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Breathing Underwater??? BS in IMO

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posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:25 PM
Its called liquid oxygen anyone can breath this liquid in the military uses it look it up yourself.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:28 PM
wow...ur friend is an idiot

a new born baby MUST take it first breath otherwise, it will die. it can't live without the umbilical cord since it connects to the mother, its source of oxygen.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:37 PM
I remember watching TV years ago, when a USSR experiment was demonstrated. Many young babies were put into a pool saturated with air and heated to body temperature. I was not entirely clear on that point, but that they were the most adept swimmers I have ever seen. Contrary to the bloated fattening Ritilin polluted anti-active go to sleep ordinary world, this world of babies was active possibly the way human beings were meant to be active.

I never again saw this, but I think we are being cheated into inactivity by our culture. I have not viewed "hyperactivity," in the same way since viewing this Soviet era experiment. The naturalness of their movements was astonishing.

Notice how they feed the most obese kids in the world something to make them "sit still and learn," that awful and unnecessary Ritalin?

Well this is a bit far from the "babies breathing in water," topic, but when you put them in water they really wake up, and look happy and vibrant. I think we are on to something here.

[Edited on 14-4-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:56 PM
I agree Skip, our intelligence has made us less active physically. Our lives have been made easier by various inventions, and learning now consists of sitting down and listening, as opposed to learning to hunt, find food, throw a spear etc etc as per our cavedude ancestors... note the distinct difference in activity levels between the two learning types of now and then

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 03:24 AM
Liquid oxygen, and super oxygenated water..... You can use that, breathe it hurts a bit at first and is harder to breathe...gotta use more muscle power to brathe in and out as it's a movement of liquid inside the lungs....not air...but yes u can....great example...the abyss.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by specialasianX
Yeah thats what i told my mate... it would be possible as long as the umbilical cord is still attached... he claims it works after to cord is cut... like i said BS but i'm not one to argue my view without confirming i'm right

Actually, you can confirm it.

You see, when my son was born, he was so startled/alert/whatever, that he inhaled some of the amniotic fluid. As a result of this, he had to have his lungs suctioned and a drainage tube put in (this is *scary* to new parents) and was in the ICU for about a week.

Now, if lungs were adapted to breathe water, this would NOT have caused my little newborn son any problems.

It's possible to drown a newborn... a Google search will turn up stories on that, but it's pretty grim reading.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by specialasianX
Yeah thats what i told my mate... it would be possible as long as the umbilical cord is still attached... he claims it works after to cord is cut... like i said BS but i'm not one to argue my view without confirming i'm right

Actually, you can confirm it.

You see, when my son was born, he was so startled/alert/whatever, that he inhaled some of the amniotic fluid. As a result of this, he had to have his lungs suctioned and a drainage tube put in (this is *scary* to new parents) and was in the ICU for about a week.

Now, if lungs were adapted to breathe water, this would NOT have caused my little newborn son any problems.

It's possible to drown a newborn... a Google search will turn up stories on that, but it's pretty grim reading.

Byrd, I hope your son is fine now. I'm not a parent, but an uncle to
4 beautiful nephew/nieces.

p.s. i know a bit about med'. For all the wrong reasons

[Edited on 15-4-2004 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Lungs can't breathe water, but there are oxygen carrying liquids that have been used for sometime. This is not news, it has been in development for sometime.

Unfortunatedly you always find even phds that are not up to date with new findings in science, or everything there is to know about their field of expertise....

"LiquiVent is a biologically inert, oxygen-carrying liquid that is administered directly into the lungs of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. It is intended for use in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which affects patients of all ages."

Excerpt taken from.

"LiquiVent� is a perfluorochemical called "perflubron." It is a clear, colorless, odorless, oily liquid that looks and flows like water, but is about twice as dense. It has a high capacity to dissolve gases, and therefore can transport oxygen to the alveoli of the lungs and remove carbon dioxide. LiquiVent is not broken down in the body, so there is no production of toxic metabolites. It has unique physical properties that make it an excellent candidate for delivery of drugs directly into the lungs."

Excerpt taken from.

