posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:37 AM
i finally had time to watch the latest episode that contained the crazy hoaxing this thread has been talking about.
to me it seemed...convenient. notice the location of the hoaxing. california. they had previously aired many episodes from the west coast earlier in
the season with all the same crew members. this episode with the hoaxing was one taken from the series of places they investigated during that time on
the west coast. they only now just aired it...because? because it dealt with a known hoax. why?
to regain credibility.
it's known that jason and grant have been on ATS to do some casual discussions. about a month ago, there was a thread that brought up TAPS
credibility and their lack of showing episodes where little or no results were found
at the time, i thought the Ghost Hunters season was over, no new episodes were known to air, and i argued that they were only showing episodes where
they had found results, due to ratings and mass expectations. they continued the series a month later, and only a few episodes in do they cover fake
haunts. a little convenient eh?
but about the hoax...TAPS were informed from their "family" about the location and like others have mentioned, it was not a secret that the placed
was cosmetically altered to produce "paranormal" results. TAPS knew going into it that it was a bogus locale. they were genuinely annoyed with it,
so i imagine, seeing what they already knew to exist just would make it even more annoying.
they were genuine in their reactions, just not genuine to their audience with knowing beforehand and acting like they had no idea.