posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 04:30 PM
"Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making" by David Rothkopf suggests that 6,000 people effectively run the world. Are these
people the New World Order?
One thing no one ever seems to mention is that the New World Order is the necessary and logical outcome of American style capitalism. Capitalism has
swept all before it. Russia is now a ruthless capitalist society, and communist "China" will overtake America in the next few decades as the major
capitalist world power. The New World Order is just another name for world, one marketplace, one economic system (capitalism), one
government (to carry out capitalist policies), one world bank (to provide capitalist finance). All capitalists seek to have the greatest market
possible for their products...and you can't get any market bigger than the whole world. Everything about capitalism leads inexorably to one global
market, and a corresponding one world government. So are all the people who oppose NWO actually Marxists? I don't think so somehow, but I think they
ought to be. Or maybe something else - how about meritocrats?
I came across a website by some bunch called The Meritocracy Party who seem to be very opposed to these 6,000 people who unofficially rule the
Check it out: It's crazy stuff, but quite intriguing. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be ruled by 6,000
super rich people.