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Yes I Only Like Obama Cuz He's Black - What's Wrong With That

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie

I am sick of being told it is MY fault that some black person does not live the life they want. I do not own slaves. My parents did not own slaves. My grandparents did not own slaves. My great grandparents did not own slaves...

Get off your duff and do something about it. Stop looking for handout. Stop waiting for a black president to come along and "even the playing field".

Great points. My family never owned slaves, and in fact, provided jobs for hundreds of people over the years, many of whom were black.

Right now our company has 6 black employees. Know who complains the most? The 6 black employees. I only mention this because the complaints are mostly based on a false sense of perceived entitlement. One guy filed a grievance with the union because he was fired for sleeping on a shipping crate, and his white foreman didn't wake him up. That's typical of what goes on.

Another guy left work for 4 days because his grandmother died. Only problem he did this twice for the same grandmother. When it was pointed out that his grandmother already died 6 months before, he claimed she made a miraculous recovery. When he was fired, he filed a complaint that it was racial discrimination.

Another guy was suspended because he called a co-worker a "dumb bitch". He filed a grievance saying it was racial discrimination based on the fact that "bitch" is common black term of endearment. Best part was the woman he called a "bitch" was also black.

Right now we have two black guys still working who are late 4 to 5 days a week. We put up with it because we don't want to even discipline them for fear of being accused of discriminating against them.

Sorry, I'm not apologizing for being white, or for what people I don't even know did to somebody else. It wasn't me, it wasn't my fault. Unless of course every black person in the country stands up an apologizes for the next gang-banger who accidentally kills a kid in a drive-by shooting. That's it, let's spend all day apologizing for things other people with the same color skin as us do. That makes a lot of sense.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by jamie83]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Please remember :

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, hateful and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

Terms and Conditions

Thank You, please continue the discussion.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by jamie83

I want it known that I do not think all black people have entitlement complexes. I work with blacks that have no problem busting their arse to get ahead, just like everyone else. I also work with some blacks who sit back and expect everything to be handed to them because of their skin color. Let me point out that I work with Hispanics that do the same as well as whites.

This is not a problem restricted to just blacks. However, it is screamed the loudest by the blacks.

I refuse to apologize for something I did not do. I can be the most stubborn person you have ever met when it concerns things I take a stance against.. and people who know me can attest to this.

Voting for Obama simply because he is black is like voting for McCain because you are military. It makes NO sense.


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:19 PM

reply to post by jamie83

Why do we have to apologize for being white? Why do we have to walk around on eggshells for fear that we will be labeled racists if we handle situations like you mentioned above fairly? As far as I'm concerned, race isn't a part of it, but it used far too often in an attempt to excuse disorderly behavior. When will we be able to speak freely without having our concerns tossed aside and discarded as racist remarks?

I've said it before. I'm not a racist. I am a realist. The reality of the situation is that whites are repressed. We do not get the same considerations other races do. We cannot comfortably speak our minds without being reprimanded in some way. That is the truth, not my opinion.

Excellent posts!

ModEdit: Please use the "REPLY TO" option when quoting entire posts. Thank You!


[edit on 1/6/2008 by khunmoon]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie
Because you can't. Plain and simple.

Again, you are incorrect.

As for calling me racist or an ignorant ****.. go ahead.

I don't have to.

You are apparently under the misconception that your opinion of me matters. It doesn't.

Hmmm... then I wonder why you keep replying to my posts...

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by lucien Why do we have to walk around on eggshells for fear that we will be labeled racists if we handle situations like you mentioned above fairly? As far as I'm concerned, race isn't a part of it, but it used far too often in an attempt to excuse disorderly behavior. When will we be able to speak freely without having our concerns tossed aside and discarded as racist remarks?

This is exactly the problem, and it's what Obama and his supporters have played on! Can't people see this?!

It's the entire "you need to walk on eggshells" mentality that Obama and his supporters have blatantly attempted to manipulate with the whole "you're a racist if you're against Obama" crap.

