posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Here are my two cents
The stock R700 has served as the basis for precision rifles for decades. The really nice "sniper" or police SWAT style bolt actions I see for sale
are really nice.....and very expensive.
Will all of those really nice (expensive) features make you a better shooter? No. Will they make it easier for you to be accurate? Yep but, not
If you were a member of a SWAT team where there was a good chance your rifle (with you attached to it) might be called into action, I could see the
argument for all the bells and whistles. That is, people's lives are on the line and you want 'your' guys to have all the best equipment.
For me and you? I think the best solution is to buy a bone stock R700 (any config you favor) and then selectively upgrade as you become familiar with
your new rifle and can better determine what you think are worthwhile customizations versus fancy-schmancy gizmos that look tactical but are
Keep in mind the R700 is the most prolific bolt action in history. You could literally customize your file piece by piece and eventually have not a
single original part.
What do you think?
EDIT: Mirthful was a little faster on the posting than I was =)
I think his suggestion is a great one. I have no experience with the new Savage trigger but, I have heard many positive things and their prices are
right (in my book).
[edit on 5-6-2008 by SlightlyAbovePar]