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Elitism on ATS

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posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:17 PM
gimmie a break, elitist, conspiracy types, if anything they're evangelical, i've never met one that hasn't driven everyone they know to distraction with the alternatives. if you pass a house and hear someone yelling at the news, that'll be a conspirisist (thats not a word, is it?), at a bar, they're the ones attracting drunks while their sober friends slowly back away lest they be drawn into a night debating grassy knolls and smoking guns, without the gun, which makes it smoke, and there's no smoke without fire. well, whatever, most of them, that i know, would be happier if everybody was debating the stuff we debate here. which is happening more and more, which makes me a happy bunny.

the lies are so obvious and the truth so easy to glimpse at this stage that you've got to be one heck of a self absorbed ignorant know nothing follow the leader idiot with wool for brains not to be questioning things, i thought sheeple was quite fitting, although it is a little overused, it's still a great word.

i mean, it's not as if you need to be smart or enlightened to see that somethings not quite right with the world. even if every post made on this site, and that about covers all the alternatives, were wrong, there's still something not quite right with the world.

even though i, and others i'm sure, admit the possibility that we're all wrong, that doesn't make the official line right, in fact, you need to be blind not to question while you follow the official line, sheep follow blindly where ever they're led. people who do so are sheeple. if you got past the first page of ATS, your questioning, so your not a sheeple.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:17 PM
The label seems to have originated among those in the United States of a far right political persuasion. The Wall Street Journal first reported the label in print in 1984; the reporter heard the word used by the proprietor of an American Opinion bookstore affiliated with the John Birch Society.[1] In this usage, taxpayers were derided for their perceived blind conformity, as opposed to the conspiracy theorists and tax protesters who thought independently.[2] A piece of folk poetry circulating among conspiracy theorists puts this particular usage in a nutshell.

I enjoy the word sheeple. It definitely has it's place in my opinion.

If we ban the word sheeple will we ban the word conservative or leftist?

This is the second thread in as many days referring to the usage of the word sheeple. It is merely a descriptive word.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by JSR
everyone seems to concerned with the word "sheeple".

stared anyway.

Yep, he used the word in every paragraph he wrote....i'll say it has some relevance.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Just to clarify, I wasn't being serious when I said ATS should ban the word.

The problem is not what is being said, but the mental processes behind it. The whole "me>you" thing.
People just seem to have an innate need to insult those that are perceived to be weaker than they are...if it's not this word it would be another, I'm sure..

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Astrithr

Removing a word won't remove the mentality. People will make new words or other ways to convey what they want. In fact all it will do is make them more determined to get their points across because they have been censored.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:59 PM
I'm not advocating removal of words by ATS staff members. I just find it ironic that we can call the CFR, Bilderberger group, and their ilk as elitists and yet when we encounter people who don't share the same view as us we label them as sheeple, as if we're sooo much different than everybody else.

What makes a person a sheeple? The truth is we can be considered sheeple ourselves. The people you label are just as set in their ways as some of us are. What makes us any different than them? Not everybody grew up exposed to some of the stuff on here. If I wasn't curious one day and watched a Loose Change on Public Acess TV while taking a sick day, I probably wouldn't have entertained the thought that the government lied to us. Was I a sheeple then? Or have I magically become a non-sheeple because I changed my opinion.

That's what those of you who use the term forget. People have opinions and they CHANGE. Things are not always black and white. If one person doesn't support X theory, it doesn't mean they're never going to. The motto of this site is Deny Ignorance and it's why I made this thread. I think the people who use terms like that are ignorant and foolish.

Stop using the "us against them" attitude on the people you should be trying to help. I dont care how stubborn a person may seem. They can always change.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:18 PM
Heh "sheeple".

The fixation of some posts of the word and usage is not what the thread is about. It is the mentality of superiority. Sheeple is a derogative term while not of the caliber of the N-word or "boy" (same context), it is used along with a few other words on this site to establish a pecking order of those with elitist thoughts and tendencies.

One poster pointed out that some embrace CT because it is what they have. They can not bat .400 in professional baseball or hold the all time rushing record in the NFL so they take their particular niche to be an “expert”. Often times arrogance and contempt abound to those of lesser knowledge on a subject. Just visit the 9/11 section and make what to a gamer would be a “noob” question to one of the bigger players (won’t mention any particular member name) and gauge the reaction. Or just read through the thread where the announcement was made that the 9/11 forum would be under closer scrutiny and many of the reactions were along the lines of “good, haven’t posted in that area for a while now”

I picked on the 9/11 area but you can read it in various other sections as well. Ancient Civ, Cryptozoology, Religion Conspiracies. I feel one of the more open areas is the Survival section (but I will admit to some personal bias as I read/post there often)

The point is that elitist attitudes are very much a turn off to those that are more casual or inexperienced to alternative ideas. Which in turn results in the lumping of us all as “nut jobs.”

