posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Stan Romanek lost the chance of his life not showing his alleged alien
videos on Larry King last night. For quite sometime Stan Romanek has
been wandering around looking for a real big chanve to tell his story
to the american people and by consequence to the world, this is a fact.
First with unknown Neil Slade, then with Deborah Lindemann, Dana
Thibault and Jack Kasher, later directly with Jeff Rense is seems Romanek
did'nt see it coming as he may have wished. Made an unfortunated
appeareance on the Proof Positive tv show by the SCI-FI channel where
he was debunked. Then he met Paola Harris in Colorado and showed her
the two alleged alien videos. She could have been the door to the desired
come back but the price Romanek was asking was extremely high.
Now Stan Romanek is associated with these individuals to release a DVD
already produced titled The Stan Romanek Story containing the two
alleged alien videos among other issues. But they don't want to show
those images yet to save them for the DVD customers just like those
Hollywood movie pictures except that those movies give away some
scenes all the time as part of the promotion on tv shows like Leno and Letterman.
Well, either Mr. Romanek is naive or his partners ignore how the DVD
market works. It's almost imposible to prevent piracy in the actual world
and the moment Stan Romanek's DVD is out in the market it will be
posted on YouTube, Google etc. This is a fact of life, regrettable but real.
We have seen this piracy all the time just remember Jose Escamilla's
UFOs The Best Story ever Denied that crashed his investment by being
posted on YouTube and the other websites.
Since this story about those alleged alien videos by Stan Romanek is now
a hot topic nationwide it will provoque a frantic race among the fanatics
to see who is the first to post the complete DVD or the two mysterious
alleged alien videos, this will be inevitable.
If Stan Romanek is sincere and his motivation is not money but
disclosure then Mr. Romanek you missed the chance of your life not
showing that footage with Larry King on national television and the whole
world watching. If on the countrary Stan Romanek's interest is money
by selling a DVD then Mr. Romanek I'm sorry to say this but you will be
dissapointed, your product is destined to be released for free on Youtube
or Google. In my opinion you have been very badly adviced in this matter
and money is not the premise when dealing with aliens and Ufos.