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Sgt. Clifford E. Stone Answers Your Questions

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Lethil

lol, attacking solves nothing.

Lethil has been here only a few weeks please ignore him.

Being discouraged and getting your hopes up is ok, it is somethign many are feeling and have felt as we all know something is going on. Sgt Cliff however does not have all the anwsers if HE DID then we would be watching it on CNN. Wait and be patient.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:25 AM

K: OK. And so, I’m going to assume you have been to underground bases yourself?

C: Not by choice.

K: Not by choice? That’s believable. But have you also seen, say, Reptilians, what’s called, you know, in the UFO community, what we call Reptilians?

C: Some species could be called Reptilians, yes.

Hello Mr. stone, from what you've said on this interview, supposedly reptilians exist. I find it difficult to believe so, could you please explain?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:44 AM
Mr. Stone,

I just finished watching the "Camelot" interview as posted in this thread and I was wondering about a couple of things:

Your first contact with the entity you refer to as “Korona”occured when you were still a child. You state that this entity is still, intermitently, in contact with you. I’m curious, how did the military select you for this covert UFO recovery/contact duty? How did they know that you were capable of this type of communication, or did they? Did they consult the results of some “placement test” every recruit has to complete? If so, do you recall that test?

If the military was, or still is, utilizing such a placement test, it would be additional, strong evidence that the government is aware of, and actively seeking/sought, individuals with talents similar to Mr. Stone’s: a tacit acknowledgement that the government has lied to the public about such matters. Those tests are concrete evidence of the fact.

Or was the military alerted to your abilities by one of the “Visitors”already in their captivity. Were the military brass given a “heads up”to be on the look out for you should you decide to enlist, or perhaps your endraftment could have been “Arranged”?

You also stated in the interview that Korona’s homeworld is aoproximately 100 light yrears, Korona can travel to Earth using a (physical) Craft, travel time from Korona’s homeworld to Earth is aprox 1 hr 40 min., and that travel from Korona’s home world to Earth facilitated by a “transversable” wormhole.

Recent discoveries put the nearest “Earth-like” planet at aproximately 41 light-years distant from Earth.

Have we already identified the location of “Korona”’s homeworld, perhaps unwittingly, in our search for extra-solar habitable worlds?

A transversable wormhole would be somewhat unique. Current theory holds that most wormholes, if they actualy exist (evidence of their existence has never been found, or at least has never been published), are so unstable that they “wink” out of existence almost as quickly as they appear: any spacecraft able to cross into such a wormhole would be trapped inside of it once it “winked” out. Unless...

The wormhole was naturally stable, or completely artificial, or naturally occuring, but artificially stabilized.

I am certain that a naturally occurring wormhole, local to Earth (such that transit from the mouth of the hole to Earth could be accomplished in a physical craft of some type within a reasonable amount of time), would present an astronomical (forgive the pun!) anomaly visible from Earth. I’ve not heard of such a discovery.

It is of course entirely possible that there exists in this universe species whose technology allows them to augment, or even create, wormholes. Still, it is curious that, given the frequency with which these species would have to employ such devices to visit, we have never seen evidence in the skies of their comings and goings via wormholes suddenly opening up or closing.

Or is such evidence being kept from the public?

[edit on 9-6-2008 by Bhadhidar]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by cosmicstorm

Very well said, a truly constructive comment!!

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:17 AM
Cliff my hats off to you and my condolences with the information you've been exposed too.

I watched those videos where you've been interviewed and gave your account of what you've been privy too.

If I was you, I'd wish I could wake up praying it's all a bad dream. And just live life by accepting ones responsibilities by making an earning and finding ones own interests in life by doing that which we each enjoy doing be it a hobby or some form of entertainment.

With the complexity of life and of our human nature both in our bad and good qualities. I feel your info on these "humanoids" may be skewed.

Please.. don't take this in a bad way as I mean no disrespect. With the intricacies of life. How can you know with 100% assurances that these biological beings tell you the whole truth. Sure you may have been and are being exposed to things some would consider as being wonderful and be at awe..

I feel we are the students and they may be the teacher. With that said.. Not every teacher is exposed to all "knowledge" other teachers may be privy too eg... not all can be musicians, philosophers, rocket scientists, computer technicians etc.. etc.. My point being is an alien or a group of aliens cannot speak on behalf of individual beings or their species, just as you and I cannot speak for ours.