This is why Obama made the "bitter" comment about white people. Do you really think he was so naive that he didn't think this comment would become public? For God's sake, his number one supporter, Arianna Huffington is the person who "broke" the story.

This is why Obama made the whole "race" speech in Philadelphia. After that speech, if you didn't see how racially enlightened Obama was then it meant you were a racist.

This is why they crucified Ferraro for saying what is obviously true -Obama wouldn't be where he was at if he wasn't black. When you get 91% of the black vote running with the same policies as your opponent, it's because you're black.

Obama has masterfully exploited this whole "walking on eggshells mentality" with the media. The MSM doesn't dare give anybody the tiniest excuse to accuse them of being racist. Thus, not a bad word about Obama during 90% of the campaign.

And guess what? The FIRST time the media asked Obama some tough questions, what happened? Everybody screamed "Foul!" and accused the media of being racist.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by jamie83]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie
Because you can't. Plain and simple.

Again, you are incorrect.

As for calling me racist or an ignorant ****.. go ahead.

I don't have to.

You are apparently under the misconception that your opinion of me matters. It doesn't.

Hmmm... then I wonder why you keep replying to my posts...

Well BH, VV was not even replying to you except to say that you can't, plain and simple. The rest was directed toward the original poster.

And what exactly were you trying to prove by quoting her only for the sake replying with that type of minimalist disagreement?
If you can prove her wrong then prove it!!! The bottom line is you apparently can't.

The original topic is liking Obama just for color of his skin. Voting for someone just because of their skin color is pointless. And it smacks of racism. Racism does go both ways you know. Just thought I should point that out.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie

OMG you are so mislead. Whites did not go to Africa and just round up black people. They went there and Africans SOLD blacks to the whites. Am I saying whites were right? No.

For Christ's sake not this old song and dance again. Dude, blacks in America.... descendants of slaves and those who inherited their discrimination based solely on skin color, despite their national background, are the one's we're talking about here. The skin color of the sellers is irrelevant to the discussion.

And believe me, the tribes in Africa that sold other black people to the Europeans aren't doing so hot right now either.

However, slavery has been around a LOT longer than just blacks to whites in america. It was mentioned in the bible (and condoned in the bible). Slavery has happened to EVERY race on this planet. So I am SICK of hearing the blacks harp on it as if they are the only ones who have had the misfortune of being slaves.

Well, it's one of the most recent examples and one that still has far reaching effects, from preplanned ghettos for segregation and isolation to organized conspiracies in which the CIA imports coc aine to the United States ghettos for crack distribution.

Hell, The Onion is even cracks jokes about it because it's so common and obvious.

Are they slaves now? Nope. Were their grandparents slaves? Nope. Great grandparents? Nope. Dont want to hear it anymore. It is done. It is over and it should be moved on from. Period.

Funny, every time the black community makes an attempt to move on, their leaders are assassinated (King, X, Evers and Newton to name a few). Then, they're replaced conveniently and immediately by jokers who seek only political and financial gain.

That's not to say that some of the white community's controversial and oppositional leaders weren't assassinated as well (George Lincoln Rockwell, David Koresh), but we can hold that for another thread.

Want someone to blame? Look at the Africans who sold their ancestors to the whites. Period. End of story.

I think there's enough blame to go around. But now, the focus is on the people who are still living the fat life off of of slavery, while the descendants of the slaves are still corralled in ghettos.

J.P. Morgan Chase

Fact is, blacks are not treated unfairly in this country.

If you say so.

And another fact.. small penis? Dont have one at all. I am female and I am not upset at blacks making more than me... they went through the same chain that I can go through to get to that paycheck. Point is.. if they can do it.. so can every other black.

And that's where the lower funding for inner city schools, then the more recent 'no child left behind' act and the increased CIA coc aine distribution in the US still keeps them in a place where they "can" make it out of the ghetto, it's just about 20 times harder than when you're raised in suburbia.