"The concept of fluid breathing began in the mid '60s when Dr. J. Kylstra, a physiologist at the State University of New York at Buffalo, realized that salt solutions could be saturated with oxygen at high pressures. Working in a US Navy recompression chamber, Kylstra performed an experiment to see if mice would be able to move the saline solution in and out of their lungs, while extracting enough oxygen from the fluid to be able to survive. While the mice and rats were able to breathe the liquid (he was able to keep the animals alive for up to 18 hours), carbon dioxide was not removed fast enough from the system, and quickly built up to near-toxic levels. Clearly, this problem was going to be the stumbling block before the procedure could be used in humans. He concluded his experiments by saying "In human underwater activities, liquid breathing will be possible only if the untoward effects of carbon dioxide retention can be minimized effectively."

"A floor-mounted 3-litre reservoir was filled with the perfluorocarbon and the fluid was driven by a pump through a series of machines which warmed, oxygenated, and stripped the fluid of carbon dioxide. Flowing through a tube, the fluid entered a 3-way pneumatic valve which directed flow to the animal. A computer controlled the inspiration (18 mL of fluid per second), pumping the liquid into the animal's lungs, then back out again to the reservoir, where the cycle continued at a rate of about 6 complete respirations per minute.

At the conclusion of the test, the animal was tilted for about 15 seconds and the perfluorocarbon was allowed to drain from the lungs (much like Ensign Monk drained the fluid out of the rat's lungs in the movie. Editor's Note: Yes, the rat did actually breathe the liquid in that scene!). [Editor's note: thanks to Jean Smith for pointing out that this was in fact a "Sprague Dawley rat, to be exact, otherwise known as an albino lab rat."]

The liquid ventilation tests of the early '90s proved to be successful: dogs could be kept alive in the perfluorcarbon medium for about 2 hours; after removal the dogs were usually slightly hypoxic, but returned to normal after a few days. When the animals were autopsied, the typical findings were mild edema and some hemorrhaging, clearly an improvement over the pulmonary damage of earlier tests. The procedure was ready for human subjects.

Medical Uses

Liquid breathing began to be used by the medical community after the development by Alliance Pharmaceuticals of perfluorooctyl bromide, a fluorochemical that was given the generic name perflubron. Useful as a blood substitute (see Miscellaneous Notes) and for liquid ventilation, perflubron (under Alliance Pharmaceutical's brand name LiquiVent) is instilled directly into the lungs of patients with acute respiratory failure (caused by infection, severe burns, inhalation of toxic substances and premature birth), whose air sacs have collapsed. Once inside the lungs, perflubron enables collapsed alveoli (air sacs) to open and permits a more efficient transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Current tests are focussing on "preemies," but trials with adults are ongoing. "

Excerpts taken from.

" And the truth is that liquid fluorocarbons are indeed being
evaluated for all kinds of liquid breathing uses. Those with the
proper weight and range of boiling points look like water (no
opalescense) and are used as the pure stuff. They are about twice as
dense as water, and do not mix with anything. In clinical trials with
people on ventilators, these fluorocarbons are poured directly down the
ventilator tube. The patient's lungs are not filled entirely up,
ordinarily, but it would be perfectly possible to do this without harm
(we at our lab have done this many times with dogs, which have survived
without problem when this was the only procedure). In the future, you
will indeed see these things for diving applications, because with
liquid it's possible to control the partial pressure of *all* gases, so
that *none* is high, even at huge total pressures. At great depth,
even high pressure helium causes embolus problems when pressures are
changed rapidly, and with liquid breathing some of these can be
avoided. I'm not aware that liquid-breathing has ever been tried on a
human free-dive, but it's only a matter of time until somebody does it.
As we speak, there are dozens of people breathing liquid on ventilators
in phase III trials, in ICUs.

Steve Harris, M.D."

This is from 1996 and this is the link.

