Keep in mind, that the original title i had drafted for this thread was "A Real American Campaign: Never vote conservative" but since there
are those who choose to imitate that which they covet, someone has deceitfully beat me to the point. But plagarism is the greatest form of flattery.
So...without further adue:
Hello, once again, fellow Americans, and welcome back for another enticing political debate! Lets see who has their head on the chop block today,
shall we?
Right Wing Whacked Out Conservatives
*audience boo's*
Ooooo yes, thats right. The snake oil man himself. This is the man who tells you that everything fine in the world, and nothing is going wrong.
And how does the snake oil man achieve this, feat?
Well that is behind door #1:
The man who tells you that he's for middle America, but is blatantly
away your entire future for you.
Bankruptcy is a hard fact of life. The fact is, that not all americans are created equal. It is true that, by law, all americans have an equal
chance to thrive in society, albeit those chances are completely contingent on the
already rich sectors of America. And we all know how
easily laws can be twisted to
accomodate the aristocrats of our
The 'hard' part is that everyone makes mistakes, and deserves a second chance. For many people, Bankruptcy was that chance.
Bankruptcy carries with it a negative stigma because it infers that the receipient simply refuses to pay his or her debts. But we all know that
things happen. Sickness, death, freak accidents. Any one of which can bring a typical thriving American household to its knee's.
Instead of imposing greater legislation in opposition of helping Americans, Mr. Bush, why not propose a bill that requires education before people can
have "credit"? A person cannot drive a car before they go through a government course to prove they know how to drive, and why? Because driving a
car is a huge responsibility. And so is credit. Stop allowing the rich to get richer, by feeding off the un-educated poor.
(for additional input on this matter, i urge you to check out and watch
Maxed Out
This is the same man who says everyone suffers from higher energy costs, but clearly cannot explain
Record energy profits with a single irrefutable fact.
And i ask you, Americans, how is it that they defend record oil prices?
Saying its in line with other companies? By saying that they invest
the same percentage of their profits as other business?
Can anyone here point out a single difference between gasoline from the 1970's and the gasoline of today? I see no new technologies emerging from
these energy companies, despite
trillions of dollars
invested in new technology.
But those are all bi-products of what conservatism actually is. In order to truely deny ignorance of anything, one must understand all things of
which they speak. So. What is a conservative?
A conservative values aristocricy. They choose to hide this in a viel of "every man for themselves" but fail to realize that they, most often, hold
the keys to avenues for success.
Big Business = job opportunities, this is true, but big business also controls the rules by which those job opportunities become available. CEO's
get richer despite ever declining profits in a already struggling business. That extra 22 million
came from somewhere, and an increase in car sales simply was not where it came from (especially with record high oil prices). People lost their jobs,
and plants were closed. $22,000,000? For what? Destroying a great american corporation?
Conservatives operate in disinformation. They let ignorance work for them in the private sector, particuarly the middle class, with the enticing
allurement that promises aristocricy.
All Americans strive to be more than their current social position. Conservatives tell you "best man for the job" to qualm upheavals from all
sectors of the civilian world, meanwhile pick pocketing every american's tax dollars in the forms of war, fighting poverty, and establishing long
term goals in countries other than our own.
In a world where money talks, 'the best man for the job', does not always refer to that mans skill.
The rich get richer Through lies and deceitful political warfare. every time
you turn around, conservatives have come up with some new way to
convince you to give up
your money
Lets not forget that they also come up with even more ways of legally
stealing even more .
The poor are getting poorer. and we're told, basically, that we have no
option. gas prices are going up. Cars are becomming more expensive (ever priced one of them new hybrids?) and
good paying jobs are
becomming less previlant, despite a record increase in the incomes of big buisiness everywhere, oh, and despite the fact that there are more college
grads out there now, than ever before, still working fast food because nobody is 'currently hiring'
It's more expensive on everyone so that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
To be a conservative is to, yourself, be wealthy and care not for the real worries of Americans.
True, americans dont want terrorist attacks
But even more realistically - they dont want to live in squallor and paycheck to paycheck, despite working 80 hours a week to eek by and make ends
Deny ignorance.
Conservatism is like a rainbow
It promises a pot of gold at the end
but always fails to deliver when you get there.
Never Vote Conservative
Never, ever, not even once
[edit on 3-6-2008 by ybab hsur]
[edit on 3-6-2008 by ybab hsur]