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The Truth about REALITY

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posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by 29MV29
Huh? Are you talking about the uncertainty of quantum physics? Or the way matter pops in and out of existence?

You have a most excellent Signature there. Love it!

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:17 AM
Wait! I just realized what section this was under. What does it have to do with the NWO?

posted on Mar, 6 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Reality is an illusion. Once you free your mind from the illusion, the illusion dissipates. And you begin to see reality for what it is.
But it is kind of hard when everything you see and touch seems so real.
BUT. there must be different forms of reality, depending on which demension you live in. Our earth reality though is an illusion of light and sound created by frequency...some would call it string theory.

posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 08:26 AM
Answer to first statement:

You are walking down a path by a mountain. You are looking straight ahead, in a day dream of sorts, with your headphones on. At the top of the mountain, a rock starts to roll down the hill. In fact this rock is in a direct collision course with your head. However, according to your statement, this rock, which is barreling towards you, does not exist at the moment, and will only exist once it hits your head, as that is the moment when it is observed. Now, if the rock never existed before then, then that would make whatever cosmic power that causes matter to exist and also create for it cause/effect relationships is a pretty mean spirited cosmic power. Or things exist without someone to obersve them.


posted on Mar, 7 2004 @ 10:14 PM

Their is a probability that anything can happen. For instance: A 45 pound weight jumping from the floor to the desk. To some it is impossible. To math, it isn't. There is a very tiny probablity that that weight will do just that. Anything can happen to anything.

To math, probability means something, to humans it really doesn't. Take a coin for instance. The probability that it will land face up is 50%. The chance of it landing face up three times in a row is still 50% for a human since we can only make 2 choices. Mathematically it is not though.

Teigm: Since you seem to know so much about it and you have seen through the illusion, please explain what reality is really like.

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