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The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression, and the Global Elite's Agenda

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posted on May, 31 2008 @ 07:13 PM
The following is an excerpt from my own work.
Follow the link for the complete article.

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The 9/11 Truth Movement,
Free Energy Suppression,
and the Global Elite’s Agenda

May 2008

By CB_Brooklyn

(mirrored @

Imagine utilizing free energy technology in daily life. No more petroleum-based fuels; no more outrageous oil and gas prices. Humanity would definitely benefit from this. The technology for water powered cars has been in the news, such as in this NBC-affiliate clip. This FOX-affiliate clip reveals the development of this technology for the military. From the FOX clip we learn that Radio Frequencies are key to this technology. As you read further you’ll discover another building block of free energy: Tesla Coils.

So why are these technologies suppressed? Basic Answer: Control.

The Global Elite plan a New World Order with an enslaved “police state” culture. How might this be done? One way is the Patriot Act. Another could be the 800 FEMA detention camps fully constructed, staffed, and awaiting prisoners. What else might they do? They could slow the economy. Control over oil and gas makes accomplishing this easy. All they have to do is notch those prices up little by little, and the average citizen gets poorer and poorer. Not only do these increases affect the gas pump and home boiler, they affect food manufacturing plants, public water supplies, and other necessities as well.

Raising oil/gas prices is the Global Elite’s way of destroying our way of life.

But they can’t raise prices without a reason, so they concocted one: Peak Oil. That way, people assume the increased costs and fuel limits are natural with no way around it. But Peak Oil is a hoax. In the 1970s, a huge oil field was discovered in Alaska that could fuel the United States for 200 years, but its existence has been classified. Those is power have planned their New World Order for some time, and didn’t want an Alaskan field getting in the way. Instead, they approached the Saudi’s for an “oil deal”, a way of ripping them off and entrapping the United States. Information regarding this is linked later in this article; much from a video presentation by Lindsey Williams, a former “insider” turned whistleblower.

It is all too common for those in control to suppress and weaponize new technologies.

Suppression can be accomplished simply by spreading choice phrases such as “raygun nutcase”. Even the production of sci-fi TV/movies helps associate these weapons with “science fiction”. As one example, the body cloak technology portrayed in the film “Predator” is very real, and was reported in Time and WIRED magazines. It is pretty well known that these technological advances are light years ahead of what is publicly admitted.

This technology is far from sci-fi and has existed for many decades.

The first microwave oven was built in 1947 by Raytheon, a major defense contractor. What advances could they have made in the past sixty years? A look at the documentary “Star Wars in Iraq” reveals weaponry based on these technologies.

So what’s “crazy” about it? What would people sixty years ago have said about cell phones? “Wacky”?? How about The Wizard of Oz on an ultra-thin shiny little disc? ”Nutjob”?? What about embedding spy chips on insects? ”Insane”?? Technology has come a long way in the last 100 years.

The first major free energy scientist, Nikola Tesla, knew the direction his research would someday take. In 1915 he said “I have not thought it hazardous to predict, that wars in the future will be waged by electrical means”. The Star Wars in Iraq video proves him right.

Of course, the Global Elite need the public at large to consider free-energy “crazy”. They want this “black op” technology as their secret weapon to use against us and they attack those who speak up. One example is well known pioneer of free energy research, John Hutchison. After he and Dr Judy Wood publicized their paper “Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect”, Hutchison ran into problems with the Canadian authorities. Another is Dr Eugene Mallove who, after writing an open letter to the world requesting free energy research funds, was killed. This “2005 Cold Fusion Colloquium” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had a special tribute to Dr Mallove. A number of mysterious deaths are connected to free energy suppression.

Every 9/11 Truther should take this one minute test. Although not 9/11 related, this video makes an important point about distraction:


9/11 Truth is an extremely important issue and only those who really care are ever involved. But 9/11 is just one of the issues that absolutely need attention. Other issues are equally as important.

One thing the Global Elite do not want revealed is the existence of free-energy technology.

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