posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 09:49 AM
People reading this thread should first of all understand that the 'god they are trying to kill' from the OP is considered a false god,
spawned as a bastard offspring from the true god which is the one source, the light or such. So when you say "kill god", you really mean, "kill the
false god", the creator of this universe. This concept is not really the intellectual property of the gnostics, and as another pointed out
there were many 'gnostic' sects, and some followed this idea and others thought quite differently.
There are really 2 spiritual sides of the "gnostic" coin, and this basic concept can be traced through ALL faiths:
1) A benevolent god created this universe as a kind of 'kindergarten of souls'.
2) A jealous and tyrannical 'demiurge' creator made the universe as a prison of souls.
Yes, there are definitely sects which fundamentally believe in the 2nd version of events, including the Temple of Set guys, Gnostic Luciferians, and
many others, but also worth noting is that the dark shamans of pagan religions follow a similar path. My point is this worldview transcends as you say
'gnostics' or any given sect, it is as ancient as humanity itself. It is the root cosmological dichotomy: God is either Good, or Evil. And you have
wishful thinking if you think there is no-one out there dead serious about the latter.
It is my own opinion that the hidden religion that drives the proponents of the so-called NWO are devoted to this 2nd group and are definitely
challenging the creator of this universe at every level they can. If that includes a plot to destroy it all, frankly, I wouldn't be surprised. These
guys consider themselves the illuminated ones. No-one and nothing is inexpendable to achieve their aims. What a royal pain in the ass they are to
those of us just trying to get along!
Unfortunately, their hypocritical doctrine is self-blinding to a wider view of the universe. Whether you are buddhist, luciferian, agnostic or
whatever, we are ultimately all just here to learn some big lessons. End of story.
I'll have to grab the book and have a read.
[edit on 28-6-2008 by Shar_Chi]