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Tiny Little Humanoid Creatures Wandering Around Right Under Our Noses

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:02 AM
Back when i was a young child, i remember being all tucked into bed and bored so i looked around at my sheets to see if maybe there was a bug or mite i could follow with my eyes. After looking around, i noticed a movement on my bed. I couldnt see what it was, but felt like looking through something nearly 100% transparent, and then noticing the difference in the magnification/texture in the things behind it. I looked for a while, knowing something was there, and then began to see the outlines of these humanoid figures. They were extremely small. Less than 5 mm tall. I could only see the outline of the figure, and a few major muscle outlines. After watching its movements for a while, i noticed he walked past another. I searched and noticed several more. There were around 10 of them. They werent close together, pretty independant and scattered around my bed. They seemed to know i was there, looking at me every once in a while everytime i made a significant movement, or everytime they did. They seemed to be always at work, never playing or showing emotion. Moving bed sheet fibers from here to there, examining my skin, or just standing with their arms crossed looking around.

They werent easy for me to see, if i lost focus for a second or got distracted it took me at least a minute to find them again.

As i got older, i dismissed that event as hollucinations, or straining my eyes too much, or maybe a dream. Recently, after forgetting about that experience, i lost the plastic tag tier (plastic thing on a shirt that ties the tag on that you need scissors to cut) after cutting it on my bed. I didnt want to leave it lying around there, so looked for it. I crouched down, so that my eyes were at level with the bed-top. Oddly enough i saw something whisk past my eyes on the bed. My eyes darted in the direction it ran, and i strained and refocused. There it was. In the corner, a little translucent humanoid creature frisking the sheets almost panic-like. I raised an eyebrow and thought "what the fck?" I looked around the rest of the bed carefully, only looking for those, and saw more, all at work, all serious. I had to go, so set them aside for the rest of the day.

That night, when laying down i remembered these little guys, and my experience years back. I began scanning the bed for them. When looking over my left thumb, i felt a a small amount of tickle, i stared and saw one was standing on my thumb, looking down at my skin, tapping its foot, as if it had landed on an alien planet, checking to see if the ground was sturdy. It noticed me looking at it like a curious ape at an ant on its finger, it looked at me, approved, and walked off my thumb to continue surveying the land. I literally FELT it walking on my thumb. This confirmed all my past experiences. I had a difficult time getting to sleep, constantly being tempted to see what was going on in this world within mine. I made an attempt to speak with one of them, who was on my chest, but he either ignored my voice, or didnt hear it.

I dont know where they came from, why they are here, or who they are. They dont seem to be hostile at all, nor social, nor friendly. They are tool-less, unclothed, and unsatisfied with their work here considering theyve stayed here (i think) all these years.

I have no history of medical issues at all, am well educated, and well assured that all these creatures are doing something. I am not here to prove, because just as well as an alien abductee, who knows they were abducted, im sure these things are on my bed (maybe elsewhere too), so its useless for some person to try and come and make me beleive i saw nothing.

If anyone has any information, insight, or personal experiences relating to these things, they would much appreciated. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:05 AM
Are they human-like? Do they look to be other worldly? Did you see faces?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:20 AM
theyre shaped just like humans, and have human faces

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:29 AM
When you say (in the third paragraph) the creature was "frisking the bed", what do you mean by that? I just wanna be able to visualize it cause whenever i think of the word frisking i think of the motions a cop would make when "frisking" a suspect or pulled over driver or something

Second question: pictures, it ain't real without pictures. Jk, not pictures but i think you should investigate in another place in your house, like a couch in a normally (or seldomly, it might make a difference) occupied or used room.

Third: is this the same house that you saw these little guys as a kid as it is on your more recent experience?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:04 AM

you might wanna check that out

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Locke23

He said the creatures were 5mm tall. That article says the creature is 7.2cm long.

I think trying to get some pictures of these humanoid creatures might be an idea. A decent camera set to macro shot should do it. Happy hunting.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:35 PM
The faeries! they want your breath!

O.o sound slike a video I watched not to long ago.

They dont sound to hard to get close to, wanna try catching one?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:09 PM
How old were you then and how old are you now? I do not mean this as an insult but it is possible that you suffer a form of schizophrenia. How are your relationships with other people? Do you have many friends?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Mad Larkin
reply to post by Locke23

He said the creatures were 5mm tall. That article says the creature is 7.2cm long.

I think trying to get some pictures of these humanoid creatures might be an idea. A decent camera set to macro shot should do it. Happy hunting.

