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New agreement lets US strike any country from inside Iraq

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:11 PM

New agreement lets US strike any country from inside Iraq

Baghdad: A proposed Iraqi-American security agreement will include permanent American bases in the country, and the right for the United States to strike, from within Iraqi territory, any country it considers a threat to its national security, Gulf News has learned.

Senior Iraqi military sources have told Gulf News that the long-term controversial agreement is likely to include three major items.

Under the agreement, Iraqi security institutions such as Defence, Interior and National Security ministries, as well as armament contracts, will be under American supervision for ten years.

The agreement is also likely to give American forces permanent military bases in the country, as well as the right to move against any country considered to be a threat against world stability or acting against Iraqi or American interests.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:11 PM
So much for any so called "withdrawal" in the next ten years...

I've always felt that Iraq was more about bases than oil. This only bolsters my opinion. All the political rhetoric we are told about eventual withdrawal from Iraq is nothing more than talk to placate the public.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:21 PM
Surprise? A permanent base in Iraq? That's a no-brainer! We stayed in Germany for 60+ years and we still have a presence there. In every conflict, there is a victor, and to the victor goes the spoils.

As far as breaking news goes, I knew this would be the situtation from day one. Anyone who didn't realize this doesn't have a good grasp on history or are just disillusioned.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Surprise? A permanent base in Iraq? That's a no-brainer! We stayed in Germany for 60+ years and we still have a presence there. In every conflict, there is a victor, and to the victor goes the spoils.

As far as breaking news goes, I knew this would be the situtation from day one. Anyone who didn't realize this doesn't have a good grasp on history or are just disillusioned.

What & where is the spoils for the "victory" in Iraq? Yeah the delusion of America becoming the world police and empire instead of a peace loving nation a beacon of light for freedom is real great isnt it.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:53 PM
Oh and everyone fell for the lie of the democrats. “we need to get out of there now”

No people they are all thinking the same thing! Doing the same thing! What they tell you and want they do is always two different things!

So if you think it sounds good, reverse what they said and then see if it still sounds good!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

instead of a peace loving nation a beacon of light for freedom

Yup keep hanging on to that utopian dream for planet Earth. If your campfire dream were a reality places like New Zealand, Iceland and the peacful Scandinavian countries would be your "beacons of light and hope". I don't see a long line of countries lining up behind them to look for direction, guidance and advice.

Nope the world still runs to the U.S. for all of that.

And here's some late breaking news for ya. The planet needs to be policed and were the only country with the testicles to take the job.

So get out of the way while we take care of things. By the way, the free speech you laid out in your post is courtesy of the United States.

Try your kumbaya speech in N. Korea, Iran, Syria, I need to continue?


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:06 PM
So they are there to stay then it seems.

Germany was going to be a short deal after ww2 till the wall went up and the face off with the USSR began.

My family owe their lives to American pilots that struggled day and night during the Berlin airlift.

I just hope that a proud and secure nation can be re-built from the sectarian nightmare that is present day iraq and the Americans can roll on off home heads held high.

(although I am still against the war in its pretence of weapons of mass destruction and Tony Bliars constant BS )

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:20 PM
as im sure most of you know....
bahgdad, the city, itself sits directly on top of the ruins of the ancient babylon tower( or what the bible refers to as the ladder to the heavens). it was predicted in the old testament as well as the new, that the old babylon that was once torn down would be rebuilt, and the antichrist would set up his headquarters there, but not before he luanched a global lie that would fool the world into thinking he was bringing in world peace through this action, only to show his real colors by violating the seven year treaty he will sign with israel halfway through( 3 &1/2 years into it. so we know he will come from a league of nations. so with this new deal in iraq we can see some obvious things falling into place...

it goes on to say how he will violate the treaty with isreal. He will stand in king solomons "new" temple and anounce to the world he is god and all the world must worship him. (kinda sounds like a new world order) the only problem was that king solomans temple was torn down after rome invaded some 500 years plus a.d. so if this temple no longer existed how would these things come to past? well as you may have seen on the home page, king solomons temple is now as we speak being rebuilt not on the original thought location but the true location. i remember talking with a rabbi who told me six years ago that the entire temple was ready to build and even the 90 ton slabs of limestone were precut and stored around the world in waiting for a day jews would be alowed to reconstruct the temple and resume thier worship., and that upon given permission to rebuild the temple could go from groundbreaking to completion in a matter of 6 months to a year max before the first sacrificial offering takes place and normal worship resumes. i always thought then that the whole terrorist scheme of 911 would ultimately start a war on muslims and that would be ground for an (unamed group) to take over the old temple plot and provided israel signed with nato they would get thier plot back to rebuild the new temple where the rock of mecca stands now. i never thought that it would be as easy as a longitude latitude error that would bring the new temple into existance! that big guy does work in mysterious ways! in short watch out for the nextworld figure or group promissing peace and unification, oh wait....thats old news, but i think you guys get it right?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Becker44

Well actually it might not be such a bad idea at all to follow the "beacons of light and hope" these country's have.
There ideas have a lot to offer in terms of maintaining a solid economic and social structure, and there are quit a few country's that want to follow there direction if they could.
And this planet does NOT need to be policed, interveined if neccesary, but policed centainly not!!
There was a man in the 1940's who also wanted to police the world, the US helped get rid of him then, don't make his mistakes in thinking that. Eventually the world will turn agains those who try to justify their means by war. I'm from one of the freed country's in ww2 btw.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Becker44

The world needs to be policed at what cost? At the cost of running our country into the ground financially? At the cost of killing thousands of our soldiers? At the cost of tossing away our freedoms in the name of a manufactured war on terror?

