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Paid Political Trolls on ATS...I fart in your general direction!

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

Lamber, sheeper, I am an equal opportunity ____er but I don't think I can change my name.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

(Ezzi: Dejected-looking, a lil bit teary-eyed) Okay, *sniffle*, since you were funny enough to use the word "fart" in one of your posts, I guess you can keep the name "Sheeper."

Now, go forth, young man, and carpe the heck out of the diem, dude! Use your powers of adorableness for the good of that which is just and true!!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by JSR

thank you, JSR...that was the desired effect!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

Ok, now I feel guilty. Sorry for anything I said to offend. But your still my little napolean girl.

edit-errrrr I hate this one line post rule.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Sheeper]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:44 PM

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

Aw, shucks, need to apologize. You can use your shirt-faced avatar, if you want to (shirt-faced...that almost sounds dirty).

no man, really...I have respect for people who defend what they believe in, whether I agree with them or not,...keep on keepin on.

Now, I must bid you adieu, for I must prepare for the battle at Waterloo...something tells me it will not turn out in my favor...bon soire, mon petit croissant!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

What a really great thread. I mean really. I am not being a troll at all but I gotta say that whenever I see the word fart in a sentance I giggle. And I have giggled everytime I read your little thing...I fart in your direction! Out of all the fart comments I have had the great joy of reading this simple line caused a big belly laugh.

AND THEN to read the company's that contributed to our guys, Barack, Clinton and McCain in the same thread as fart made me fall off my chair and kick the air laugh

Yea dude..I love this thread. STARRED AND FLAGGED

[edit on 4-6-2008 by whiteraven]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:41 PM
I just wanted to help round out this thread.


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:29 PM
Well known, but sometimes overlooked facts:

It matters not if the emporor wears clothes; he's still the guy who can have your head detached.

Never look behind the curtain, as there lurks the demon Gitmo.

It is well known that the holy "Unknownable Godess of Chaos" chooses the new emporor by devine and arcane calculations performed by the sacred priests of the Holy Senate and approved by the Venerated Court of Nine. (All without input from vested interests.)

(*Money decides votes in a tie situation, patriots cannot speak up, all local and state taxes are the sole responsibility of the voter, and any class action suites may result in severe legal reprecussions. Void where prohibited by law.*)

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

So, you are saying that ANYONE who says negatively about 'presidential hopeful' Barak Hussein Obama is a paid troll?

How about someone who says negatively about McCain? They are paid too? Or Hillary? Or Osama? Or Michael Jackson?

Your logic doesn't compute...

And that's not counting the lack of evidence or proof to support such ridiculous claims....

So if I say "Obama sucks!" I'm a paid troll, eh? That's utterly ridiculous. Ridiculous.

This thread has the same credibility as any "I saw a Shape shifting Reptilian in TV" thread.

Oh I forgot. You somehow have the ability to understand cat language.

Wow you are soooooooo credible!

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Macrotus]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:38 PM
I just had to say that when I saw the title of this thread in the headline section I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

It's a complement.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 11:58 PM
One thing to point out is that all subjects on ATS pull in new members that don't have anything to say other than some talking point or already set in stone belief.

Any major event brings in more traffic, not just US elections. Things like Robbie Williams, Serpo, Katrina, and so on all brought in an influx of new members. Many of them don't know the protocol of ATS as the discussion is a lot more structured than on most message boards. Most only join because they're interested in the topic at hand and once it winds down or is proven a hoax, they leave. A few find more than just one thing on ATS interesting and stick around.

Elections are a drawn out process (especially this one), so people that would amass a few posts over the course of a few day or weeks long event are here months. I doubt any of them are "paid" operatives. Those people are more likely to haunt places like the Democratic Underground or The Free Republic and dredge up (or are with a wink and a nod given info from the campaigns themselves) the things that our ATS political blogging amateurs pick up and run with.

Essentially, they're the useful idiots of the people that are actually getting paid to churn out dirt on candidates. Kind of like a Rush Limbaugh "Ditto-Head". They don't get paid to spew his rhetoric, but have no problem doing it.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by ezziboo

You called it man.

Most of the people creating threads with concern over the Democratic party, or how awful Hillary was treated, are conservatives anyhow. Some come on pretending to be Obama fans and making outrageous threads (I like him cause he's black....come on) and these threads are negative attacks that try and paint Obama supporters as buffoons.

I'm not even an Obama fan but I don't like a smear job.
This sort of thing pushes me further from the Republican ticket.

- Lee

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Karl, you rock...thanks for the image! I can just hear the infamous words coming from his mouth, in dat tres outrageous Franche accent....

While my sentiment was sincere (and in no way meant to "muzzle" the ideas/opinions of everyday ATS members), I do love making people smile, and I love it even more when I can make people laugh...

Now, I must pratice my silly walks...

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Macrotus
reply to post by ezziboo

So, you are saying that ANYONE who says negatively about 'presidential hopeful' Barak Hussein Obama is a paid troll?

How about someone who says negatively about McCain? They are paid too? Or Hillary? Or Osama? Or Michael Jackson?

Your logic doesn't compute...

And that's not counting the lack of evidence or proof to support such ridiculous claims....