He also said they were sort of invisible, if I'm not mistaken. Nearly 100% transparent. I don't think you can get a picture of an invisible man. Maybe in ultraviolet or infrared light maybe?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Ay ! Caramba!!!!!

Yikes! I dont even know what to say!!!

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by TornPages
I am not here to prove, because just as well as an alien abductee, who knows they were abducted, im sure these things are on my bed (maybe elsewhere too), so its useless for some person to try and come and make me beleive i saw nothing.

Haha, chucklerofl. Your sure about this ? I think the possibilities of small intelligent life forms are possible but not down to 5mm. The amount of food they would have to take in to properly function with a brain equal to ours or even to our earlier ancestors it would have to eat I'm estimating 50 times its weight each day minimum unless its evolved so far forward before us its perfected the art of thinking. I'm sure thoroughly that these things if real are not of our world or the next 3 out there

Maybe post this on the UFO/alien forum aswell, maybe they can put more info in then us?

Maybe even this thread could help

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Kikider]

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Kikider]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter

Originally posted by Mad Larkin
reply to post by Locke23

He said the creatures were 5mm tall. That article says the creature is 7.2cm long.

I think trying to get some pictures of these humanoid creatures might be an idea. A decent camera set to macro shot should do it. Happy hunting.

He also said they were sort of invisible, if I'm not mistaken. Nearly 100% transparent. I don't think you can get a picture of an invisible man. Maybe in ultraviolet or infrared light maybe?

Possibly. I honestly think what he saw were just mild hallucinations brought on by tiredness. Both sightings were while he was getting ready to go to sleep.

Check out the different types of hallucination here.

[edit on 6/1/2008 by Mad Larkin]

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Many forms of Schizophrenia involve an inability to filter out awareness of events which others no longer are aware of. For instance hearing the constant pounding of your heart. This is an inability to gate and control focus. Who is to say that such people do not have occasional valid cognitions of things the rest of us have long ago blocked.

This is not to justify or validate confused belief systems based on fear and fantasy which are not grounded in the relality of the world.

Yet some anomalous individuals show remarkable insights and abilities, for instance skills at social influence.

The little people are only of significance if their existence brings something new to our reality. If you learn something from them and share it, or if they tell you positive things you did not know, and can confirm those things, improving your life or the lives of others.

It is in this contribution to the current reality which all things are tested for validity. The reality of something is truly irrelevant, it's impact on the reality is everything.

A hallucination can ruin your life, or change it for the better. A rock can sit in the forest forever with no significance.

Value is all what we choose to do with things. If you truly see little invisible people, I urge you to make the best of it, and see what good it can bring you! If you find the experience to be negative, then do your best to shut them out of your life.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by TornPages
Back when i was a young child, i remember being all tucked into bed and bored so i looked around at my sheets to see if maybe there was a bug or mite i could follow with my eyes. After looking around, i noticed a movement on my bed. I couldnt see what it was, but felt like looking through something nearly 100% transparent, and then noticing the dif...

Since you were able to see them is there any way you could sneak in a shot with a digital camera? Perhaps a video may also help distinguish movement over still pictures.

BTW: What you describe is a creature known in asian culture as a 'Bhoot'. They typically hang around beds and play with your fingers and or toes (for some reason). Gives a new meaning to the terms "bed bugs"!

Looking forward to your response...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:32 PM
What are the thoughts on the article and pics? That thing looked so creepy... that did not look like an animal fetus.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by TornPages
After looking around, i noticed a movement on my bed. I couldnt see what it was, but felt like looking through something nearly 100% transparent, and then noticing the difference in the magnification/texture in the things behind it. I looked for a while, knowing something was there, and then began to see the outlines of these humanoid figures. They were extremely small. Less than 5 mm tall.

Ok, where do you live, where is your bet located. We will visit you can catch those bugs for you.
Don't come back here if you don't have your address and contact number ready.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:18 AM
I have to concur with a couple of other posters when I say it may be a good idea to seek some mental help.

Furthermore, how is it that you get in and out of bed without crushing one or more of these translucent beings? Don't you think that would be a problem? Also, why would they live on your bed? Don't all living things require water? Unless you're wetting to bed, where's the water? You see where this is going?

Anything that happens in bed is suspect as the mind can do many things while tired, sleeping, waking, etc...

Finally, school is out and many of us veterans know how stories explode at the beginning of summer here. Could be that this is the case with this one but I don't think so.

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