Get OFF their duffs and change their lives. How hard is that to understand?Hand outs do not need to be given just because their ancestors were slaves.

And obviously you could care less one way or another. And, as they say, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem BLACK OR WHITE! So why don't you get off your duff and help out!

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Voting for Obama because he is black is the most ignorant thing anyone could do concerning this election. Would I vote for someone mainly because they are Native American or Mexican? Nope (I'm am decended from both just so you know).
What I am concerned about is his political views, not his color, and can we please stop calling black people "African American"? It sounds so stupid, the mejority of blacks here in the US do not hold dual citizenship as that teerm implies, to be fair, I should be called a "Native American, Hispanic, Irish, Dutch, German, Caucasian, American", I don't think anyone wants to do that though, but feel free to if you want. I don't suck from the whites tite as most blacks do in this country (I have black friends that agree with me on this). Admit it, blacks love being under REAL opression, the REAL opression is this "I can't get a job cause I'm black, and blacks are gangstas and are stupider than the big o'l mean whites". A lot of black people are in the situation they are in because of there own stupid choices supported by this evil man:
(That's Al sharpton in cawe you didn't know)

He tells blacks "Keep the struggle alive!" at his little get togethers. Why does he want blacks to struggle? I'd really like to know why, this confounds me really. I don't want blacks to struggle, I want them to have everything I have, by getting it the same way, BY WORKING FOR IT!

If you wanna talk slavery though, we can, the first slaves in America were whites, later indians and blacks.
Obama fan, you keep dodging the "Africans selling Africans" thing, it's true, read a unbiased history book (if those still exist), does that fact scare you? The thought that you might have to work just as hard as everyone else? I find it interesting the whites can't claim restitution from other whites for slavery in the US, none of my ancestors owned slaves, why am I having to work so blacks and obeis people can sit bac and relax? My family has never had any help from the Government, we don't recieve any restitution or anything, we work, and we work hard.

Fact is, blacks need to get over the slave thing, it's a crutch to them, something they constantly fall back on. Some of my ancestors were slaves, do I care? Nope, not in the least bit, it's in the past, I'm looking towards the future instead of dwelling on the past, something black America needs to do. If everyone forgot about racism, thent here wouldn't be any.

And if ya don't believe me, here is one of my heros growing up, Bill Cosby:

Voting for someone because they are a certian skin color, is racist.
Now, if Bill Cosby ran for Prez, I'd vote for him, Bill Cosby and Ron Paul would be the best prez ever.


[edit on 1-6-2008 by jimmyjackblack]

[edit on 1-6-2008 by jimmyjackblack]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:10 PM
You have no real facts to back up your claims.

Discrimination based on skin color is not inherited. At least not in this day and age. I should point out this is 2008. Not 1958. Wake up and smell the coffee.

The CIA is NOT importing coc aine into ghettos. Please provide a CREDIBLE source for this claim rather than a 45 second fringe video as your "proof".

Also, VV just happens to live in the ghetto. I know this because I visit her house quite frequently. So blacks are not the only ones who are poor and "repressed".

Nice try though.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

You're right, voting for someone because of skin color alone wouldn't make sense, and nobody said to. I'm convinced that people aren't reading the op. He grew up black and experienced first hand what prejudice and exclusion due to racism felt like.

Combine that with being someone who worked hard to get out of a lower middle class life into the role of Democratic presidential candidate, and you've got yourself someone regular people can actually identify with, and appreciate his desire for change.

I can't tell you the last mainstream presidential candidate that I could identify with. (I'm still young though).

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Lightmare

If you want to talk about CIA importing coc aine we can move it to another thread. That's not what this one is about. I posted that as an example, not a derailer.

And yes, people are still judged (much less than 50 years ago, but we still have some ways to go. And if you don't experience it, then I can assume you're not black. But, I'd defy you to find a room full of black people in which none had been discriminated against because of skin color.

