posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 02:16 PM
not sure how many will shun this because so many are dead to the bible as history due to the fact of many misleading interps...
but in the begining, before there was life and the earth was void....
lucifer was cast down to earth, which from there on was his domain.
keeping in acount to understand the original scrolls you must put yourself in those times and use the limited vocabulary they knew as well.
example...satan and all his followers were once angels. the bible clearly states that angels had wings and that they were the only ones god alowed to
travel back and forth thru the two different realms.
wings- in the times the dead sea scrolls were written, the word wings actually translates to bird. describing the only thing they knew at the time
that could fly off of land.
these supernatural beings are always described as glowing or on fire.
every account in the bible where man saw god you hear the same descriptions, glowing people who in short are described to be on fire....
fire- the word fire in the aramaic was used two ways. if it was used durrring the day it meant the sun. if it was used at night it meant light.
beacuse besides the sun, fire was the only light they knew due to lack of technology and electricity.
when it says moses saw a burning bush it didnt mean there was a bush on fire, it meant that if you looked to the brush along the top of the mountain
the entire brush or trees across the mountain top were illuminated! moses saw this so he went up to the fire (light) stepped into the light became the
light and was within the light and when he was within the light he was with god!
elijahs chariots of fire- we know fire means lights, and that a chariot was describing the fastest vhehicle or means of transportation known to man at
the time. now they could have called this a bird of fire, but insteads used chariot to emphasise that this was indeed a vehicle or transporter....
so in short, the fastest vehicle known to man with lights on it came down to the beach, picked up the prophet elijah, then he walked and talked with
god for 500 years. came back yet hadn't aged a day! sounds like this chariot has speed of light capabilities!
anyways i challenge you all to research this every account where a man was with angels or god in the bible they are described as being on fire.
one last interesting fact. two of the oldest civilizations on earth share a few things in common, mayans and egyptians both built pyramids, they were
both what we consider to be the most advanced civilizations. they both worshipped the snake god ( or serpent ) and they both based thier existence on
now today with technology, we can look at this and see how it would make sense in our time but not much over the last 2k yrs. if god said im the same
yesterday today and forever, and elijah was the only man to date to ever go to heaven without loosing his physical body. would it be safe to assume
that several people could be beamed up this same way? it makes the rapture sound a little more feasable than it would have say before, rosswell,
before the world could imagine such a means of transportation existed. other than the few depictions we see of hellicopter like images in egyptian and
chinese ancient glyphs.