[Edited on 15-4-2004 by Muaddib]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 10:39 AM
This isn't exactly a complete water breathing example but here is a discussion on the utilization of liquid breathing for therapy:


Abstract: Like a scene from a science-fiction movie, some of the sickest at University Medical Center are breathing fluid as a critical life-saving treatment.
Steven B. Johnson, MD, associate professor of surgery at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and Steven R. Knoper, assistant research professor with the College of Medicine, are leading a study examining liquid ventilation, a new treatment that has produced impressive results.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:10 AM
"I havent heard anything about this in quite a while though. It was supposed to be used for deep sea divers (duh) to combat the immense pressure being applied to their chest while underwater. Its gotta be hard that 1st time, breathing a liquid into your lungs... maybe its a good thing for you smokers out there! Kinda like the Lung-Brush!"

it's called perfluorocarbon and allows a person to dive down to immense depths without succoming to the divers disease. basically the liquid prevents the lungs from squishing together and later blowing up like an expanding balloon. you can't breath in water though, but you are breathing a liquid.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 12:54 PM
To see who is right? Go to this site. It explains fluid breathing to the T. Essentially yes you can intake fluid to the lungs and breathe liquid.

Quite interesting. as for the baby thing, Babies automatically hold their breath. I know because I had my son in swimming classes at a very early age. Quite the experience if you tell me. but the child holds their breath. The first thing to do was to blow in the childs face to make them hold their breath. sounds like a lot of controversy. How ever I think if you tried to breath liquid with out knowing what your doing you either would drown (obviously) or you would die hours later due to a dry drowning. Which yes you can look that one up to.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 04:25 PM
Yeah...stating the obvious. Babies can't take in oxygen from liquids. Yeah.

As for liquid oxygenated solutions, last time I looked they were trying to develop it for divers. But the problem was that after it was done there was a bunch of lung damage.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 05:04 PM
Easy the baby doesn't have a description of reality, the only truth the baby knows is life.

What your getting on this topic is more into the quantum world, that baby knows its existance, it knows its only a form of perception and when you bring a baby into the world the child is not viewing reality, but pure energy.

That baby doesn't know its limitations yet, but within those limitations its laws will be met on what is physically possible.

Have you ever looked inside a baby, when viewing into the eyes, you are viewing its soul, that soul comes from another timespace, and that timespace is free from form. I had my kid lock onto my eyes once and by her mere stare from her attention I couldn't let go, so what does that tell you, I physically couldn't let go. She held my soul in place. The look from eternity is a powerful one. Phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space.

Also the soft spot on top of the head, it feeds the bodies electrical circuit through light. That hole in the head is where the soul enters the body.

But what might be interesting is that the energy within that body is also inside the womb. And people always wonder why mothers carrying are so full of light, they are a channel between this world and the next, a cosmic thing is happening, another time space is bringing the soul in place.

The soft spot sealed up means you got some new energy appliance in the oven.

One could even look at the baby as being half dolphin in a sense that their is a hole in the head like a blowhole.

But yes a lot of vitamins and minerals are being supplied into the body through the umbelical chord sustaining the body or should I say changing the bodies being, into a three dimensional person.

You could look at it that we are lightbeings and we jump into an organism when the bodies in place through the center of the head, the halo.

Then the body is remodified once inside the womb.

Usually what happens when we go beyond the physical laws and limitation of the human psyche is were are no longer inside the same space and time of the world. We are on the outside looking in.

The real kicker comes is if we wouldn't create concrete laws and principles would we still be here in the same timespace and gravity as everybody else or would we occupy both places at once.

Yes it is possible to sustain in water, babies do it, why can't we, just remember your being is a thoughtform depending on which timespace you come from anything is possible, yes I have done it before.

It's usually when the rational mind comes in and tells you this is not possible that it screws things up.

When you (loosen) those -three dimensional time constraints- you also loosen the bodies physical laws.

Usually its the left side of the brain transmitting to the body this is not logical, then the right side of the body says hey this is reality.

Also look at all the physical changes it goes to become a human being in those nine months and you ask yourself is this possible, why the hell not.

In a sense you could say its some weird stuff. Damn that nano-technology keeping that kid alive in a state of nothingness.

What do you think the baby sees when coming in to this world the LIGHT OF GOD. The breath of life.

Also I get that if somebody were to take the average joe and put him on Mars enviroment, that guy would be able to suspend his belief system for five minutes while breathing underwater. Its a density thing. Being placed in a different time space suspends your reality.

[edit on 1-8-2008 by menguard]

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:26 PM
Thanks for trolling, menguard. Nice talking to you.

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