reply to post by ImJaded
Typically, Americans are fat, lazy, obnoxious and stupid.
Of course, yes, there are myriad exceptions.
However, we, as Americans, want things the way we want them, when we want them.
Patience has never really been an American virtue.
Neither has temperance or moderation.
Close to 6 out of 10 Americans are overweight, and almost 40% of that 60% are obese, 15% morbidly so.
It used to be that being overweight was a sign of wealth.
Not so much anymore.
Now the wealthy are fit, and those of lower economic standing are increasingly gaining in girth.
Cheaper convenience foods, with the advent of modern science, have contributed exponentially to the decline of the average American's health and well
That, coupled with hours of mindless television (of which I am a strong advocate against) have effectively paralyzed our citizenry and created a
veritable epidemic of lazy, overweight, brain-rotted zombies.
It's sad, because it correlates directly with the decline of the American dollar, as well as the quality of American products and services.
Truly, these are dark days for the American people.