I feel our lust for knowledge and our imagination for what could be or should be is blinding us to what is.

There are followers and then there are leaders, some by choice and some by self determination be it what we've all been exposed to or what we each place on ourselves.

Some say man has been around for thousands of years.. some say we've been around for hundreds of thousands of years... This is all on speculation based on what we each wish to believe with information we are exposed too.

When I was in elementary school.. I read a book.. I was interested in space and fascinated with anything abnormal or different then what I was exposed to in everyday life.. I was perhaps around seven or eight years old. In one of these books I saw something similar to this..

The closest modern apparatus that researchers have been able to equate it with is a spark plug. The rock in which the instrument was found was dated at 500,000 years old.

There is a lot more information on other such findings....

I'm now in my 40's. And I still have this strong notion that we, the human race, are still blind of what was and will could be. I'm not referring to what individuals are aware of or know, but what our race as a whole did achieve or could achieve with proper guidance and tutoring.

There are billions of anomalies on the moon

One of many sites with info such as this.. "billions" may be an exageration...

artificial engineerings on Mars surface

Another, one in many, site of mars anomolies....

GWEN transmitters have many different functions including:

    1. controlling the weather,
    2. mind control,
    3. behavior and mood control, and
    4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US government mind-control implants.

Did we create genocide long ago to the point we brought mankind back to the stone age? Did some key humans take to space and are in our shadows as modified genetic "aliens" who look like us?

Fire in the Sky tells the "true story" of Travis Walton (played by D. B. Sweeney), an Arizona logger who in 1975 was abducted by a UFO....

Is telling these stories a form of therapy for traumatized victims, a chronicle of deluded mythology, or just a way to make a buck?

Yes, Cliford, you had an experience and are exposed to a way of life that some may consider a blessing or a curse.

Even being exposed by being connected with an alien such as you have been and knowing that our "feelings" are chemically induced and our thoughts can be played on by manipulation.. I feel strongly that your "faith" may be misplaced in these aliens.

They have an agenda just as our government does and just as we each as individuals do. Just read some threads on this site alone and you may be privy to information on just how free we think we are.

I'm grateful for the good and bad I've been witnessed too and I look forward to the coming days, hours and minutes this body breaths life as we never know what the future holds, only what we wish it to be.

I am a student and also a teacher to others. It's what we are willing to divulge and willing to learn that determines what happens to those around us be it on this planet or elsewhere.

So although you have a lot to tell in what you've seen and felt. There is more to our experience and I hope you keep an open mind not based on what "they" tell you but on what you educate yourself with.

Yes.. governments lie.. so to do employers, government officials, churches, friends and family. Not being exposed to the truth is as truthful as life itself. Some even lie to themselves without knowing it. So there really are not simple answers if one has multiple questions. Just what one is willing to accept both inside and out. I'm not saying your being deceitful, only that you may have been lied too... or you've accept some truths as facts in what you wish to believe.

After watching your interviews and your responses here, I must retract my previous questions. I will monitor this thread from afar as to what "insight" you wish to share. I will listen with an open mind from afar.

May you find peace in whatever you persue....

[edit on 9-6-2008 by Willbert]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Hi Clifford..

I have a question...well more of a request for info if you will...

You mentioned to another user that he needs to be careful, that he might be "recruited" for interfacing...

How does one go about getting recruited, I for one would be more than willing to be recruited by any of the Alien species out there...

Yes this is a serious question...

I'd like to request to be recruited....

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 09:14 AM
Hello Mr. Stone,
First, let me thank you for your service to this country.
Second, thank you for your time and honesty to answer questions to the best of your ability. It takes time, but also an emotional investment to do so knowing how abusive some people can be to statements made here. I have had experiences myself but in no way will begin to post them here because I know I could not handle the backlash from people who did not experience, see or hear the things I have. Therefore, you are very brave to do what you are doing and I appreciate any insight into this subject offered.
I do have a couple of questions if you could answer them, please.

1. I know you stated that you were chosen and that they contact you. Is there a way in which we can contact them at our will - as to say call upon them? It seems I have read that it is possible through meditation (not prayer).

