posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:40 PM
i dont really understand where some of you get your ideas of socialism. We have yet to see a true socialistic country due mostly to western
aggression. However, im not really sure what you are comparing it to. Certainly it must be far better than our system of capitalistic greed. Our
corporate driven economics is causing destruction and death all across the world, and certainly leaves us with no freedom or representation we wouldnt
have under socialism. If you doubt that just check the pipa report or any of the other censuses.... our government policy is most often directly
opposed to popular public opinion. We certainly have no say in the war, in taxes, in truly anything else that has to do with corporate agenda. The
only thing we truly get to vote on is "smoking in public" "gay marriage" and other such garbage and non issues...and yet our taxes are among the
highest in the world. As far as "rights" being things that dont depend on someone else...well, all our rights depend on someone else. Our right to
life? Really often depends upon the police or hospitals to provide it. our right to liberty?? come on, thats infringed on daily now with innocent
people being arrested and held without due process or habeus depends on Powerful freinds and attorneys (and lots of money) to enforce.
Persuit of happiness?? The majority of americans i know (and these are working class) live on the cusp, just as the system set them up to do, and
have almost no time outside of hustling to pay their bills to "persue happiness".
Further, i really dont understand what people criticize social medicine for. Do they really think it would be worse than our present system??
WHO DO THEY THINK CONTROLS IT NOW?? Its controled by INSURANCE industry, and they really think the insurance or pharma industries
take better care of them than government employees would??? their only concern is the bottom dollar, and the current system is set up to give you AS
LITTLE CARE AS THEY CAN LEGALLY GET AWAY WITH....even if it means your death. We are social an undisturbed stable environment you may
be able to care for yourself....but in a city struck by disaster, hurricaine or earthquake, when all you own is lost, or by attack....if you decide to
depend on yourself then, you deserve exactly what you offer. Nothing. If you get cancer or in a car accident tomorrow, and all of a sudden you are
bankrupt and own nothing....will you still be able to care for your self and your children then??? what if you are in a wheelchair thereafter and can
no longer work any but a minimum wage job.
Its so easy to think "oh, im healthy and able now, and anyone whos not, well its all their fault" but this is unrealistic. You PAY taxes in ANY
government. In ours those taxes go to corporate interest, NOT your interest. Its the big banks getting bailed out with our tax dollars, not the man
losing his home. In a socialist government, those taxes go to Our interest. Things that make life better, and yes, in this world of plenty, things
that we CAN afford to make (already free for those residents of georgia), health care, physical security, basic food and clean
water. Not all society needs to be socialist, but there should at least be a bottom limit, a lower boundtry that is socialist, limits below whcih a
person can be deprived no more. Above that limit we can do extra to provide ourselves with more.....But not to the degree it is now...not at the
expense of our fellow man.