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Not Wanting To See The Truth

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posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:03 PM
I do not understand what is wrong with people. I work as an electrical engineer in an architectual firm & get into discussions with my co-workers. Very intelligent co-workers. I was talking with one today about the movie Passion. I have yet to see it. But we ended up discussing the situation of the jews current and past. What baffles me is that these people really believe what history tells them. I used my own experiences & knowledge to deduce that what I was taught in history 101 in high school is wrong, or atleast the whole picture was not taught. So I went out & taught myself history. Over the years I learned that the jews are very rarly the victoms.
Before I go further I would like to state that I am jewish. I was brought up jewish, went to hebre school and everything. What I have learned is that we are NOT the victoms. We are the instigators. I tried to explain to this perfectaly intelligent person that Hitler, the Nazi's, the extermination of the Jews(Holocost) was mostly funded(financially) by Jews(Zionist), all so people would feel bad and give them a homeland. Which, as you can recall happened after the war was over. When I told him this he looked at me like I had ten heads and started putting me down for believing this. This is a proven fact, anybody can figure this out by following the money (no I do not have the details).
I tried to explain to him using an example from current events. I told him to take the situation in Palestine. I asked who he thinks is the bully and who is the aggressor. He looked at me like I should already know. I said to him you have the Palestinians, who do not have an Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines. A people who have lived on that land for centuries slowly being pushed out & made to give thier land up. They fight back knowing thier rights the only way they can fight back. I am sorry but these people need to make a point, and they are making it the only way they know how to. All this against a country that is considered something like the world's 5th largest military superpower(You can correct me if I am wrong), that is building an apartheid wall and continuing to build settlements where they should not be. Killing 10 civilians (kids included) just to get at one suicide bomber. now I asked him again who is the bully & who is the victom. He refuses to look at the other side.
People, the Jews are not the victims like we are tought. Why do people refuse to think outside the box. Why do people believe everything they are told. Perfectly intelligent people don't even know when they are lied to. These same people still think Iraq has WMD's buried somewhere. These same people still think that saddam has ties to Al-queda. Just my two cents and I need to stop ranting for know. Sorry to bore everyone. I have to go back to my misery, I mean work.

[Edited on 3-3-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:15 PM
It is a proven fact that the Zionists could have saved many Jews from Hitler's death camps, but chose not to do so in pursuit of a Jewish homeland. Not every Jew is a Zionist (which is a political movement). In fact, there are many who believe Zionism to be against the teachings of the Torah.

You may find these links useful.

Jews against Zionism

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews against Zionism

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:17 PM
What gets me is anyone who professes to believe that the Jews actually killed Jesus. I mean, tens of thousands of crucifixions carried out by the Romans, and all of a sudden this ONE really significant one gets blamed on the JEWS?

Sounds like a conspiracy to me...


posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:21 PM
The real Jews are those who can trace their lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel and those members are black.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by jmilici
I tried to explain to this perfectaly intelligent person that Hitler, the Nazi's, the extermination of the Jews(Holocost) was mostly funded(financially) by Jews(Zionist), all so people would feel bad and give them a homeland. Which, as you can recall happened after the war was over. When I told him this he looked at me like I had ten heads and started putting me down for believing this. This is a proven fact, anybody can figure this out by following the money (no I do not have the details).

I would really like to see the "proof" of this "fact" please.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
The real Jews are those who can trace their lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel and those members are black.

Colonel, please, what is your fixation on the color of this person or that group of people? You are focusing on something that doesn't matter. They could have been purple for all I care! So they were black?! Fine! So what? Please focus on the more relevant aspects of these topics you involve yourself in.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by SimpleTruth

Originally posted by Colonel
The real Jews are those who can trace their lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel and those members are black.

Colonel, please, what is your fixation on the color of this person or that group of people? You are focusing on something that doesn't matter. They could have been purple for all I care! So they were black?! Fine! So what? Please focus on the more relevant aspects of these topics you involve yourself in.

Colonel, are you being black again? Now what have we told you about that, hmmm????

