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Have a go Celebs

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posted on May, 31 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Jim Corr from the Corrs has today made a statement about 9/11 in which he has said that the US government set up 9/11

I think that it is time that more of these people come out and speak their mind, may be then it willopen a can of warms that the government cannot control. Thank christ the Irish Press still give freedom of speech.

[edit on 31-5-2008 by wow23]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Have we looked at the list of celebrities. Not including this no named guitar player. We have:

Rosie O'Donuts

Charlie (whore chaser) Sheen

Jessie (the body) Venture

Willie (geriatric stoner) Nelson



James ("happy 9-11") Brolin

Yeah...I'm sure I missed a couple more "A-Listers" in there.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

No biasness there. None at all.

BTW, you forgot to mention hundreds of government workers, family members, engineers and architects.

130+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials
470+ Engineers and Architects
110+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals
260+ Professors Question 9/11
210+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members
140+ Artists, Entertainers, and Media Professionals

Yeah, we're just all nutters right?

[edit on 5/31/2008 by Griff]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 09:15 PM

AE9/11 truth has a bunch of engineers.

One of them is even a celebrity on South Park.

I believe his name is Miles M-kay Mills.

Go to their site and check the roll of engineers there. The ones with asterisks next to their name are guys whose credentials haven't been checked yet.

Senor Mills doesn't have any asterisks, meaning that they've verified his credentials. For a cartoon character..........

Yep, no bias there either. Nope they're not just trying to add to their roster at all. Nope, not at all.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:27 AM
Mr. Butz.

I just went through the list of architects and engineers. There is no "Miles Mills" listed. There is an Andrew Miles who is pending verification.

Either back up your slanderous rhetoric or be prepared to be alerted against for knowingly posting false information which is against the T&C of this site.

I'll give you 24 hours to come up with your proof.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Griff


The name was removed over the past 48 hours. Mr. Butz is 100% honest. The name was part of a blog here:

I saw it personally and it was commented on in another forum. That forum is down for maintenance so I can not link you to it.

The name was considered verified.

Once the other forum opens, I will send you the link.

the name was Mills M. Kay Mackey

[edit on 1-6-2008 by ThroatYogurt]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:25 AM
So, they fixed a mistake. Still think they are biased?

Unlike "Rosie O'donuts" etc.?

BTW, how does a jerk posting the wrong name negate the other real engineers? Strawman much?

[edit on 6/1/2008 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Griff
I just went through the list of architects and engineers. There is no "Miles Mills" listed.
Either back up your slanderous rhetoric or be prepared to be alerted against for knowingly posting false information which is against the T&C of this site.

I'll give you 24 hours to come up with your proof.

The remarks by Seymour Butz are not "slanderous rhetoric" and, since they are not "false information", he cannot be "knowingly posting false information".

A very simple Google search can be used to find this this cached page from the website which provides a fairly complete answer to your challenge to provide the relevant evidence.

That webpage from the website included a profile of the relevant "Mills M. Kay Mackey". The bottom of that page indicates a "Verified Status" of "Verified".

Thus, although previously stated to have been "verified" by the operators of , that user profile has been deleted. Several skeptics pointed out on various forums that Mr Mackey is a well-known character on Southpark that frequently says "mm-kay".

All the best,


[edit on 1-6-2008 by IsaacKoi]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Well, since they fixed their mistake, what's the problem?

Again, I'll ask:

How does some arsehole who posted a false name negate the other real engineers?

Also, they must have the debunkers shaking in their shoes if their last resort to counter the information is to place a false name on the petition.

And it had to be some arsehole that does have an engineering firm's e-mail account. That's how they verified me. Why would they make a false name instead of trying to counter the arguments?

So, in other words, all we know, it could have been Mr. Butz's "structural engineer" brother who did it. Again, I'll ask. Why make a strawman?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Griff
Well, since they fixed their mistake, what's the problem?

Again, I'll ask:

How does some arsehole who posted a false name negate the other real engineers?

You miss the point.

That is, they are so desperate to add to their roster that they vetted a cartoon character. It just goes to show how sad the whole truth movement is.....

Oh and BTW, since knowingly posting false info is against T & C, I believe I'll do just that.

He who casts the first stone........

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
You miss the point.

That is, they are so desperate to add to their roster that they vetted a cartoon character. It just goes to show how sad the whole truth movement is.....

No. You miss the point. To get verified by ae911truth, you have to send them an e-mail from your engineering firm's e-mail account. So, therefore, whoever did it was an engineer but decided to make a strawman instead of putting their name up to counter the arguments.

Pathetic attempt to discredit the other REAL engineers listed there. Pathetic.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Griff

No. You miss the point. To get verified by ae911truth, you have to send them an e-mail from your engineering firm's e-mail account. So, therefore, whoever did it was an engineer but decided to make a strawman instead of putting their name up to counter the arguments.

How dare you say that an engineer sent that email.

