posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Tomorrow
This is really bad for all those blue turbin wearers. I used to live with a blue turbin wearer-maybe he knows Barak Obama!....; and tan; and white,
even pink (I might be confusing it with pink...). I heard different things as to what if and whether if there is symbolism with turbin color-during an
inquisitive internet search the past couple of years. My 'impression' while living with turbaned people was that to an extent there IS some
specificity concerning some color schemes--and concerning other color schemes it is more a self identifyer as to a personally decided 'soul'
aspect--or just the same as any other persons personal taste.
Concerning the soul aspect, for instance, and this one I did actually ask someone about like 30 years ago, if I want to feel sunny and emit sunny,
maybe I might wear alot of yellow. But that is as much as I got. No Map key.
I don't really know the designations-if in fact there are. And it truly is like pulling teeth to find out. I would reccomend people do inquire about
when they have the opportunity.
Then there are different cultures, regions, religons with hugely varying styles as to turbin--. Does this mean as many different color codes as
separate populations wearing them?
I don't think the average westerner can not tell the difference for the strangeness of seeing them to begin with-turbin types. Many can, I suppose.
For as much as I have heard 'blue turbin' in this profecy, which is a few times now, I fear for the safety of my elders and friends who by their
faith would wear such an adornment under a strict liability by god.
But who in no way would commit an act of sacriledge at god by seeking to destroy the life around them.
I believe if there is a blue turbin involved, it will be an imposter wearing a blue turbin to indicate blame and draw attention and war onto the
culture who is most prominent in wearing that color of turbin (that I know of).
I'm really interested in this blue turbin aspect now. Any news on what this person in the blue turbin does specifically?