Originally posted by InSpiteOf
My question to you out there is this, how many of those people that are getting ready or are awake, live in the third, fourth, and fifth world
countries that populate most of our blue planet?
How many starving children and adults feel the change approaching?
How many of those suffering horrible war related maladies are waking up to the goodness of ascension?
Good question, I wonder who we would have to ask to get the actual "truth" on that one...any good ideas?
Originally posted by InSpiteOf
By the way, Rasobasi420, solved the puzzle box yet?
Yeah it's 2
I seriously feel everyone is over thinking this "ascension" thing. Yes we are starting to understand much more about our physical universe as well
as the stuff we literally can't see but know is there. There is a very real physical event that is going to happen around 2012 that does have to do
with our astronomical position. Nothing "super natural" about it really, and I think many times when people talk about the "4th Dimension" or
"4D" they are actually trying to say "4th Density" or "4th Vibration". This alignment seems to have
torsion fields as well as some other factors, sort of like our astronomical weather report.
Just like
Warm Weather Boosts Mood, Broadens The Mind as 2004 University of
Michigan research indicated, we're changing "galactic seasons" to the other side of the disc. I think this is why so many "new agers" have
gravitated towards the mayan thing etc which most people interpret 2012/ascension as "end times" but all it means is it re-sets. OOOO! scary!
I don't think you have to die to ascend physically, you can die many other ways that are just as interesting and you get to keep your body too. It
seems to have a lot to do with frame of mind & perceptions. We create this reality together one way or another. I think ascension will be
world-wide, but not with aliens whisking us off to some "heavenly planet", or god coming to judge us, nor do I think we'll be dodging too much
"angel cannon" shrapnel like the bible says. I think our great thinkers and inventors will make some new breakthroughs on knowledge new & old as
well as "other".
So what is the whole 2012/ascension thing about? Not sure...
Personally I kind of predict waves of "wtf". What does that mean? Well maybe one day there will be an abundance of ghost sightings and/or ufo
sightings. Based on the "brighter" or "more energetic" theory of our stellar movement. I sort of glibly reference this theory as "turning up
the gain". Just to skip some skeptic inquiry and satisfy the rational that there is in fact an energetic "excitement" of the planet that all
scientists have been paying attention too openly including NASA:
Solar Storm Warning
Backward Sunspot(reportedly signaling the start of a new solar cycle)
And the alignments continue from there with other energetic implications as we line up with the galactic center and pass to the "bottom" half of the
Now there is evidence that would lead us to believe that with the aid of technology (or mind's eye for that matter) you can see ghosts, UFO, &
possibly other "dimensions" of reality via the different light spectrums.
Here's a short article on the different spectrums and what the people at
TAPS have been
able to do in particular with IR cameras:
Here's a blog article with a theory about NASA using UV and IR cams to see into other "invisible" places:
But this has long been theorized wildly by many people scientifically and "mystically" for some time now.
So now imagine, more energy being pumped out by our sun, essentially exciting everything in some way, be it heat, radiation, spectral light, etc,
essentially it's like turning up the "brightness" in a sense that all energy is wave-form(& we are all "energy") and UV & IR hover just above &
below the visual spectrum respectively. So what happens now that you just turned up the gain(or volume, or brightness) on the amplitude of the light
we are currently receiving? Well, maybe all of a sudden those things that are hanging out in that IR & UV spectrum might just become visible to us...
I'm starting to think that even if God "him/herself" comes out of the sky, says to us all "Hey everyone, pretty much everything you've been
hearing is true in a sense and here's some alien friends to say 'hi'..." as the sky lights up day or night with angels & ET's.... & some people
would still call it a hoax, or say it was a mass hallucination, or some other BS.