posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 08:55 PM
Reading the American Institute for Economic Research February research reports (nope, no life here, move along) I came to a very interesting blurb
titled The Incumbents Edge. For all the Bush haters (myself included), you do not want to hear this:
"Conventional wisdom has it that the state of the economy could make or break President Bush's bid for re-election. However, in the current
situation the advantages of presidential incumbency may prove overwhelming. Only eight elected incumbent presidents have been turned out of office in
U.S. history. These were John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Taft, Hoover, Carter and George H. Bush."
Reading through the article the economists and political statisticians share overwhelmingly, the belief that economic issues that we here at ATS make
a big deal about, dont really matter to the general populace. President Bush's defeceit will be the largest in American history in terms of notation;
however, the defeceit under Reagan were larger in terms of the proportion of GDP. He was re-elected.
Say hello to Bush next year, he'll be back (as will his 512 billion defeceit). Makes sense now after he's been leading up to it with his other
notable behavior (asking for money from congress to train his advisors and telling every reporter under the sun that he will be back). He will be
[Edited on 3-2-2004 by insite]