posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:28 PM
You don't need really tools to use Magick, it does help however, Magick is everywhere, and as Caitlin said she uses clear quartz, the quartz is used
as a focus point, a way of directing the natural energies, if you dont focus the energy it becomes weak and not as effective, you dont need to prove
anything to anyone really, im pretty sure mr randi would welcome the challenge to prove something fake or useless, that is what he does that does not
mean it isn't real
There are many tools that can be used in the Craft, all with different uses, a lot are symbolism, the Ouija board for instance is one tool if not used
correctly can cause a world of harm, if used correctly and with confidence it can be invaluable depends on the purpose.
This is one of the reasons i follow my faith, Witchcraft is a practice that constantly grows, nobody ever did or ever will discover all the secrets,
no matter how long you live, and contrary to popular believe, unless you care not, all Magick is normally used for the good of all, with some nasty
side effects for selfishness.
Maybe the Witch engine your talking about is Magick, the essence of Nature and the Earth which is every where, you just need to understand how to
gently focus it.
Another thing , nobody is stupid for not believing or understanding, it is the most natural practice the world has ever seen, you just need to open up
to it and try and understand, it is something everyone is capable of, you can't grasp it to prove it exists, it is not ours to do that with, take
gravity for instance, we all know its there, we know what it does, but absolutely nobody knows why it works or how it works, not even scientists, so
let mr randi figure that out,