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So if the buildings where brought down by explosion

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by jfj123

That's such a silly and ignorant argument. A building can be made to blow up any way you want it to, it's all about how the sequence of explosives are detonated. It's usually done from the bottom just because it's the safest way to do it. Safety was obviously not a concern for the towers.

Your arguments are so black and white.

A complete global collapse, taking the path of most resistance, from gravity due to an hours worth of sporadic fires and asymmetrical damage, at almost free-fall speed with no resistance from undamaged structure, is an impossibility. Prove me wrong with an example of this happening before, anywhere...

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by jfj123

That's such a silly and ignorant argument.

Instead of personally attacking me, why not just show me how I'm wrong??? Is your argument so weak that the first sentence of your post must be to personally attack me???

A building can be made to blow up any way you want it to, it's all about how the sequence of explosives are detonated. It's usually done from the bottom just because it's the safest way to do it. Safety was obviously not a concern for the towers.

And since that's the USUAL way to do it, and that would be how the CD experts would have been primarily trained, I guess it isn't all that ignorant after all.

Your arguments are so black and white.

As are your insults.

A complete global collapse, taking the path of most resistance, from gravity due to an hours worth of sporadic fires and asymmetrical damage, at almost free-fall speed with no resistance from undamaged structure, is an impossibility. Prove me wrong with an example of this happening before, anywhere...

Your argument at it's core says that since it's never happened before, it couldn't have happened. Very nice logic. So based on that, nothing can ever happen for the first time

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Info about Controlled Demolition
Selected columns on floors where explosives will be set are drilled and nitroglycerin and TNT are placed in the holes. Smaller columns and walls are wrapped in detonating cord.

J. L. Hudson Department Store and Addition is the largest building to be imploded (CD) .

The entire complex consisted of 33 floors: 2 mechanical basement levels, 2 retail basements, 23 above-ground retail floors, and a 6 story storage/mechanical penthouse.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:47 PM
IMO, if the towers were demolished in a controlled fashion, they would have been so in a very untraditional way. The perps couldn't skin the towers and plant explosives all over the place all the while claiming terrorists were behind it.

I find William Rodriguez's testimony of an explosion in the basement to be believable. I've seen pictures, and heard the testimony of firefighters that all the glass in the lobbies had been blown out. I suppose all that damage could have been caused by the jets impact, but I find that highly doubtful.

Back into hiding for me.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by tmbandt
IMO, if the towers were demolished in a controlled fashion, they would have been so in a very untraditional way. The perps couldn't skin the towers and plant explosives all over the place all the while claiming terrorists were behind it.

I find William Rodriguez's testimony of an explosion in the basement to be believable. I've seen pictures, and heard the testimony of firefighters that all the glass in the lobbies had been blown out. I suppose all that damage could have been caused by the jets impact, but I find that highly doubtful.

Back into hiding for me.

Keep in mind that as the floors collapsed, one on top the other, air was displaced which could have easily blown out windows.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by jfj123
It's my understanding that the damage to the lobbies happened well before the actual collapse of either tower. Here is a very interesting link for you.

[Lt. Walsh:] What I observed as I was going through these doors and I got into the lobby of the World Trade Center was that the lobby of the Trade Center didn't appear as though it had any lights.

All of the glass on the first floor that abuts West Street was blown out. The glass in the revolving doors was blown out. All of the glass in the lobby was blown out.

The wall panels on the wall are made of marble. It's about two or three inches thick. They're about ten feet high by ten feet wide. A lot of those were hanging off the wall.


It's a good read and touches a little on William Rodriguez as well. I hope you enjoy.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by jfj123

There is proof of demolition:

Look for the bombs going off in the towers.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Sry but that wasn't a personal attack and in your rush to react you missed the point as usual. Also if it's such a personal attack all you would have to do to make me look stupid is answer the question I asked you instead of being a drama queen and wasting bandwidth with another empty post.

You cannot show proof that global collapse the way the towers fell is possible, can you? All you can do is say there is no proof of CD, but that does not prove the collapses were natural. It's just the equivalent of you putting your hands over your ears and going la la la la....

You seem to not understand that you and the people who claim global collapse was possible, or even inevitable according to some, is an ignorant statement because you have NOTHING to support the hypothesis. If it has never happened before, and known physics tells us it's extremely improbable (let alone 3 buildings on the same day), then what is the logical conclusion? Show me otherwise and I'll stand corrected, that's all I'm asking and have been asking for awhile now.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
Keep in mind that as the floors collapsed, one on top the other, air was displaced which could have easily blown out windows.

Well first off your claim of floors falling on floors is nothing but a wild assumption. Even NIST doesn't support that hypothesis.

Look a WTC 2. You must know about the tilt right? The top was under angular momentum, in other words it's energy was pushing it at an angle not straight down. The floors were not sitting on top of each other so how could it have done any crushing? How could the top not have continued it's angular momentum and taken the path of least resistance? What stopped the angular momentum and cause the top to suddenly take the path of most resistance?

Simple Newtonian physics proves your hypothesis impossible.

I actually find it hard to believe anybody still supports that hypothesis, especially someone on ATS where there is a world of info about it.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:24 PM
While an "official" debunker is here, can you please explain how the concrete turned to dust, the actual way all 3 buildings fell in the exact manner, the thermal pictures of all 3 sites, and the EYE WITNESS accounts of explosions?