2. You also stated your closeness to animals. I, too ,have always been that way and yes, I know it sounds crazy (so please the rest of you please do not shred me for being nuts. This is meant for Mr. Stone), but I can "converse" with them. Not in language, but in emotions and pictures because those have no language boundaries. Do you do this with animals too? Is this how you commmunicate witht the visitors?

3. In an earlier interview I read (1989?) you spoke of the visitors "feeding" on emotions or as you put it ,our "souls". That they can feel our emotions and we can feel theirs. That said, one subject discussed at many sites in the last few years is the massive amount of people who feel a sense of impending doom that is building in intensity. Ok, perhaps "impending doom" is a little too dramatic, but a sense of fear, or "waiting for the other shoe to fall" kind of thing. Do you feel this too? If so, are we getting that from them? And would you know why?

4. And finally, does some of your communication come in the form of dreams? I mean detailed dreams like watching a motion picture? Or are they more like remote viewing in an awake or altered state?

Thank you in advance for you time to answer my questions. I will keep you in my prayers for the difficult time you suffer, emtionally, physically and finacially. Please know too that there more people reading this thread and not posting because of the way some people are than you can imagine. It took me days to get up enough courage to post and I am sure I am not alone. So there are many of "us lurkers" who are anticipating anything you can tell us. Again - thank you and God Bless.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 10:15 AM
Mr. Stone, is it true that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) thats often seen by people isnt a lost species of apes, but rather aliens from another planet that belong in the 57 species category???

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:50 PM
[edit on 9-6-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
I do not believe that any alien race would hide the knowledge of their existence "for humanitarian" reasons. It has been my experience at least with my fellow humans (and I suspect this will carry over to other intelligent life forms) that if someone has "good intentions" towards us, they would be more forthright, above board, honest and out in the open. It is also been my experience that if someone has "bad intentions" or (plan to muck you over) that they are secretive, sneaky and manipulative. People being abducted against their will, experiments performed, tagging (like cattle) it all points to a very covert operation that has not been in our specie’s best interest. We have been invaded, our DNA is (again) being messed with and many people can't or won't wake up and realize that mankind has been under a covert attack. By the time the majority of people realize what has been going on it will be too late. By intertwining our DNA with theirs they have blended us and them together and in doing so, one can no longer pick up a gun and go to war against their own “children”. The “hybrids” will be smarter, stronger and better thus enabling them to be the ruling elite and the rest of us that “were not chosen” (the real humans) will be the slave labor.

"In conflict, straightforward actions generally lead to engagement, surprising actions generally lead to victory." Art of War by sun Tzu

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TallWhites
Mr. Stone, is it true that Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) thats often seen by people isnt a lost species of apes, but rather aliens from another planet that belong in the 57 species category???

And you said that with a straight face? I just notced this post by a resident genius at OM:

"I am not an investigator. I do not have the connections nor the resources to even consider such a thing, which is why I get my info from places like OM. If OM can please get in touch with Sgt. Stone and see if we at OM can help him in any way, then it would be a great service to OM, Sgt Stone and disclosure in general. Please don't let ATS screw this up like they did Serpo!!"

While I was unaware that ATS 'screwed up' Serpo, I'll take your word for it. But certainly, in regards to Clifford Stone, I sense a well deserved 'bang, bang out go the lights' moment in the offing. Bill?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

"I do not believe that any alien race would hide the knowledge of their existence "for humanitarian" reasons. It has been my experience at least with my fellow humans (and I suspect this will carry over to other intelligent life forms) that if someone has "good intentions" towards us, they would be more forthright, above board, honest and out in the open."

Obviously your fellow humans are not involved in the political sphere

Face it - those that controll our daily lives , or the infrastructures most of us live with and by do not act like this themselves. It's a mess here. We make the best of it, but people as a whole do not respond well to change or truths outside their accepted awareness. Different cultures, different regions will have completely different reactions to the "unknown" based on thousands of years of programming. Historically, our track record hasn't been good in this area.