Now, I am not going to tell you how to conduct your own self as that would be elitist as well. But I will ask you to think back to school when the teacher would have to leave the room for a bit and put someone in charge to report misbehavior. It is quite the sociological experiment. If Jonny is in charge, will his best friend Billy act up not fearing reprisal? Will Jonny report Billy’s behavior for fear of being ratted out if he says everyone was good? Will Jonny take his new found position to do things himself?

And for the record, I was never left in charge. I guess the teacher knew that I was actually prepared if it was sprung on me. I had always planned on conducting a pop-quiz on some random subject just to see if the class would do it. And tell everyone that I would leave it up to the teacher as to if she wanted to count it as a grade or not.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

If you don't feel like you are a "sheep" then why did you include yourself in the group. You are applying a stereotype to yourself on your own accord and harping at people for it. I don't see why it would bother you if it doesn't apply to you.

I don't think you understand. I'm not calling myself a sheeple. And that line of thinking is just plain ignorant. Why should I care if 6 million jews were murdered during the holocaust if I'm not jewish? I'm not jewish so that shouldnt bother me.

I'm harping at people about it because it doesn't do anything to help make people more aware to whats going on. It just turns people away from us. Sheeple (and other terms like it) aren't very welcoming. It just makes us look like a bunch of conceited douche bags. How many people do we turn off by our high and mighty attitude? Do we only let those into our community who believe only what we want them to believe? Hmm... now where have I seen that before..

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 01:20 AM
The lesson here is simple...

Using the word "sheeple" is baaaaaad.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by General Izer
The lesson here is simple...

Using the word "sheeple" is baaaaaad.

Ok, I admit it, I lol'd.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:32 AM
time is running out.

we no longer can spare the expense of civilities.

some of us are rude because we have no choice
and little time left.

it is only because of the gravity of the situation
that we are so harsh....

I mean think about it ..

if the N.W.O and their global plans are true
then we are ALL in serious danger.

we believe that it is so serious that you can`t blame us for getting
frustrated with trying to wake as many people up , mabey just mabey before it is too late.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Maya432

I see the reasoning here and the feeling of urgency. However, if someone is trying make people aware or convince them please remember (frustrating as it may be) it has to be given in a way that can be consumed. If the mind shuts off before they hear your message you've wasted time and opportunity.
In one minute you can turn someone off or spend 10 min getting them to think.
Was the extra 9 min worth it?

[edit on 6-6-2008 by mysterychicken]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 09:58 AM
I love the word "sheeple". I don't use it, but it's marvelously poetic and melodious.

Wouldn't "Arrogant Turds" make a great name for a rock band?

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by High Five

I don't think you understand. I'm not calling myself a sheeple. And that line of thinking is just plain ignorant. Why should I care if 6 million jews were murdered during the holocaust if I'm not jewish? I'm not jewish so that shouldnt bother me.

I'm harping at people about it because it doesn't do anything to help make people more aware to whats going on. It just turns people away from us. Sheeple (and other terms like it) aren't very welcoming. It just makes us look like a bunch of conceited douche bags. How many people do we turn off by our high and mighty attitude? Do we only let those into our community who believe only what we want them to believe? Hmm... now where have I seen that before..

Yes, I see where you're coming from here. I didn't mean to give the impression that I don't. You are absolutely correct about some peoples high and mighty attitudes here. But at the same time, you can't worry about changing other people, they will change eventually when they are ready to change. I think the most important thing is changing yourself. If you set a good example, others are bound to follow. One can't be concerned about what other people think. Things are what they are.

Your argument applies to both ends of the spectrum here though. The "elitists" are just as much to blame as the "sheeple." I don't think one can really take sides here...not to say that YOU are taking sides because your argument is an important one, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 10:20 AM
If some of the words thrown around in this thread bother you so much, then I believe the problem is with you. You need to either grow some 'thicker skin' or get a sense of humor. Why on Earth would you let it bother you especially considering nobody knows who you are. Besides, some of the words are quite funny.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 10:29 AM
I fell in love with the word 'sheeple' many years ago and used it frequently. I no longer feel a sense of superiority connected to this word, I now feel compassion for people who believe what the media, government, or religious leaders spoon-feed them and ashamed of how judgemental and arrogant I have been.

