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Fight Club Pub.

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

ettypray ur'shay e'shay ont'way orgetfay.

ustjay an eeling'fay.

- arrotKay

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by CA_Orot


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by skeptic1

You're right.

And what woman does forget? Or forgive, in the same breath for that matter?

But, I just hope you can look at this from my point of view, and see that by choosing sides, one of you suffers. By not choosing sides, I have in fact chosen both of you

- Carrot
Edit: I keep doing that thing, where I forget the little worlds... I'm losing my mind.

[edit on 4/8/2009 by CA_Orot]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman


- Carrot

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by CA_Orot

otnay uchmay uoyay?

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:19 PM
Well it's settled then, BTS here we come.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by CA_Orot

Nope, I won't forget.

And, I am pretty good at deciphering y'all's little code.


Only time will tell if I hold a major grudge and make someone pay.

That could be fun.....

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Well, if Skeppy could get BTS on her work computer - then we could hash this out in DATS and get back to loving each other and stop overwhelming the FCP intellects, with our drama.

- Carrot

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by CA_Orot

On that note, we will suspend this discussion until later this evening.

It will resume at DATS at.....whenever I get home and get on the computer.

Now, onto more intellectual things......where's our drinks?????

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:29 PM
I'm gonna throw out a thought right now guys and I say this with a hope we can discuss it.

I read that it's being talked about or been decided that the Pub could be moved to BTS. I've also read that most disagree with it. I haven't participated with this DATS thread, but I am familiar with it. But let me ask a question, 95% of the time... what is the difference between the FCP and DATS? Is there one?

If DATS is a social gathering of like-minded members to chit chat about minor topics, I think that's cool. But are the two threads housing the exact same discussions? Is the Fight Club Pub merely an extension or an echo of DATS?

The FCP should be a spot for debaters to gather and chit chat, but I'll be honest that I usually avoid this thread because I only ever hear of this DATS thing being talked about on almost every page.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by skeptic1


posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by orange-light

Premature. I have requested that TWISI or someone else be allowed to step up and be my opponent for round 3. I don't want to win by default.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by chissler

If I may repost what I originally said on the topic just in case you didn't see it:

The truth is that maybe 10% of the FCP posts relate to the debates. So in many ways it is similar to DATS and on the surface a move to BTS seems logical.

Having said that, I don't agree with the move. This has nothing to do with ego or even personal preference hence my disagreement is not a personal one, it's just that I can't help but think it will might have a negative impact on member debates.

Except during tournament time debate posts due to their nature are few and far between. The FCP is almost always on the recent posts page and provides excellent exposure for the debate forum. I can't tell you how many times I have been contacted by members who want to join the debate ranks as a result of enjoying our banter on the FCP. It is often said that member debates are some of the most valuable contributions to the ATS community and set the standard for civilized and intelligent debate, the FCP encourages such participation.

It is not a major deal to be honest about it, change is never a smooth process and some degree of resistance is inevitable, still I can't help but feel that the debate forum and future participation in it will suffer as a result of this decision.

These are my thoughts on it, I trust the staff has considered all the pros and cons. I just hope the debate forum itself doesn't suffer negative consequences resulting from this move, that would really be a shame.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by chissler

It's not that. It's just that some Fighters frequent the other thread, and vice versa.

This thread serves two purposes:

* Debate discussions (all facets of the debates)
* Fighter chit-chat

One may appear to belong in BTS but one definitely doesn't if the Debates stay on ATS. And, almost no one agrees with the proposed move.....and some seem to be very offended by it.

The chit chat in this thread does not negate the other purpose of this thread. In some ways, it enhances it. The debates are serious business for all of us, and this is a thread where that seriousness can be discussed along with lighter things.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Heike
Premature. I have requested that TWISI or someone else be allowed to step up and be my opponent for round 3. I don't want to win by default.

While it is unfortunate that someone has had to bow out later in the debate tournament, it's always been protocol to offer a bye. In the four years I've been participating in these tournaments, we've never had someone come back into it after having been defeated. In past tournaments, we've had alternates for the first round and maybe even the second round. But in the third round, it's just too far into it. A credit to you for not wanting the freebie, but it's also not fair for someone else to get brought in after losing when so many others who are in the same position are not offered that chance.

Prepare for myself or my opponent, we'll be coming after you soon.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Heike

didn.t know that

so good luck with it

haven.t you debated twisi during the tournament?

sorry twisi just lost versus the vagabond . now i am uptodate again

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by chissler

Also, I think what most of us were upset about was the way that this was approached. First a debate that was approved by MemoryShock was taken down without explanation (thank you for reposting that btw), then a one line declaration once again without explanation. As Heike pointed out, not much in the way of respect was expressed towards this forum and its participants.