I feel really compelled right now to quote a line from 'Dogma', but I think Chris Rock could get away with it like I couldn't.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Hot Damn, Colonel! I knew I could count on you!

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 01:53 PM
Actually, the Jewish people are kinda the victims here, IMHO.
The Zionist (Sionists) are the political/secret society who, along with the Rothschilds and others, were responsible for WWII.
Hitler was theri pawn, and he got out of control.
All wars are funded by the same money, and all have a purpose other than the obvious.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:02 PM
I appologise, I stand corrected. When I used the term Jews I should of said Zionists. Like I said I am a Jew, and I am not a victom. But I do know alot of jews(american) that blindly back the zionists. And they wish to stay blind.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Didn't Prescott Bush fund Hitler and Nazism?

It's true that the only reason why all those Jews died was for a Jewish Homeland.

Give me 6 million Jews and you got yourself a Homeland fellas.

Palestinians are the true victims today, I agree.

For God sake's people, Arial Sharon is under indictment in Belgium for war crimes against the Palestininans.

Isn't this enough?

And yes, the true Jews, Hebrew Israelites, were black.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by jmilici
I appologise, I stand corrected. When I used the term Jews I should of said Zionists. Like I said I am a Jew, and I am not a victom. But I do know alot of jews(american) that blindly back the zionists. And they wish to stay blind.

Okay, maybe the Jewish people are being used, as are many others, as scapegoats of the NWO???
I have also heard that the Jewish Defamation League is a front for the secret societies, and are not acting on the best interst of the jewish people.

Also, most Jews did not originate in the Middle East, but are descended from eastern Europe??? Have you found this to be true??

Finally, love the quote in your siggy
I've heard it, I've used it. I never knew who said it. Do you know the context?

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Didn't Prescott Bush fund Hitler and Nazism?

As did the English Crown.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Also, most Jews did not originate in the Middle East, but are descended from eastern Europe??? Have you found this to be true??

Jews originate from Europe, yes.

The Hebrew Israelites originate from Africa and the Middle East.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
The real Jews are those who can trace their lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel and those members are black.

OMG Me and you usally agree but this statement had nothing to do with the post Colonel.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 02:33 PM
DaTruth: How can the Israelites be the subject of this post when the ones being spoken of aren't the real ones?

However, the author corrected himself. Its sokay.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Yes the jdl is a front but I am unsure of the extent.
I am also unsure the context. I have seen it used the way my siggy states and I have also seen it used by Thomas Jefferson. the following link will take you to a bio on lord acton. I have not read the full page yet though.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:36 PM
perhaps there are some jews out there who really CAN open their eyes to the lies these days.
impressive stuff

yes...the palestinians are the victims, but providing you overthrow the biggest power on earth (the zionists) i doubt you can have any real impact on them.

bin-boy hit the towers to create a more-so dramatically economic effect...a dent, since he, unlike many stupid arabs sees the real enemy.

i am a russian, living in the ukraine...
the ukraine goes hand-in-hand with the jews, jews are a common thing here, so what the hell... the jewish race can co-exist with others, and that's a proven's the zionists that need to get straight.
it's a shame the arabs don't look into the details.
(which...depending on the circumstances could be more of a bad the long run).

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
The real Jews are those who can trace their lineage to the 12 tribes of Israel and those members are black.

bull#, plain and simple. there is a significant difference between 'black' IE the natives of africa, and 'middle eastern', the natives of the area well to the north of africa. not only are there cultural differences, but also the entire appearance is unmistakably different. as in, i for one, have never seen a middle easterner who has hair or skin tone even casually mistakable for an african. no dice. i also find it offensive that ats would allow a moderator to continually spread this racially biased and just plain WRONG information.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 10:56 PM
Moderator issues aside.

The Palestinians and the Israelis can have each other.
They are like little children throwing stones......"Did not....Did too!"

I just wish the US would pull out of it. For a secular Govt. such as the US to get involved in a religious debate over land is ridiculous.

(Shhh! If you listen closely, you can hear Thomas Jefferson rolling over in his grave!)

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Facefirst]

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