posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Regarding Gay Marriage: The homophobic response is to be expected. Anything out of the ordinary accepted societal norm will be resisted as undesirable
change from the status quo.
Whenever a child is indoctrinated into a religious sect they are brainwashed into believing, unquestionably what is being presented as the Truth
according to the gospel. Faith is an unknown, simply something to accept again unquestionably. Regardless of your sexual orientation or curiosity
about same sex or opposite sex encounters, sex is usually a taboo subject, "reserved for marriage". Except of course in the domain of the Roman
Catholic Church, which has a gay sect of priests and pedophiles in their garbs. Hey, Love is Love and these priests are better able to supply the
devotional Love that is missing in so many childrens' lives from their busy parents.
Tolerance is something that is learned and it changes by generation not years. The importance of social mores becomes toned down as you age and grow
wiser. At a prior time Inter-racial marriage was totally unexceptable though it existed rarely. Today, it is more prevalent and accepted.
We humans are first animals; as animals we are relegated to the basic instincts of fear, flight, pleasure and pain and those emotions that seem to
protect our survival.
When it comes to sex as pleasure, who better to understand what a man/woman enjoys, than another man/woman? The only requirement is to put aside
ingrained prejudices and proceed with the learning process. There is no expected conversion necessary to be able to enjoy the act. If a loving
relationship ensues and you wish to pursue that relationship, there should not be any law to prevent you from seeking that pleasure in the privacy of
your abode.
After making a decision to continue the relationship, if it reaches a point of serious commitment, why shouldn't the two have the opportunity to
unite in a matrimonial relationship which would afford them equal protection , under the Law? Each and every State should recognize these marriages
and afford the participants the same rights as anyone else.
This would not be any threat to society or the accepted mores of the religious fanatics that wish to ban such adoption.
Former republics and societies have tolerated bi-sexual behavior and have survived in their history. I do not feel threatened by the prospect of
having gay neighbors or associates in my presence.