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:35 PM
I`ll be the silly one and say (like faux news would)

"With these official reports of terrorists and official statesments
of mad muslims on the loose, Its More than obvious that the ones making
these claims are tinfoil hat wearing lunatics who smoke weed,
and and... oh ya they are very dangerous to society..."

" yes BILLO I would agree, when need to drag these haters
into the street and tar and feather them"

" thats right Ann, they hate america .......they are just...haters...ann"

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:26 PM
Sorry, I don't know what happened to the video earlier. Here is another feed for it...

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Yes....there where explosions...two main natural gas mains ran under the street and into the towers. there where at least 25 differant kitchens for the many companies in that building. When the first plane hit it ruptured the lines and also one main. Thats where the explosions came from in the elevator shafts. I was siting in a tractor trailer not a mile from the towers in the traffic jam and saw the second plane hit the other tower. I watched as the floors of both buildings where the heat was collapse under the weight and heat from the flames and the top half of the building fall into the bottom halves of BOTH buildings. I have seen building being imploded. I work in reclamation of the steel from these type buildings. I had a load of steel in my trailer at the time from a building we imploded and dropped. This whole conspiracy of 911 being a government action is crap. I sat in the traffic and dust for 9 hours during this attack. I'm not an ignorant observer of this. I am in the business of demolition and ALL its paramiters! The building fell because they got hit by massive energy of two large airliners flown into them..nothing else!


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

The building fell because they got hit by massive energy of two large airliners flown into them..nothing else!

Interview with al-Qaeda

[edit on 6/1/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

There were also explosions in building 7 before the Twins collapsed. This has not yet been explained.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Here is an audio clip to support that 7 was exploding before the second plane even hit...

Here is the original article from jsut about a year ago...

I can't find the video yet, but I saw the man that is kept "anonymous" here, tell this story to a news team on 9/11. I'll post it if/when I find it.

[edit on 6/2/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Okay, here's one of the news clips. The man I am talking about is the black man in the second half of this short clip. What they don't tell you here in the broadcast, is that this man was in building 7, not the Twins, and his ordeal began before the second plane even hit.

[edit on 6/2/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:22 AM
NOBODY SAW? rerunning internet cables so you shut down power? i have built and worked on communication systems for 25 years,and not once did we shut down power. and to shut it down for a weekend? you can't rewire a building that size in a weekend. i know. i supervised the rewire of the old bally's tower in atlantic city,yrears ago. it took weeks. now here's a little youtube to watch. it is 9 parts,but you'll be most interested in this one,me thinks explain this...


[edit on 2-6-2008 by Spectre0o0]

oh and by the way bldg2 fell on bldg 3 ,and it didn't collapse. the rest of the building was pulled without being stripped. i believe 4 and 5 were too

[edit on 2-6-2008 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by jfj123

Sry but that wasn't a personal attack and in your rush to react you missed the point as usual.

No it was a personal attack and nothing was missed.

Also if it's such a personal attack all you would have to do to make me look stupid is answer the question I asked you instead of being a drama queen and wasting bandwidth with another empty post.

Such as you just did with this statement?

You cannot show proof that global collapse the way the towers fell is possible, can you?

I can show you evidence but you won't believe it so it's an exercise in futility.

All you can do is say there is no proof of CD, but that does not prove the collapses were natural.

It also doesn't prove that there was a CD.

It's just the equivalent of you putting your hands over your ears and going la la la la....

Talking about empty posts

You seem to not understand that you and the people who claim global collapse was possible, or even inevitable according to some, is an ignorant statement because you have NOTHING to support the hypothesis.

Well we have video of the collapse'.
We have the NIST invistigation.

Show me anything more then an unfounded hypothesis that it was controlled demolition. Oh yeah, you can't

If it has never happened before, and known physics tells us it's extremely improbable (let alone 3 buildings on the same day), then what is the logical conclusion? Show me otherwise and I'll stand corrected, that's all I'm asking and have been asking for awhile now.

"when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

According to you, it's just IMPROBABLE, not impossible.
Tell me what about known physics makes it IMPROBABLE?

A lot of IMPROBABLE things have happened for the first time yet they still happened. For example, you'd think nobody would ever survive jumping out of a plane and their chute not opening right? It's happened.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Yes....there where explosions...two main natural gas mains ran under the street and into the towers. there where at least 25 differant kitchens for the many companies in that building. When the first plane hit it ruptured the lines and also one main. Thats where the explosions came from in the elevator shafts. I was siting in a tractor trailer not a mile from the towers in the traffic jam and saw the second plane hit the other tower. I watched as the floors of both buildings where the heat was collapse under the weight and heat from the flames and the top half of the building fall into the bottom halves of BOTH buildings. I have seen building being imploded. I work in reclamation of the steel from these type buildings. I had a load of steel in my trailer at the time from a building we imploded and dropped. This whole conspiracy of 911 being a government action is crap. I sat in the traffic and dust for 9 hours during this attack. I'm not an ignorant observer of this. I am in the business of demolition and ALL its paramiters! The building fell because they got hit by massive energy of two large airliners flown into them..nothing else!


Thanks for your post. I appreciate your experience and your direct eye witness testimony. Since you're in the business of demolition, could you explain the process of how buildings the size of the WTC's would be demo'd? Thanks again, it's always nice to see a voice of reason

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