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Paid Political Trolls on ATS...I fart in your general direction!

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

In fact,
It does not work like that. Far that simple. Political poster act different

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

You have not seen even half of the wave of new members when the presidential candidates start their campaigns.

I was here for the last elections and ATS just got a wave of threads that prompted the administration into creating the About politics forum.

So is just the beginning.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by jamie83
Just out of curiosity, what possible impact do you think posting anything on ATS about anybody would have on the upcoming presidential election?

Are people here really so deluded to think that discussions on ATS would make any difference in the real world? As a conspiracy site, I can understand the paranoid aspect of believing a political party would pay people to post on ATS. That said, at some point you really need to get back in touch with the real world.

Over 100 million people will vote in the upcoming election. A few hundred people on ATS, which has a large number of members who are not even from the U.S., aren't going to make a bit of difference.

Of course all you who are delusional and/or paranoid will immediately label this post as evidence that your theory is correct. It's really kind of funny when you think about it.

Jamie83, I think political posts on ATS will have all the impact of a stifled burp when it comes to the upcoming presidential election...I want my ATS!

It makes me sad to think that all the groovy threads about aliens/black ops/Area 51/space travel/path-to-enlightenment/conspiracies may get lost in a flood of paid political kaka which isn't representative of an everyday ATS member, just speaking their mind and killin' time.

What's REALLY kind of funny to ME, Jamie83, are the first three paragraphs of your post which I've kindly quoted above...based on several recent threads, you've expended quite a bit of effort contributing YOUR political POV to ATS. Hee-LARIOUS!

Bring it, baby!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by ezziboo
It makes me sad to think that all the groovy threads about aliens/black ops/Area 51/space travel/path-to-enlightenment/conspiracies may get lost in a flood of paid political kaka which isn't representative of an everyday ATS member, just speaking their mind and killin' time.

But that is your opinion.
I can turn around and say those topics you listed are not representative to me and others at ATS.

Even before the 2004 general election, politics was still huge on ATS. There is no getting way from it. Your views seem to be aimed at a more general typical posts on ATS and nothing related to paid posters (sorry, but that how it is coming across). I am not the only long time serving member to comment in this thread and pointed out these things (seagull summed it up very well)

As I say to many new members on ATS: if you don't know like a topic or thread, don't read it and ignore it. Trust me, you will not being the only person ignoring a few threads in November

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

ezziboo!!!! Your Mother was a hamster and your father stank of elderberries (In a wildly incorrect French accent)!

Great thread! Good subject... It seems that while your thread is geared to the political trolls, there are many others out here posting, and it seems they should be reading and/or working for the National Enquirer.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by ezziboo
They won't let me post a u2u to you (wow, sounds funny) until I have 20 posts, the damn nazis, so I will tell you here, I could give a crap about who wins. They are all CFR and Bilderbergers as we know.
I do happen to love the Pythons though, and as such, wanted to say hello, and we should go to Castle Anthrax this very minute and find the Holy Grail!
Now, I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed, animal food trough wipers!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Well we are in a politics forum and it's not against the T&C to spread ones own personal opinion. You are basically saying, "I don't agree with you and I respect your opinions about as much as ****, so in my egocentric world I would like you to cease and desist your right to free speech" It seems as far as the Democratic side of this split we have in the country is concerned, the Republicans can put their right to free speech on hold until the election is over.

Look you little Napolian, if I have an opinion and I feel strongly about it, short of crossing any taboo lines or breaking the T&C rest assured I will excercise my rights and I am soooo deeply sorry that you can't handle it. You know just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you get to be a child about it, grow up and ignore it like a big girl if it bothers you so much.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by ezziboo
I'm certain that some of these "opinions" are nothing more than campaign propaganda, and that these "opinions" are placed on ATS by paid political trolls

1 - is this another 'ats has been infiltrated' threads? They pop up every few weeks - so I'm just wondering.

2 - Paid political trolls, eh? Are you saying that just the anti-obama opinions are paid or are you saying that all opinions are paid - both pro and anti obama?

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I am not really sure why the mods are letting in run wild though.

Free speech. In the past four years there have been hundreds of 'bush is evil' type threads. For Obama to get them is no different.

Originally posted by NGC2736
And about Clinton as VP,...

... only if someone was suicidal. YIKES!

Originally posted by wutone
How would one know that there aren't paid trolls accusing people of being paid trolls??

PERFECT for a conspiracy forum!

Originally posted by jamie83
what possible impact do you think posting anything on ATS about anybody would have on the upcoming presidential election?

You didn't ask me ... but I'll answer anyways .... None.

Originally posted by Rilence
its being overrun by people posting current political news and people posting nothing alternative or conspiratorial about politics

Newsflash - all politics are dirty and full of liars and corruption. Therefore - nearly all political news has some sort of conspiratorial angle to it.

