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Obama would not be able to get security clearence with the FBI

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posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by blimpseeker

apparently george bush can have family members of osama bin laden visiting him at his ranch, and he also wanted to sell american seaports to foreign arabs, and your worried about security clearence for obama? you have got to be joking

[edit on 4-6-2008 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by blimpseeker

Originally posted by jamie83
reply to post by blimpseeker

On the upside, by the name the next election is over Sandy Berger will be eligible to get his security clearance reinstated.

If Obama can't get his own security clearance, he can always search for cclassified documents in Sandy's pants.

sandy burglar stashed all those papers under the dumspter remember?

how the hell is that guy not in jail?

Because Sandy Berger is a Washington insider who's closely tied in with the Clinton's and the other "powers that be" in Washington.

Did you know that his consulting firm, Stonebridge International, hired 9/11 Commission Co-Chair, and Iraq Study Report co-Chair, Lee Hamilton on as an adviser?

Stonebridge International

So if Lee Hamilton, who was supposed to be in charge of investigating 9/11 can be hired after the investigation by Sandy Berger, a prime suspect in destroying documents relating to 9/11, is it any wonder how screwed up things are? The rules "they" play by aren't the same as the rules everybody else has to live by.

Obama could have stolen nuclear secrets and sold them to China and he's still get security clearance so long as he is "the one" they want in office. Oh wait a sec... that was Clinton, wasn't it?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by jamie83

stunning!! have you people been around for the last 8 years? have you seen what the republicans have done to this country?

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by jamie83

stunning!! have you people been around for the last 8 years? have you seen what the republicans have done to this country?

What the Republicans did or didn't do has nothing to do with this topic.

The topic is about Obama's ties to people who would prevent an ordinary person from getting security clearance. I mentioned that Sandy Berger is a prime example of the double-standard in Washington re security clearances.

At some point Obama supporters really need to find a different response to defend your anointed savior other than the tired line, "Look what the Republicans did!"

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:53 PM
The double standard and security clearances.

I dont believe many of you understand what you are saying and how this interfaces with security clearances.

Security clearances are for the security and the defense of this country.

What many of you have difficulty with is the concept that Politics ..Republican and Democrat is a type of feudalism. Royalty. A royal priveleged class. By this I mean both partys and no matter what rhetoric the partys are spouting out this week.

The problem with feudalism is that it very seldom represents the views or will of the public it claims to represent...nor the public who elected them. I say this matter who is running this year. this or any other election.

When they get into office...they often do the exact opposite of what they claimed when running for office.

I personally dont think the Chinese stole anything pertaining to nuclear secrets from this country. I think it was arranged for them to take The American public has been conned here. This was a setup...a payoff. I also dont think this is the first time this has happened.

As to the Saudis...they too have problems with radical groups in thier own country. This is true of the nation of France as well. It is also true in Egypt. I cannot imagine what kind of wide brush some of you are wont to stroke this picture as if some of us havent a clue. But what some of you tend to post does make good drama to those who dont know much history.

For those of you who dont understand to what I am alluding here. Politics is a type of inistitutionalized Whoredom. It is a religion...the religion of Whoredom where the coin is the selling and bartering of the souls of the Public it claims to represent. I mean this Republicans and Democrats. I hold little hope in this template for a third party too.
This religion is hidden..concealed...Occult. This is how they can get away with Feudal conduct while training/grooming the public to see "Democracy."

This also means that as part and parcel of the Whoredom..they can sell security clearances down the drain by political maneuvering in favor of party feudalism.

What I am telling you is to take the blinders off. Political party zealousness is not the same as a security clearance. What I am also telling some of you is that your country has been hijacked while you twiddle your thumbs with political party rhetoric or zealousness.
What will it take for some of you to catch on. You are getting ready to see a real circus between now and November. Depending who gets into office...the circus will continue. It is just a matter of how rapidly the circus will take place.

These political whores will make security clearances a joke. This will not be accidental. And I mean ..all of them.


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by jamie83

stunning!! have you people been around for the last 8 years? have you seen what the republicans have done to this country?

again...redirecting the subject and making counter accusations...typical
ignore the disturbing question about your nominee.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:27 PM
a few questions for those of you who know:

if it is known that i have done drugs can i get FBI clearance?

if it is known i have had DWI(s) can i get FBI clearance?

from what i have read it sounds highly questionable in which case our current president should not have gotten clearance either.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Animal
a few questions for those of you who know:

if it is known that i have done drugs can i get FBI clearance?

if it is known i have had DWI(s) can i get FBI clearance?

from what i have read it sounds highly questionable in which case our current president should not have gotten clearance either.

perhaps he shouldn't. maybe we should follow the LAW when it comes to everyone?
maybe bushy wouldn't be in office?
maybe clinton wouldn't have been in?

maybe we could have REAL MEN in office like Romney?
who could easily pass a background check.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by blimpseeker

apparently george bush can have family members of osama bin laden visiting him at his ranch, and he also wanted to sell american seaports to foreign arabs, and your worried about security clearence for obama? you have got to be joking

[edit on 4-6-2008 by jimmyx]

i am worried about obama and anyone else that has a questionable background getting a security clearance. if bush couldn;t pass a security clearance maybe he shouldn't have been able to run for president. maybe that should be a perequisite.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Cyberbian
Do you think at all?

More than the Obamatrons apparently.

Obama's close associations with William Ayers alone would be enough in corporate security areas to DENY Obama a clearance.

Originally posted by orangetom1999
Do any of you folks out here have security clearences??

