posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:30 PM
This is coincidental to say the least, but I was on an ascension thread yesterday and I was reading how people were trying to explain the
'densities', 'frequencies' and dimensions and how they interacted with one another aswell as how everything would 'ascend'.
I was thinking about this myself and considered the 'frequencies' (or whatever you want to call them) as a tesseract, but rather than a cube within
a cube, but many. I'll say 12 for now for my own sanity, we would be in the 3rd cube from the middle (3rd density), we would 'experience'
everything within this 'frequency' aswell as the other 2 we encompass. Time is not a dimension but a measurement of the expansion of these
dimensions and once critical mass is reached, the birth of a new frequency. We would be 'displaced' upwards, were we would then experience 4th
Density, aswell as all we encompass.
I started with coincidental, as I was thinking about this, this morning and clicked on this thread (curiosity really, never heard of Stan Romanek till
today), and the map just jumped out at me. Could this be a map of how to travel to and from a higher density/dimension/frequency?
my mind is racing, anyone think this could be a possibility, or am I just nuts?
thanks. EMM
(sorry if this isn't clear, I could draw what I mean as I am more visual, but I don't know how to upload images.)
[edit on 11-6-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]