posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 10:17 AM
The fact that these cites of evidence mysteriously vanish from the net like Google is the Bermuda Triangle itself gives credence to me that something
was found.
With the mysterious findings on mars, the moon of mars, and our moon, in combination with mysterious megaliths that exist on earth all over the world,
there is a lot of evidence to suggest that a civilization of earth before the last ice age had UFOs. I think it is likely that this civilization came
to earth from space, rather than humans having the secret technology and losing it over the ages to find it again during the last century.
We know that the so called Elite are very guarded when it comes to their "serpent" bloodline, I think it is quite possible this ET race bred with
humans 1,000s of years ago as recorded in the bible that those from the sky came down and interbred their genetics with humans to create a ruling
class that still persists until today (the reason why George Bush is related to celebrities and they all happen to be cousins and distant relatives at
some point).
It appears to me after researching that these people tricked us into believing Grey aliens crashed in the desert, and after developing REM sleeping
technology to make us think that these aliens were abducting us they used the alien agenda as a front to take peoples attention of what was really
taking place in the underground bases - evil human scientists using other humans for various types of genetic experiments. Fast forward to today you
see hybrid clones malfunctioning in the media not knowing that they are the product of all the "alien scientists" working in the underground bases for
the last century.
But there will still remain a sparkle of ET appearing magic involved in the cases that seem to transcend the human mind in it's capacity and present a
reality that could only be manifested by ETs 100 times more advanced than any species on earth, or is that just the 50 years of futuristic advanced
black budget technology that we surface people don't know about?
The only thing I know for sure after many years of research is that these individuals on the top of the pyramid controlling all of these activities do
not want you or I to talk about it. If humans sent a beam from a helicopter to lift a cow off it's feet in order to dissect the animal and lay it back
down on the pasture without any tracks, I personally cannot imagine how anybody could think that it would not arouse curiosity and conversation. Maybe
that is the art of counter intelligence, maybe it is evidence of Grey ETs visiting our planet, but I don't think anyone knows. I have no urge to speak
out to the world about any of this, or disrespect any individual in the seat of power for that matter, I am merely fascinated by a mystery just like
any person reading a novel or reclining with a large bowl of popcorn watching a flick.