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How The End Times Will Be- A Must Read This will hit the core

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:18 PM
How The End Times Will Be-

Before this point in time, (in the modern era) you could do most everything by yourself. But now you need God, more than ever. You will be going into an era that will be hard to handle without God. If you are going to show others about God and God’s love - helping people - loving people you must know God and Jesus and have a relationship with them.
There are many people from the 2nd Heavenly Realm on Earth right now, in human form. They will be the Satanic forces that we will fight in the End Times.
The progress of humanism through the spread of socialist and communist principles will increase at an accelerated rate. The end of Christianity, personal freedom and personal property will begin to manifest rapidly. You will see attacks on people who wish to maintain privacy.
The Godless secular humanist pagans of the End Times will be hard hearted, cold, ruthless, and they will treat others with extreme brutality.
The philosophies of Buddhism and Confucianism which didn’t embrace Yahweh - God, could not prevent the establishment of humanism in Asia. The hard heartedness of the pagans in China, have caused many of their own citizens to seek refuge in other countries. Most Christians have been driven underground, in a desperate attempt to give people hope in a Godless society.
While the Chinese have remained isolationists - they are now attracting (luring) western countries to do business in their country. The Chinese companies are partnered with the Communist government and together they partner with capitalist western and European companies. Their organization charts will reveal communist armbands on most executives of these supposedly civilian companies. These capitalist companies knowingly do business with a communist country, in exchange for slave labor to increase profits.
But the Chinese conglomerates (Latin-conglomeratum-rolled together; a group of unrelated corporations operating under a single ownership) are only interested in stealing the technology of the western world for their government- without contributing to research, innovation (Latin-innovatum-made new; introduce something for the first time) or initial investment. They will cut out the middle man - the western and European corporations, once they have their product designs and know-how. The Chinese will employ their built in slave labor force to produce the products and export them.
This will cause the economies of the western countries, including Europe to be depressed by China due to the flood of Chinese products into the world market and the fact that jobs will be taken away from the western world and given to the workers in China.
A quick glimpse into today’s China, will give the western world a clue of what life will be like under the New One-World Order. Over there, it is every man, woman and child for themselves. The communist companies work their labor forces like slaves. Long hours and commutes to and from work consuming 15 - 18 hour days, 7 days per week. They are required to work on a set pay per day - salary, but are expected to work without stopping for lunch or dinner with their families. The Chinese bosses are ruthless and scream at you, if you don’t get your work done, causing a high stress environment. The same high stress conditions experienced by the people at Auschwitz and in the hulls of the slave rowing which traveled across the Atlantic or the Jewish slaves in Egypt or the African slaves in America.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:19 PM
The communist ideal is promoted that the women work the same long hours as their husbands. Non-stop propaganda campaigns geared to brainwash the people, so they won’t riot - and protest their one-child law - tell people to think about how much more stuff they can have with only one kid. A focus on materialism, instead of priorities of a relationship with God, family and achieving happiness, is a successful elitist control method. Getting people to want more stuff is the primary goal.
You see the gleaming city of Shanghai lit up at night only to attract westerners, like moths to the light. This land of false opportunity attracts many who are trying to escape depressed job markets in their own countries.
But behind the beautiful facade of this city, you will see the citizens on bikes trying to sell anything they can get their hands on to make some money for their families. Most people can’t own cars, because license plates are $5,000 per vehicle, so many must take taxi cabs, which bustle around the city.
The large humanist Gnostic Freemason global corporations - automotive, technology, and communications, for example, most middle managers and executives don’t know what’s going on with the New One-World Order. But the scheme to allow China, who has been promised riches and position by the Order Council, to do a world wide economic takeover, in order to depress the economies in every country, has already been set in motion. The New One-World Order will come forward and promote their new system as the solution and they will be the ones to “save everyone” from this world wide economic crisis, they created.
The American elitist global oil companies aren’t raising oil/gas prices to follow the market, but are trying to move wealth from Middle America to the New One-World Order global corporations. It’s an election period and they will lower prices so that the Republicans can benefit at the next election. The New One-World Order elitists are vying for positions in the Council and the eventual New One -World Government.
The Republicans have gotten the job done quicker with all of the new laws - Homeland Security and Patriot Acts, etc, than the Democrats could ever do, under the umbrella and protection of “Christianity.” The Republican humanist Gnostic Freemasons and Illuminati are pushing to slam in the New One-World Order (NWO) hard and fast. They intend to slam in national ID’s or some standardized form of state ID.
The Nazis had everyone trapped with their ID system. Many think that the Jews could just leave, and should have, but with ID, they couldn’t get on trains, because their names were already on a target list. The ID prevented them from moving and traveling. The new “Real ID Act” is an attempt to entrap us and it is a terrible law and the potential for abuse is huge.
The tactics which will be used in the End Times will be methods to quickly slam in all of their new laws, which will deprive people time to think or organize a rebellion. The 7 Realms agents will orchestrate threatening situations on a massive scale - epidemics, terrorist attacks. These will be devises, which will trick people into accepting new laws as “security measures.” People will be pushed into thinking that these new laws are the only way to “keep us safe.” People, including Christians, will sell out personal freedom for a little bit more security.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:19 PM
Protesters, who will see these new laws as oppressive methods to strip us of any remaining privacy and personal freedom, will be taken care of. The agents of the machine will threaten these citizen’s children, and basic survival needs, such as food, water and shelter. They will tell them that if they refuse to follow the new laws, they will be denied the basic necessities for living, which they will be reminded, will cause their families to perish. They will make life for these people very difficult and many may be tortured by contriving situations that cause them sleep depravation. Many, who won’t follow the new evil system and are subsequently deprived food by the 7 Realms, will be seen as abusing their children and consequently, they will be taken away by the NWO government agents.
The End Times will be very confusing. If anyone stands up against this NWO machine, they will label people as “anti-patriots,” “radicals,” “crazy,” or “traitors.” They will even go so far as to say that people are “anti-Christians” if they don’t cooperate with the so called “Christian” elitists. They will call themselves Christians, in order to hide their true intent to destroy people and their families.
People will start feeling the psychic warfare of Satan. Many people will feel a high pressure sensation, confusion, anxiety, and a general feeling of overwhelm - which causes a person to feel like they have an elephant on their chest. That’s the psychic pressure coming from the 2nd Heavenly Realm.
The End Times will move very quickly. Events as well as circumstances will seem to move faster somehow. Satan will try to pressure people into submitting to him and not remaining calm and waiting for God to help them. People will feel time is running out.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by uknow_me72
Most Christians have been driven underground, in a desperate attempt to give people hope in a Godless society.