I did. TS ... with some special access to boot. (Obviously I'm not going to get into those here). I was in corporate security ... I'm telling ya' ... If Obama came to me with paperwork filled out for a secret or t. secret I would have flagged him. His paperwork still would have gone up to the next level because they made the ultimate decision, but I would have flagged him.

Originally posted by jamie83
What the Republicans did or didn't do has nothing to do with this topic.

Absolutely right.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by jamie83

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by jamie83

stunning!! have you people been around for the last 8 years? have you seen what the republicans have done to this country?

What the Republicans did or didn't do has nothing to do with this topic.

The topic is about Obama's ties to people who would prevent an ordinary person from getting security clearance. I mentioned that Sandy Berger is a prime example of the double-standard in Washington re security clearances.

At some point Obama supporters really need to find a different response to defend your anointed savior other than the tired line, "Look what the Republicans did!"

I wish I could give you multiple stars for that one post alone. That is the very issue we are talking about - is Obama fit to be president/commander in chief? And the answer by any number of yardsticks seems to be a resounding NO! And none of that has one iota to do with what the Republicans have done for the last 8 years.

Are dems actually suggesting that we need to elect their fool just because we had 8 years of someone they say is another fool?


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

I wish I could give you multiple stars for that one post alone. That is the very issue we are talking about - is Obama fit to be president/commander in chief? And the answer by any number of yardsticks seems to be a resounding NO!


Your opinion one shared by those who share your political view but that is the extent of it and there is no debating this fact with those who do not.

The majority of reasons I have seen given for his unfitness are weak at best. Associations and simple shortcomings are all I hear.

You are all entitled to your opinions yet your criticisms grow old and tired.

Still I will admit Obama is not perfect but no one is.

I will never expect many of you to change your minds and I also will never expect any of you to change mine.

I support Obama, despite these associations and short comings.

Quit honestly I believe he is equally able as any other who has attempted for the office this cycle.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Oh please... bush minor would have never gotten those clearances either.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:21 PM
so let me get this right...

you guys really think that the president would not be able to get clearance to projects he would need to make decisions on? What type of logic are you using to come up with such a ridiculous concept?

I can promise you, getting clearance is not hard at all. I'm guessing it's even easier if you have friends in high-places... say... you are the PRESIDENT?

You guys keep me entertained. Thanks for the chuckle.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Animal
The majority of reasons I have seen given for his unfitness are weak at best. Associations and simple shortcomings are all I hear.

NEWSFLASH - those are things that will stop you from getting a security clearance.

'shortcomings' - admitted drug addiction and/or alcoholism.

Associations - longtime friendships and business associations with known terrorists and those who were on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. Oh ... and now that REZKO has been convicted you can add associations with convicted felons.

Those ARE reasons why people will be/can be refused a security clearance.

Originally posted by grover
.. bush minor would have never gotten those clearances either.

A recovering alcoholic would have an issue with getting a security clearance. It CAN happen. But it can bog down the process or even terminate it at certain levels.

[edit on 6/4/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by scientist
so let me get this right...

You got it wrong!

Here - let me spoon feed it to you. THIS is the quote from the OP.

Originally posted by blimpseeker
Think about this. If Obama went to get a job working for one of the alphabet soup agencies he would not make it past the first step in the background check and would promptly be shown the door.

It didn't say President Obama... It said - if Obama wanted to work for the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. he would be denied a clearence to work at any one of those agencies.

If he came in off the street and applied - he'd be DENIED.

I can promise you, getting clearance is not hard at all.

I can promise you, it can be. Especially if the person has long time ties to terrorists and FBI ten most wanted. Especially if the person has long time ties to convicted fellons like REZKO. Especially if the person has long time close associations with people who travel to Libya to meet with Kadafi.

You guys keep me entertained. Thanks for the chuckle.

Thanks for the chuckle right back ... you didn't even read the OP.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
if Obama wanted to work for the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. he would be denied a clearence to work at any one of those agencies.

If he came in off the street and applied - he'd be DENIED.

even in the world of CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. there are such things as waivers. Yes, even though you may be denied at first glance, waivers are always an option, and there is always someone there to vouch for you, if they really want you bad enough. This is the same CIA / FBI that hires contras, rebels, and smuggles in coc aine along with other drugs, remember? All of a sudden they are an air-tight, iron-clad sterile organization that has no dirt under the rug? Please.

Thanks for the chuckle right back ... you didn't even read the OP.

fair enough. although it wasn't forum etiquette that I was laughing at, but sheer simplemindedness.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by scientist]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by scientist
This is the same CIA / FBI that hires contras, rebels, and smuggles in coc aine along with other drugs, remember?

yes... a fine crowd that our president wannabe fits in with.
"Guys, we are letting President obama in on the scumbag clause, so as of right now he has full clearance."

how embarrassing...our president should be someone to look up to and admire not someone to make excuses for and utilize waivers on.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:17 PM
I really am beginning to think Obama is a Muslim Trojan Horse (for radical Islam). His family is all Muslim on his "Black" side and he surrounds and associates himself with Muslim radicals.

Did you know Obama had three "staffers" that were members from the Nation of Islam working for him? He layed them off when going for the Presidential Nominee.

Did you know Pastor Wright was (and probably still is) a Muslim? It is no wonder his church welcomes Muslims. Why would Muslims want to go to a Christian church??

Obama, breaking DNC rules, went into Michigan and met with a Muslim leader in Deerborne (the central hub for Muslims in America).

You could go on an on about Obama's Muslim ties etc.

[edit on 4-6-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 09:27 PM
I am confused. What is it that prevents him from getting clearance?? I might have missed the post with the information, like his offenses? Also, was this a public official announcement, I hardly watch TV anymore, I am too tired after work to keep up with much. When was it announced? Sorry to be so dense, thanks.

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