beyond even just the white/black issue.
I think I even agree with the poster that said we shouldn't even talk about it, it really should remain the elephant in the room.....sounds retarded to even me, but I rather talk about getting nuked by some NWO group then this....because that is just Alice in Wonderland talk. This issue isn't and would have devastating consequences for our Country.
So, I for one, will make this the last time I say anything publically about this issue, it truly is the only issue I think I have ever censored myself from....that is how much it frightens me, a grown man.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:02 PM
Thinking that this will go beyond a black-vs-white issue is wishful thinking.
We are not ready for this. It should have been done slowly; first just a candidate for a few elections, then a VP.

I have to suspect that this has been planned by the NWO elite. It is notable that there are no other contenders. The republicans have a weak candidate and they know it. Obama has had more press coverage than any other single candidate of anyone in past elections.

This is a set up. I see race riots - possibly the full blown race war that the elites have been priming us for; The perfect excuse for martial law complete with UN troops from all over the world. Not US soldiers - they are being kept busy elsewhere and besides they might hesitate to shoot fellow Americans.

I wonder if there is truly a safe haven for Obama or if he will be sacrificed to the NWO. Does he have a double that will be the fall guy?

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
Thinking that this will go beyond a black-vs-white issue is wishful thinking.
We are not ready for this. It should have been done slowly; first just a candidate for a few elections, then a VP.

I have to suspect that this has been planned by the NWO elite. It is notable that there are no other contenders. The republicans have a weak candidate and they know it. Obama has had more press coverage than any other single candidate of anyone in past elections.

This is a set up. I see race riots - possibly the full blown race war that the elites have been priming us for; The perfect excuse for martial law

Interesting i hadnt even thought of this though it does make sense

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 05:32 PM
personally i dont care if hes black or not,i dont see color in human beings,but i dont like the guy,that doesnt mean i want to see him assasinated.there are so many things that could come of this..i pray none of the things mentioned will take place...

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

You are a wise man indeed and I can only hope that many will take heed of your words.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:06 PM
I believe the right candidate was chosen for the democratic run. Obama has good ideas and has never threw mud at Hilary,unlike she did with Obama with her little sly remarks from time to time. I think that a joint ticket would definately keep McCain out of office. Obama and Clinton are both the "minorities". He's black and she's a woman,so I think to put them both together would be a winning team. We just have to make sure she can be trusted and makes sure he hires a food taster. If something happens to him,then she's next in line,and I'm sure she's thinking about that too.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:16 PM
Maybe the reason they(whoever is really in charge) want him to be president is so he DOES get assasinated and for it to start a huge race war.. give them a reason to impose all sorts of marshall law

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:23 PM
I think the title of this thread should be changed. As it is, it reads as if it's something that the OP believes is destined to happen.

I remember in 2000 and again in 2004, everyone was predicting that Bush would be assassinated - something about the timing of his Presidency and the assissination cycles? Anyway, the threat of assissination to ANY President is all too real and therefor a legitimate topic, however, the title of the thread is really creepy to read.

Just my two cents.


posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:34 PM
seriously being black is the least of his problems and truthfully he is not that black. he is light skin caused he is 1/2 white and black.

he plays the race card but his socialist marxist bs change agenda is his problem and his associations.

Neo nazi's give me a break seriously. no one is going to shoot or try to shoot Obama if he is president.

the extreme hate, racism and bigotry is all on the other side of the isle.

the anti white, african centric, america hating agenda of obama.

get ready for more affirmative action and reporations.

liberals are the ones that hate anyone who doesnt believe their way conservatives are not like that.

please dont flatter Obama like that. it doesnt matter crap if he is the first black president he is just a man we should view him color blind. this type of conversaations keeps the racial divide going.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
I think the title of this thread should be changed. As it is, it reads as if it's something that the OP believes is destined to happen.

No i dont believe its destined to retrospect i should've made the thread title "The Possibility of an Obama Assasination". IMO the thread gets more views with the title as is. The Possibility is always there with any leader but IMO its higher because Senator Obama is half African American.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 07:00 PM

Neo nazi's give me a break seriously. no one is going to shoot or try to shoot Obama if he is president.

Really? What about the Oklahoma City bombing? If there are people out there willing to kill innocents after reading a book i dont doubt Neo-nazis would try to assasinate a Black President.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 07:17 PM
"OBAMA WILL DIE, KKK FOREVER," concludes a Feb. 15 post by "Rodney" to a blog run by a person identified only as Strider333. Above that signoff, Rodney wrote: "The KKK or someone WILL assassinate Obama! If we get a NIGGER President all you NIGGER's [sic] will think you've won and that the WHITE people will have to bow to you[.] # THAT."

My first result after searching Neo Nazis and Obama.....scary

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by Frank Black


[edit on 7-6-2008 by 123space]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:56 AM
I have heard many people talk about an Obama assassination. Unfortunately, if it happened it would not surprise me at all.

On a side note, I have been wondering whether or not we will even make it to the elections.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

That was probably the single most ignorant thing I have read all week.

What are you implying? Blacks of the 60s are better than Blacks of today? What does rap and "ditty" (what ever that means) have to do with Obama getting assassinated?

Your understanding of black culture is skewed.

Explain yourself.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:23 AM
I have been thinking about this alot as of most recently more than often every since Hillary Clinton decided that she may join Obama as a Vice President.

My opinion is as follows, and it is only my opinion. I think if Obama is elected to run this country we will have another JFK revisited to a scale much more effective which will in turn give off further hidden agenda's. There may be a micro-nuke attack engineered by the same elites that brought upon the attacks of 9/11, which will kill the president and thousands of Americans. This in turn will give Hilary Clinton the Presidency role and the Nuclear bomb will be linked back to Iran to keep the war going and keep Globalization alive and kicking. This also could be a way to control the Americans or the world in finally actioning the request to implant humans with microchips.

We know the Clintons are a part of that corrupt secret organization - The Bilderberg Group along with the Bush's and Corporate elite. So who knows really.

I hope im wrong.



posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Regardless of what happens, if mass protests and big events happen again in the states im sure people would come flyin out their house packin a piece this time, you guys are exactly right, the whole country seems volatile right now as the tensions build up for elections and other stuff on the bush agenda... do you guys not see the crime rates going up all over the place, I read about it all the time...

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:36 AM
Yes, the possibility has occured to me. What really sort of creeps me out is the fact that within days of him becomming the presumptive nominee, CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo News, etc. all seem to be running stories about Robert Kennedy, comparing 1968 to 2008 in various ways. The timing just feels disturbing to me.

Another thought that has occured to me is that if he is assasinated, it stands to reason that it would be at the hands of people who could do it whenever they wanted, which indicates to me - at least in theory - that the timing of such an event would be of some importance. Otherwise they would just do it as soon as possible or whenever most convenient.

It then further occured to me that if it happened before the election, then the purpose would seemingly be to ensure victory by someone else, but if it happened after he were elected president, then - while I wish I could be more optimistic about the outcome - the intended result might be to unleash chaos domestically.

[edit on 6/7/2008 by AceWombat04]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 06:45 AM
To all the above comments. First, I've been saying for a while now that America will probably assassinate Obama if he becomes president. And secondly, any post that has a word mis-spelled I instantly ignore, I figure if that person cannot spell simple words correctly then the message they are trying to convey is probably wrong too! Anonymous--2112

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