Spielberg outs Chemtrails in new series Taken
A few months ago Spielberg launched Taken, a 20 hour TV series that deals with the life of several generations of alien abductees who are taken again
and again, experimented on, engineered and inseminated. Last month it was aired here daily and though I didn�t really get to follow it all I did saw
most of the series and was shocked when one chapter mentioned not just chemtrails, but that they've been causing disease in America for some years
Yeah, that chemtrail saga had a very long shelf life,
the 1st one i seen was July 1961 at Hershey Pa, i lived & worked on a dairy farm back then...(called Swatara)
His(Spielbergs') Abductee model, i think has a spin-off sub-plot,
as the abductees? have a pecular symptom that
can only be described as being a--->> 'future throwback'