Originally posted by infinite
It happened in 2004 and it will happen this year too.

Ah yes .. 2004. I remember all the 'Terry Kerry' threads.

Originally posted by Rilence
Perhaps the Amigos should move these posts off the main board ?

That's why there was PTS. But it was recently disbanded. They tried having a different section for politics. It didn't work.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Its a sad world we live in when everyone who disagrees with the hive mind is now called a "paid political troll."

Deny ignorance - do not embrace it by only wishing to see your own narrow political view parroted.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by seagull
How do you define a "paid" troll? Someone who dares disagree with your opinion? This is what it's beginning to sound like...

Like dog crap starting to puddle on the floor. Yep. You are right seagull.

Originally posted by infinite
I think new members need to think before they accuse fellow members of being paid to visit ATS to post*

I agree.

[edit on 6/4/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:23 PM
There are alot of trolls everywhere, and people who talk a kind of negative code language that I don't get, its like you have to be in a special group to understand what they're saying. But, does this mean that anyone who starts a thread about a politician, perhaps your favorite politician, is a troll? Does that mean that anyone who doesn't take Obama at face value is a troll? I don't like any of the politicians running in North America, and I particularly don't like the blood relations shared by politicians and Rockefeller, hell the whole 13 cabal family thing. I want people to get smarter than the political system and form a kind of emergency government in theory and practice it out until they get that ordinary people must be your first choice, not elitists.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

Not to insult you at all, as this thread has a lot of merit, but as a general rule for me anyway, if someone starts or posts in a Obama, Hilary, or McCain bashing thread I generally ignore them if they singed up after February of tihs year. To me this spells troll, especailly if most of their posts and threads are only of a political nature.

I have a strict policy of not feeding trolls. And I will fart in their general direction if given the opportunity.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:37 PM
OK, I lurked for a long time and just recently joined(love the site). I normally stick to paranormal and cryptozoology threads. Since I like Python too I checked out this thread. I really liked your intelligent/funny post. However, since I have been viewing this site I have read everything from Bush is the devil to he stole my lunch money in the third grade. Now we've got a few "bash Obama" threads and those posters have to be paid trolls??? C'mon, you need to get a little thicker skin. Just my two cents, for what its worth.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

And I fart in the direction of anyone who could entertain any of the so-called front three runners!

How can folks vote for the snake on the left or the snake on the right when both of them have been passing unconstitutional laws and sitting on impeachment proceedings?!?!?!?!?

I couldn't vote for a dem or pube until all the vermin got swept out of DC, and let me tell you, that's gonna take a mighty BIG BROOM!!!!

Vote Ron Paul...or be a slave forever...

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by infinite

I see your point...touche'...allow me to clarify.

ATS postings about politics do indeed interest me. I know that ATS topics range from the bizarre to the pedestrian and appeal to a varied population...there's something for everyone here, isn't there?

ATS' mission beseeches all to "deny ignorance" contribution to the mission is to call attention to threads that stink to high heaven of political spin (bigotry included, at no extra charge!) I'm certainly not the first member to do so, and I won't be the last.

The final point of my original post was suggesting that threads created by trolls (actual or perceived, paid or not...) be ignored.


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

Sheeper: I must know what the purpose of your very intimidating and masculine Ninja face-cover-thingy is...I have 3 guesses:

1) to hide your sense of humor (I know you have one...let it out, man!)
2)to keep out the smell of emmanations that have been pointed in your general direction?
3)you are not a Ninja at are displaying the bedtime headgear of a knight who says "Ni!"?

Lemme know!

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

"The term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. The term is often used to discredit an opposing position, or its proponent, by argument fallacy ad hominem."-

Which is what you are doing, using the term "troll" to discredit an opposing position. Your a detriment to democracy and free speech. You are also exactly what a fascist dictator would love to have as a normal citizen, a simple minded tool.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

It's actually just a shirt, I was having fun, so I guess the fact I did that is a sense of humor in it's own. I actually have a great personallity thank you and can be really immature in exactly the wrong situations but I am being serious here because I take it serious. I'm sorry if we don't agree but you don't got to be a whiny little napolean about it, guess what, I'm laughing now.
And my farts are stinkier, so take a wiff of this.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by Sheeper]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by ezziboo

Happy now, I'm not afraid to show my face
, thats me being sneaky. You have any suggestions for a suitable avatar that you deem acceptable?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Sheeper

Sheeper!!! You are just lil lamb....

(Light bulb goes on over Ezzi's head)...OMG, I just had the greatest idea!!!

Sheeper...Sheeper...PLEASE tell me you'll change your username to Lamber...would you??? For me???? Please, please, please?

**please note the above, a textbook example of good-natured, gently
teasing banter**

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