So if I say "Obama sucks!" I'm a paid troll, eh? That's utterly ridiculous. Ridiculous.

This thread has the same credibility as any "I saw a Shape shifting Reptilian in TV" thread.

Oh I forgot. You somehow have the ability to understand cat language.

Wow you are soooooooo credible!

I'll answer each question:
1) no...I did mention that it seemed that lately most of the frothing-at-the-mouth postings were regarding Barack Hussein Obama in particular, but I also mentioned "presidential hopefuls"...plural.

2) don't know if you had a chance to read my second post...I did mention a couple of "GAAAHHHH...THE SKY IS FALLING!!" thread topics (very broadly generalized in an attempt at humor...sorry if it fell flat for some) relating to Hilary Clinton and John McCain...I hoped that readers would get my drift that ordinary circumstances involving all three candidates have been blown out of proportion by a few...just my opinion.

3) How does my logic not compute?

4) Evidence, proof...feh, who needs em'? (that's a joke, dear)

5) No, man....feel free to say "Obama sucks!!" That's what makes this forum so great!! I love to hear what others have to say.

6) My deepest gratitude to you for taking the time to post in this not-credible thread.

7) Bless your heart, the cat thing went completely over your head...I'm so sorry, darlin!! To make up for it, I shall add a disclaimer for folks like yourself: The "Daisy the cat" speech was an off-the-cuff example of something known as sarcasm/funny. There are many support groups around the world for those afflicted with "humor deficiency syndome." Take courage, my friend...hope and help are available!

8) Hmmm, it seems you do have a primitive grasp on "sarcasm," but still have lots of work to do on "funny." You can do it!!

Anyway, thanks for posting...I really do appreciate everyone's input (and I mean that sincerely).


[edit on 4-6-2008 by Macrotus]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by PistolPete

PistolPete Maravich (goooo TIGERS!):
A couple of people have responded with the same sentiment (but didn't put it quite as diplomatically and nicely as you did, so thank you).

I may be completely wrong about there being a single paid political troll creating threads on ATS...if I am, I'll admit that I'm wrong and apologize (in fact, I'll be apologizing to someone who hasn't even been mentioned in this thread). And, it's actually fine if there are...I'm just going to ignore those threads, no sweat.

(PS: if you're an LSU Tiger Fan, lemme know...)

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by lee anoma

Lee, the name-calling of voters/supporters of any candidate were really what was bothering me the most about some threads. And I know, it doesn't take a paid troll to post venom...anyone can do it...but, the threads I was referring to seemed awfully suspect.

But again, by no means am I suggesting that anyone's ideas be muzzled...let ya freak flags fly, ya'll!!


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:34 AM
Look, the point is, that these trolls (paid or otherwise) are easy to spot. I notice a couple of said trolls in this thread attempting to deflect, and doing a piss poor job of it, but i digress.

Conservatives shouldn't get all indignant as a general rule over this thread. If they have a genuine concern about Obama (note how i manage to say his name without putting HUSSEIN in there), then fine, make a thread and say why you dont like him.

Its the people who say the same tired old garbage over and over and over again, who use any method they can think of to discredit him in the eyes of white people who are the ones being called out here. Often the tactics employed are childish, designed to make as much noise, and to be as confrontational as possible.

The trolls (paid or otherwise) need to realise though: ATS is a place that has a significantly higher collective intelligence than most other boards, and a lot of us dont see 'good revealing info' about Obama. We see spiteful, snotty little smear campaigns, which enhances our distaste for Republicans and their tactics.

I mentioned this in another thread, it may or may not be directly relevant, (Its a perception thing i guess, do YOU believe Obama is EVIL?) but it was Hitler, I believe, that said that if you repeat a lie often enough, the people will start to believe it. And thats what some on this site seem to be doing. They seem to think that if they scream about how evil Obama is enough times, they will win over the people of this board.

Seems the far-right learn from past masters eh?

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Terran Blue

That's what I'm screamin', Terran Blue!!

I should point out that my distaste for these trolls has no particular party affiliation. What has been buggin me most are the narrow, bigoted, shrill, personal insults issued as a blanket directive toward any particular candidates' supporters, be they McCain, Obama, or Clinton fans.

I'm not particularly just makes me go "bleeeechh."

Now, I'm sure I've posted some things that have offended/insulted others, but for the most part my intent is to get my point across with a little humor thrown in.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by seagull
How do you define a "paid" troll? Someone who dares disagree with your opinion? This is what it's beginning to sound like...

Personally, I can't stand any of the so called choices. So I suppose that means I'm not? Darn...I've been accused of being a concervative (guilty), a rightwing christian fundementalist (not guilty, your honor), even upon occaision a liberal (again, innocent your honor), I wanna be a troll, or is it a shill? I lose track after a while...

Hey Seagull,
I've seen your posts, and I feel that what you write are your own true feelings...that's something a paid troll would never do. So, no, you don't fit my definition of "paid troll."

You're a lovely seabird...but, I would soooo appreciate it if you would kindly ask your fellow seagulls to stop dropping "bombs" on my car in parking lots (I know you would never poop on a windshield)...I promise to leave french fries and Ritz crackers as a concession in this detante. heh heh heh

Keep on spreading your wings, Seagull!


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