As Springer recently said:

That's one of the major reasons we built ATS up to what it is today... I love the idea of people engaging in civil discourse/debate. *

As you know better than most that is what we attempt to do here. So perhaps a more inclusive approach would have been more appropriate.

[edit on 8 Apr 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by chissler

Hi Chissler,

DATS was started with the intention of being a place where people could chit chat (booze included) and get away from the seriousness. Granted, hardly anything serious goes on in there.

FCP (from my understanding) is a place for the Fighters to chit-chat and get to know each other, talk debate stuff, and smack talk...

Now, being that DATS is primarily a "slow-style" chat room, with no restrictions to members, it's best suited for BTS..and for anyone.

If the reason that FCP is getting "talked about" moved over to the BTS side is because of the BTS talk going on in here, then right now, I can see that one of the threads is going to have to close. But Why? This thread is specifically for fighters - if the FCP gets moved to a public access forum - the debate talk is going to be lost among the rest of the members, not to mention trying to catch up or read back on the FCP thread will be a pain in the ass because no doubt it would move as fast as the DATS thread does at times.

The Debate talk, and the chit chat will be open to an ENTIRE board of membership, which I think would be confusing for both members, and fighters alike.

What I really think, should be looked at, is the Public Fight Club Pub - as that is open to the entire membership - but nobody posts there as all the fighters usually come HERE to issue challenges... So what's going to happen with that thread?

I really hope that neither thread loses its current standings, and that as someone who has read the ENTIRE DATS thread (I have no life) - you take my word for it, when I say that DATS is nothing compared to the calibre of the Fight Club Pub.

The reason, I think anyway, that you have read about DATS in FCP, is because there are DATSers and FCPers who frequent both threads - sometimes the content gets dragged from one to the other...

Perhaps what we need to do instead, is separate the two pubs like they were at one time, and leave the FCP stuff in the FCP thread, and the DATS stuff in the DATS thread... Rather then making the entire of FCP Fighters suffer from us DATSers becoming Fighters (and not knowing when to leave our DATS crap at the door)...

- Carrot

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:45 PM
I have no objections to the thread remaining here. I like that debaters have a place to come to chat bout the forum. But I do feel that the excessive chit chat that is found all over BTS minimizes the FCP.

This is all my own opinion guys and not a reflection of ATS or the ATS staff.

But I think if we're looking to enhance the debate forum and promote an avenue of discussion for debaters, then that's what this should be. This outlet should separate itself from the rest and offer something more. Right now, this really is no different than any chit chat on BTS.

It's a matter of whether we want this to be just another chit chat hole or something more.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by chissler

1. The FCP is an earned privilege, and the only "benefit" fighters get for being fighters.

2. The FCP is not open to the public. My foes from the anti-skepticism threads can't follow me in here and harass me.

3. Every troll, bored kid, smack talker wanna be, etc. etc. can't come in here, take over, talk about whatever they want, and ruin the thread for the real fighters.

4. DATS people can "alert" posts, but if "strange" people post in DATS about totally irrelevant stuff, there's nothing they can do about it.

5. We KNOW that people who are not fighters try to post in the FCP, because people get u2u's asking "why can't I post in the Fight Club Pub thread?" Right now it is a restricted group of 30+ people who are debaters. If anyone could post in the FCP, it would become just like DATS, and we who are the actual FIGHTERS may lose each other in the crowd.

6. It provides a place for the fighters to get to know each other outside of debates, and a place to ask questions about debates, set up challenges, hash over the rules, follow the tournaments, etc.

There is no reason for people who are not fighters to be able to post here. It's the one little perk we get for being fighters.

Take away the points, we don't care. I didn't even know about the points until a week or so ago.

Additional ramblings:

Do you think a supermod would dare post in DATS about his personal troubles?

The debate forum is traditionally a place where fighters who are only members may engage mods and supermods on more or less even ground, even in the FCP. Anywhere else on the boards, there would be repercussions if a member spoke to a mod in the manner that, say, I have spoken to 'Shock. Considerable uproar could ensue if other members decide they can come into the BTS FCP and rag on the mods like we do. (The difference here is, they are our friends, and we still know where the real unspoken limits are).

As several of us have said, moving the FCP to BTS is effectively its death. It can not be the same if anyone can post to it. As fighter after fighter dropped off of posting in it, it would become just another DATS and lose all meaning.
If that is the intent, just close and lock the thread and turn the signs off.

Let the FCP have the dignity of a quick short death instead of a long slow suffering death. If you want to allow the fighters to have an "FCP," it must be restricted to fighters only. If not, then kill it. But don't pretend that you are doing anything other than killing it (slowly) if you move it to BTS.

My .02.
(edit because my brain is still a little faster than my fingers)

[edit on 8-4-2009 by Heike]

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