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Stange Story

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Sorry I dont know where to include this story, but I think sombody at ATS might be interested. I have worked in Real Estate for a while. and a I have worked for my boss for about 3 years in Houston and have known her for about 10 years. Well any way she told me her son had found somthing. She stated that her son and a freind of his were working part time( summer job I believe) doing remodiling work outside of Austin, they were taking down a house to its foundation. It was a older house. and when they saw the foundation it needed to be tore up underneith the slab was a safe. my usderstanding was burried in the ground. Noplease believe me this is hard to believe but I know her and her son for a while. Inside the safe was nothing valuable. It was a Browing Camera from the 30-40s. there was film in the camera and the father of his friend had it developed and It was pictures from Pearl Harbor. Believe me I thought this was a joke. but after talking to her.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I realized that it was not a joke. and having been looking at ATS a little while( my intrest are UFOs not world war 2). I should still post. I wanted to post then just because it was such an interesting story. but it would look foolish. a 3rd person story. so I asked for them to scan pictures. my mind was going crazy over the past weeks wondering why someone would take pictures at Pearl Harbor and not have them developed for all these years and then bury the camera and put a conctrete slab on top. and this was 3rd person so I didnt even know if this was the battle. The first thing I thought was. Mabye this was a survalance pictures. There were Japanise Spys in this country before Pearl Harbor (sorry for my spelling do you have spell check) I dont post on forums alot. or where they just aftermath pictures that I am sure where pretty common. or somthing more stange and dangerous. that someone he was very scarred to have.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:58 PM
Well my Boss got the scans in by e-mail today. and I have them about 20 pictures. they seem to be about whith in in 10-20 min after the attacks. but the stange thing they seem proffesional. I am not a photographer but they seem to be by the same person. the the photos seem the be very good quality. I am not a world war 2 buff. anyone else I would think this would be a hoax. and it still might be on me. If anybody is interested in I can post these.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by strangestory]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:18 PM
I was given permission to post this today by her son and I can post the pictures. I know this is kinda of a unbelievable story. all I said I wouldnt give out personal info.

If the admins want to e-mail me I can. somewhat, what I know.
Mabey these are well know pictures. but I dont think so

Like I said this story is a 3rd person account unless I got the pictures I would never have posted.

But I was hoping someone could give me some info on the pictures.
dont have negatives thease are with sons frieds dad

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:18 PM
sorry double post

[edit on 29-5-2008 by strangestory]

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