I'm very thankful for being awakened to the fact that things aren't as they seem. I knew something wasn't right in this world and thanks to ATS, Coast to Coast AM, etc. I feel a bit more enlightened and tolerant.

We all need to be in this together if we want anything to change for the better. If someone appears open to listening to an alternative theory, tell them. If you sense that they will think you are nuts or the idea would frighten them, stay silent.

I must now try to avoid becoming an "I told you so," know-it-all.
The good news is I realize I'm only aware of the tip of the iceberg, so there's not much danger of that happening any time soon.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by High Five

What makes a person a sheeple? The truth is we can be considered sheeple ourselves. The people you label are just as set in their ways as some of us are. What makes us any different than them?

What makes a person a "sheeple" is blindly following a group of people without applying their own reasoning, checking facts, asking themselves if it is in their own best interests to follow this group.

The term "sheeple" absolutely would apply to those who blindly follow conspiracy theories without reasoning through on their own, as well as those who refuse to consider them at all. The content of the thought, or even the truth of the thought is not what matters, it is the thinker, and how they decide what to believe or not believe. If it is their own reasoning, their own judgment of the facts presented that lead them to even a factually mistaken view, by definition they are not a sheeple. If they are just swallowing everything someone they like is dishing out without considering it on their own, regardless whether that thing may turn out to be factually correct, they are still "sheeple."

Some people think that only mainstream thinkers are sheeple, but in truth, a lot of new age thinkers, or conspiracy thinkers, fall for scams, lies, and disinformation as well, simply because they want to believe something so much they choose not to think through the facts presented on their own.

The term DOES sound elitist, and it DOES sound insulting, but really the alternative to using it would be to write, "people who refuse to think for them selves and act in their own best interests no matter what the larger mass of people around them do" and sheeple is much shorter and easier to type while conveying the same idea conceptually.

Language is a living evolving thing, and humans are always adding/creating single words to convey complex concepts in order to make communication more efficient. Just because someone calls you (not that they have, but if they did) a sheeple doesnt mean that you are one. Think it through for yourself, and ask yourself if that is true. If it isnt, and the person is just being insulting to try to scare you off a topic, ask yourself if you want to be bullied out of speaking your mind, your truth. If you dont, then speak on. If you happen to be on a thread that is a losing battle (too much dogma, not enough discussion) move on to a thread where the participants are considering more than their own personal opinions. Whether they end up adopting your opinion or not on this new thread, a lot can be gained on both sides by well presented and thought through argument regardless who is, or feels they are, "right."


posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Mad_Hatter

well, if im wrong ill admit it,but, the OP seemed to elude to the fact that there are to many people here who pile onto someone just for going against the mainstream opinion of this site. IMO there is a mainstream opinion or leaning. and if you dare speak out against, even in the most elegant of ways, your quickly attacked and labeled some creative euphmisim for dumb for believing what you have just posted.

I see it all the time. for example, one guy will make one post against the mainstream, and you'll have 50 following post telling him how ignorant he is. it would not matter if he was the finest barrister there ever was, he would be ridiculed for being bind, told to wake up, or accused of being a troll.

of course...I could be wrong.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:52 PM
"Things are not what they seem"

But a sheeple is a sheeple is a sheeple until they are "aware".

I used to think golfers were elitists. Imagine, enjoying all those courses,
belonging to a "club", and refusing to let Joe Public share the fun.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by JSR

You are absolutely right about that. I see it over and over again. The problem , in my opinion that people don't think of it as actually talking to another person with feelings for real because they're talking to a computer screen. It allows them to be more cruel really.. People throw words around without really considering how they effect others because its hard to see how another person feels when you can't actually see their body language. I try to see issues from all sides here and realize that when a person posts an idea, even if they are completely and totally ignorant about it, they still have feelings. I think some people don't really think about what they have typed on the screen before they post it, and just try to get it up there as quickly as possible. And another problem is that you can't really tell how a person means to say something without hearing them actually say it. This leads to wrong interpretations of tone.

For example, just watch anybody talking on the telephone explaining how to get somewhere. They're waving their hands and they know the people can't see the arms waving but they still do it because it's fundamental to our communication. And those things are all missing in text.

It never hurts to take a few deep breaths and allow some time for sober second thought before hitting the 'post' button.

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