"People being abducted against their will, experiments performed, tagging (like cattle) it all points to a very covert operation that has not been in our specie’s best interest."

the term "covert operation that has not been in our specie’s best interest" perfectly describes what most of the world's societies have been up to regarding their own people on a spiritual level - we have no idea what these activities actually mean and if they are all in fact programs of ET origin.
Mr. Stone's stated that two of the known contacted races could be described as Malevolent - we shouldn't lump all possible ET actions and motives into the same group. There's bound to be a few "bad apples" out there (sure are plenty down here ;-) ) but the actions of a few do not define the whole. We're talking 57 possible races here - that's like saying most of the earth's nations were responsible for what was done by scientists in nazi germany.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by boycott1

Have no fear... Sgt. Stone is way too smart and honest to deal with the sockpuppets at that little forum.
I talk to him just about every week and he's enjoying his interaction with our members.


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Springer
reply to post by boycott1

Have no fear... Sgt. Stone is way too smart and honest to deal with the sockpuppets at that little forum.
I talk to him just about every week and he's enjoying his interaction with our members.


Mark- you know I love you but gimmee a break for crissakes. This guy, Stone, is no more credible than Rick Doty or Bill Moore- his 'god bless you' schtick notwithstanding. If he actually has documentary evidence then let him post it. He's saying that his revelations are the most important in all of human history. Well- that would imply that that they would surpass the putative safety of an 80 year old man. As Walter Mondale so famously said, "Where's the beef?" You say that he's 'smart and honest.' Let's see some proof of that assertion. Otherwise bang the lights.


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by boycott1

I hope one day boycott that you come across such information and are the one who is in charge of handleing it accordingly in a known corrupt world. God Speed! But in all seriousness... Good luck. Nobody deserves such a life. Not even you...

Oh and for the record...

My best friends dad was an E-8 and in charge of a gunners boat over 12 years back in the navy... They saw things all the time but did not report them... those who did got drilled and fired... If you dont believe that then talk to the high ranking military members that served in our oceans. Have a nice day

[edit on 9-6-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:47 PM

I have always been in awe of how seemingly little importance many have placed on Disney's Alien Encounters documentary... or maybe I've just misjudged the situation.

reply to post by uv777bk

Other then it was a promotional to launch the, at the time, new attraction called “Alien Encounter” there at Disney World. However, those that attended, saw it as another opportunity to get information out.

God bless,


posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by boycott1

You have a lot of reading to do to catch up. ATS (Team ATS) has the documents in hand and are working on releasing them. You may want to read the other, very large thread about it.

Link to Team ATS in Roswell.

It's over 30 pages but will catch you up and he answers other questions there.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by boycott1

You have a lot of reading to do to catch up. ATS (Team ATS) has the documents in hand and are working on releasing them. You may want to read the other, very large thread about it.

Link to Team ATS in Roswell.

It's over 30 pages but will catch you up and he answers other questions there.

There's nothing in that thread other then some mods who say they have docs which they will not release to ATS yet until all avenues of getting it into some sort of MSM has been exhausted.

Interesting how a select few feel it's imperative to divulge info in their way regardless of its significance... reminds me of other forms of institutions who think they have our interests at heart. Is this a form of hypocrisy? Just pondering.. not finger pointing if I'm wrong.

I'm indifferent if it's ever released.. UK and other institutions have already released some "government docs" which are interesting to say the least which has not altered humanity globally....

That not to say I wouldn't scan the docs once released to the public...

[edit on 9-6-2008 by Willbert]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:47 PM
Sir thank you,
I have been weary of this site due to incidents such as happened to Jon Lear. I really hope this site isn't as its been accused. There is too much infighting in this subject area. We are already abused enough by non believers, to need to do it to each other as well. I admit there is a reason and that brings me to my question (if you have the stamina to get this far! lol). Considering there are so many contradictory stories many people mustn't preach the truth (whatever the motive) how do you decide what to trust when it comes to other whistle blowers? Or do you try to isolate yourself?
E.g. Bob Lazar Vs. Colonel Philip Corso Vs. Stanton Friedman.. etc

Clifford, I received a message for you, in a very strange way, i think its best kept private tho. I trust it will get to you if its meant to..

Thank you for having such a wonderful heart. I can not often relate with humans. I'm unable to comprehend how they hurt, kill or let stave, the other life on this planet..

Dark Bungler X

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:54 PM
i use to wonder if elves and orges and all that other stuff was actually different species out there in the universe.. were there any similarities between these mythical stuff and the aliens? like gryphons etc which i seen in i think one mayan drawing, i mean yeah its far fetched but hey i was younger but yet in a way i still think so.

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