Prove that it was an engineer that sent it. there are many more people working in any firm that could have sent it - HR, administrative assistants, Financial Officers, copy boys, etc...

Since it is a clear violation of the T&C terms here to knowingly make false statements, you need to prove your point.

You have 24 hrs to correct this.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
Prove that it was an engineer that sent it. there are many more people working in any firm that could have sent it - HR, administrative assistants, Financial Officers, copy boys, etc...

OK. So, some copy boy sent it from an engineering firm. And this is still the fault of ae911truth? Please explain.

And furthermore, how would YOU go about verifying names as real engineers? One would like to think that you debunker jackasses have the maturity enough to be truthful. I guess not. But, then it gets turned around that ae911truth is untruthful? Just because of some jackass?

Give me a break But head.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Griff

OK. So, some copy boy sent it from an engineering firm. And this is still the fault of ae911truth? Please explain.

Of course it's not ae911truth's fault that someone sent them an email.

However, it IS their fault that they don't properly vet the people on there. With something as important to them as "proving an inside job" , one would think that they'd be a little more rigorous in that process. Otherwise, they, as a group, end up looking like a bunch of fools.

Like I said, it shows just how desperate Gage is to add to their roster. They just don't care about the quality of their members. All that matters is numbers to them. And of course DVD sales.

But all this is just a pathetic appeal to authority anyways. Just read some of the comments of these allegedly qualified engineers. Almost without exception their statements are something along the lines of "how they don't believe the OCT... or something is fishy...."

None of them that I'm aware of, including Gage, has the guts to even make some basic calculations about the collapse. The only one that's got a pair is Gordon Ross. At least he's got the 'nads to make a statement and back his opinions with calcs, however flawed or incomplete they may be.

This is acceptable, in the real world. Do what you can with what you've got, and see where the calcs lead you.

But ae911troof won't do them. Their "out" is that all the structural sheets aren't available. I'd love to see what happens when this does come available and they're left with nothing.

ETA: so do you retract your statement that an engineer sent the email?

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Seymour Butz]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
ETA: so do you retract your statement that an engineer sent the email?

Yes, I do. But, I asked how you would go about verifying everyone? Simple question.

Me: I would go to the state boards website and look-up the name of the engineer. You can do this in DC. I tried though for Colorado and it just gives you a list of thousands of names. No way to look for a specific engineer. BTW, I hope they change hard is it to add a search feature to your website? As such, right now, it would take hours upon hours to do this for every entry. Plus, what about the degreed engineers who are in training that don't have a PE? They aren't listed on the board at all.

So, how should he go about verifying all the names? Obviously, it's harder than you'd think. Which goes back to my statement about people being honest and putting up strawmen names to discredit. It only makes them look the fools if that's all they got.

And, I will say. Yes, you need the structural documentation for an analysis. How many times do I need to say this? Ask your brother to analysis a building without the documents. See if he laughs at you.

But, in closing, I will say, I do appologize for insinuating you were untruthful.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Griff ~

You can look at this anyway you want. The bottom line is that Gage does in fact NOT care about the names. Just the numbers. He is a whore for $$ and begs for it.

I have asked him numerous times to take my name off his page and remove me from his e-mail list. I STILL get them and my name is still listed on his site.

The only thing good about that... He was planning on causing a disturbance at the AIA convention at the BCEC in Boston. Hmmm... I work (edit) lets say I have connections with the BCEC and informed their security of Mr. Gages plans. Now, I don't know what, if anything happened, but I don't see anything posted on his site bragging about what they did at the convention.

All these so called Engineers and not one of them has an original thought. INCLUDING GAGE! Gage adopts his pathetic theories from Dr. Griffin. Who's paper was shown to have a serious amount of errors. (White Paper from Ryan Mackey)

In addition there was a site created to refute all of Mr. Gages Powerpoint presentation. Since this site was created, Gage has changed his presentions many times. Not sure why??

Anyway, if anyone can present some original information that Gage has presented, I would love to see it. So far he is full of it. I for one think he should get back to building IHOPS.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Yes, I do. But, I asked how you would go about verifying everyone? Simple question.

Griff ~

Most states do have an online search feature. I actually looked for M-Kay MAckey....trying to confirm his status. (I was fooled as well!!) You can search in Colorado by name... If I find the site, I will post it.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
I have asked him numerous times to take my name off his page and remove me from his e-mail list. I STILL get them and my name is still listed on his site.

If you give me your name to look up in a U2U and I find it there, I'll ask Gage to remove it also. If he still doesn't, I'll demand my name be removed also.

Far enough?

Can I ask though? Why was your name given in the first place?

All these so called Engineers and not one of them has an original thought.

You don't believe I've had an original thought? Sad.

I for one think he should get back to building IHOPS.

So, this refutes his work? Or is it just an ad hom?

[edit on 6/1/2008 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Please do, because this is where I came to.

Put in license type: Professional engineer
and all and you come to this:

[edit on 6/1/2008 by Griff]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:55 PM
Charlie Sheen did something like this, I really respected that.

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