Personally, I dont believe the justification exists, nor do I believe that such a war can be won. We are creating enemies faster than we can slay them.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:07 PM
This is great news.

Unless of course your name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Of course I'm sure China didn't like the idea of U.S. bases in Japan either. Oh well. Get over it.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 05:27 AM

The world needs to be policed at what cost?

The people of the world should be given the opportunity for freedom and liberty. Allowing regimes, dictators, and tyrants to oppress millions of fellow human beings is unacceptable.

I don't think you can attach a cost to that!

We are the police. We have brought freedom and liberty to hundreds of millions of people.

Yeah, you're probably right...What a terrible thing for the United States to do.


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Becker44

i hope thats sarcastic
the US and others have been responsible for planting ditators for its own bennifit for decades Iran and Iraq being example.

what the US does is for self intrest alone and not for the intrest of the Iraqis or the countries it medles in.

so dont give your self the ilusion the US is the knight in shining armour to save the world from tyrny and prosicution when it its self dishes alot out.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by bodrul]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
What & where is the spoils for the "victory" in Iraq?

Oil, Contracts (to rebuild) oh and how about that open checkbook from the Congress of America.

I'd definately call those spoils.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:29 AM
There is no 'partisan' aspect to this. This was AS MUCH about military bases as it was about oil.

Military bases overseas guarantee financial opportunity for the war machine. Also, it makes it that much easier to conduct profitable hostilities. (Mark my words, the CIA will be enjoying this little gem of a development for decades to come.) Sitting on the Iraqi soil makes it possible for us to be within reaction distance to any sudden aggressive oil policy changes that threaten our local oil baron's choke hold on the commodity. This makes it a win-win for the energy and military industrial interests in place.

I am still trying to understand why people continue to think that a democrat or a republican would have ANY impact on this at all. Neither branch of the republocrat party has shown ANY signs of actually doing the things they say 'while on campaign.' The congress is a do nothing collection of open wallets, what few exceptions there are spend most of their time trying to protect their own states from the damage inflicted by the 'money club'.

We are now in line to be globally taxed by legislation (thanks Barak) to support UN policy and initiatives, we have a permanent middle-eastern military presence, we are importing oil as if we had none of our own. How much more evident does it have to be?

Almost every politician I can think of has made loud 'popular' noises about leaving Iraq. Let's see where those voices are now, and how 'seriously' they address this 'done deal'. Amazing that such a deal could be negotiated without us knowing about it until after it was 'done.'

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by bodrul

While your spelling and grammar destroy my soul, you speak wiiiise words my friend.

As for the bases in Iraq, this spells bad news to me. I can't say it was unexpected but this "ability" to launch attacks from Iraq just make it seem like they're really trying to lay the ground work (even more ground work) for something.

What can ya do, eh?

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Becker44

And here's some late breaking news for ya. The planet needs to be policed and were the only country with the testicles to take the job.

Hmmm Ok then you dont mind PAYING for this cost of policing the world do you? How much did you pay in taxes last year sir? Well whatever it is you need to multiply it by around 3 or 4 to TRULY pay for this ideology of policing the world. BTW you dont need to join the American army if you want to police the world, if a country is being attacked like oh say Kuwait you can go join their military if you feel its a just cause. You talk about policing the world but you dont want to pay for it with taxes. The fact is if we all were REALLY sacrificing we would all be paying 60% in taxes instead of 20% because THAT is what it is costing. But no we put it on the charge card and make the banks richer. Sorry sir you live in this Utopian world and YOU need to come back to reality that this crap costs and right now we are footing the bill on a credit card funded by some of the craziest dictators out there like Saudi Arabia and China.

So get out of the way while we take care of things. By the way, the free speech you laid out in your post is courtesy of the United States.

Try your kumbaya speech in N. Korea, Iran, Syria, I need to continue?


Yeah do you know how I got that free speech? I didnt get it from invading Nicaragua or Vietnam or North Korea. I didnt get it from invading Iraq the first or second time. I didnt get it by bombing Serbia either no I got my freedom of speech from the patriots who fought both the revolutionary war, The Taliban, and WW2. All the other wars have NOTHING to do with my freedom of speech because NONE of those other countries threatened to take them away. How many countries in the past 100 years have attacked us on our soil? Can you answer that? Once again if you want to play world police you need to donate more of YOUR tax dollars and join whatever army of the country you feel needs to be policed to join the cause because I dont think the world police cause is an American cause and I dont feel I should have to pay for it.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by mybigunit]


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