And blacks aside, what about people who are constantly discriminated against due to sexual preference, religion or nation of birth.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Rasobasi420]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

You're right, voting for someone because of skin color alone wouldn't make sense, and nobody said to. I'm convinced that people aren't reading the op.

What are you talking about???

The title of the thread is "I Only Like Obama Cuz He's Black. What's Wrong With That"

I read the OP and it's pretty clear. If everything else about Obama was the same, and he had white skin, the OP wouldn't like him. In fact, Hillary's life history isn't that far removed from Obama's, is it?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Lightmare
Well BH, VV was not even replying to you except to say that you can't, plain and simple. The rest was directed toward the original poster.

That was not indicated. VV quoted me and wrote a response. There's no reason for me (or you) to think that the rest of the post was in response to anyone but me.

And even if it wasn't addressed to me, I have the right to speak to it. Thanks.

And what exactly were you trying to prove by quoting her only for the sake replying with that type of minimalist disagreement?

I'm not trying to "prove" anything. Just sharing my opinions and views just like everyone else.

If you can prove her wrong then prove it!!! The bottom line is you apparently can't.

As I said above, I"m not trying to prove anything. You're assuming that because I don't have any interest in taking the time to list the proof of unequally in this country that I can't prove it. That's not true. I just don't wish to do it for the tenth time since I've belonged to this board. Don't believe it. I don't care.

The original topic is liking Obama just for color of his skin.

And my first post in this thread addresses that perfectly.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
And that's what I think people are afraid of. Barack Obama might have the interests of black people as an agenda and that scares some people TO DEATH. He might be interested in putting some policies in place to help black people to be treated more equally in this country.

I'm sorry, but I had to stop reading this thread to comment on your point above.

Sure, it might scare some people to death. But by even mentioning the fringe possibilities, you appear to imply that opposition to Obama is largely based on something other than legitimate disagreement or distrust of the man and his positions.

Frankly, I feel like deja vu all over again. When I was similarly appalled by Bush's inexplicable support, people looked at me like I was the nut-case. But no one is laughing now.

In fact, I see LITTLE DIFFERENCE in the ascension to power of these two men. I could draw parallels all day long. But let me leave you with the most significant: Obama is using the the black constituency in the same manner that Bush used the constituency of the evangelicals.

Different men, same play-book. Mark my words on that one.

Hell, even the 'uniter' rhetoric is the same.

In the end, I believe I will once again be proven correct.

So for those of you who are voting for Obama just because he's a black man, have at it. I'm sure you'll realize your mistake soon enough.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by loam]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:01 PM
In my humble opinion...

If you agree with Obama's platform and you are a Woman then you should Vote for Clinton.

If you agree with Clinton's Platform and you are Black Man then you should vote for Obama.

If you are a black woman and you agree with their two platforms...well take your pick LOL

Why? Well because their platforms are so similar that they may as well be the same person. Either way should one of these two be elected president I will be happy, not because I agree with either one of them, but because at least one of these two demographics will have to reevaluate this whole Glass Ceiling oppression thing.

If I was a Democrat I would vote for Obama. Why? Well I think He waxes his B.S. better. LOL

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by ValhallasValkyrie

He might be interested in putting some policies in place to help black people to be treated more equally in this country.

Blacks get the United Negro College Fund. Strictly for black people.. whites need not apply. ------ Do white people have a fund like this? Strictly for white people? Let me answer that for you... NOPE.

Can you just imagine what kind of crap storm would ensue if someone were to start a United Caucasian College Fund here in the U.S?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:13 PM
I almost want to do that just to see.


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:33 PM
I wonder if the remanants of the Charles Manson family are waiting in a hole to come out and take over if the presidency goes to a black man and they believed that they would come out of thier underground hole and "take over" when/if it was a failure.

Does anyone remember that?

Crazy, huh?

By the way, I think Obama is very charismastic and sharp, but as mentioned already in the thread, anyone who is backed by the political system to this degree has already sold out.

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