This bit reminds me of a quote by Jon Stewart from the "Daily Show."

"Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion.... perhaps around their necks? And maybe - dare I dream it? - maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively."

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:37 PM
I noticed China has a big part in this...This states china will throw the free world?

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:43 PM
China already uses slave labor with their sweat shops. You have already seen the economic boom in China. This will continue to take more and more Jobs from the western world and we will not be able to afford the Gas cost.

They want China to do this so the people of America will feel the struggle and willing to give up a few more freedoms for comfort.

This gives more power to the government and is how the NWO will take the only semi-free country to the full on slave system because they will provide more services.....

In reality they should be providing them in the first place and are not. It is just another movie in the collections of illusions.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by uknow_me72

China already uses slave labor with their sweat shops. You have already seen the economic boom in China. This will continue to take more and more Jobs from the western world and we will not be able to afford the Gas cost.

They want China to do this so the people of America will feel the struggle and willing to give up a few more freedoms for comfort.

This gives more power to the government and is how the NWO will take the only semi-free country to the full on slave system because they will provide more services.....

In reality they should be providing them in the first place and are not. It is just another movie in the collections of illusions.

Ummm, I think China did away with that super-minimum slave labor wage policy about 2 years ago. Their manufacturing price structures have been increasing ever since.

And you might want to recognise that the USA uses slave labour - through its ginormous prison population, where many inmates work for pittance under pretty bad conditions.


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Not my point at all. I do know what you mean though. This is not a discussion on who does what. This is information for you on who the even is going to unfold....

You will see in time it already started happening....

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 08:44 AM

This will cause the economies of the western countries, including Europe to be depressed by China due to the flood of Chinese products into the world market and the fact that jobs will be taken away from the western world and given to the workers in China.

Um if you haven't noticed almost everything you use on a daily basis is made in China, it has already happened!

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Yes it is underway and it is only going to get worse.

Secure yourself. Get your people together. Let them know the Truth. Get ready for the a NEW CIVILIZATION that is free from tyranny and the NWO.

I am not saying get guns and ammo. it will not be that type of war. They can not touch us. If they try it will only reveal their true intentions.

If they try, you have heard this before, It will be the final count down for the Apocolypse because all we wanted to do was be really free and the ones that make it out of their Matrix are part of the Nation of God.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by uknow_me72

Amen brother. I urge people when the mark comes do not accept it. Once you accept the mark, you will not be granted into heaven.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by uknow_me72

I already have that overwhelming feeling, and also, the "elephant on the chest" feeling! I have noticed that if I mention Jesus or Christianity on this board, that I am usually immediately bashed for my beliefs! It will be so much worse when AntiChrist appears, and the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth. Hitler was able to get so many people under his control, and there was no way out for them. When people talk about gun control, I just cringe, and think about Hitler, and his control! Great post!

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:49 AM
All the events that are happening right now around the world are manifestations that we are already living in the end times.

This is the time for renewing our spirituality, re-connecting with God.
Only God can save you, it's time that mankind realize that all things that have a beginning shall have an end. But if you have a secure relationship with God, meaning that you devote your religion to Him alone and look for your salvation only From Him, God who is full of mercy towards mankind will surely have mercy on you and deliver you from what must soon come to pass.

This a wake-up call to ALL. This world is coming to an end sooner than all of you think. Mankind is self-destroyed, hastening the death of the planet in various ways. Playing God, when he should have been worshiping God and fulfilling the sole reason for his creation.

The object of our focus now should be the after-life. Consider what your hands have sent forward for the next life. Remember that you came to the world with nothing and that you will be leaving it the same way. Only good works will follow you to the next life, consider what your hands have sent forward because God will repay everything that you have done in this world, and you will not be wronged in the least.

Love the Lord Thy God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. Love your neighbors as you love yourself, spend of what God has given you in charity, to the needy, before the time comes when there will be no trafficking, and no soul can save another soul. The time that you have is NOW. Because tomorrow might not come for all of us.

I bear witness that there is ONLY ONE GOD, and there is NONE worthy of worship except Him. Amen

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:55 AM
Wow, another great post! I haven't done enough good works. I need to do more good, kind things for people, and try to help more. When you get to heaven, that is what is important. Please love Jesus with all of your heart, and try to help others, while you are on this earth!

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:05 PM
We need to separte the GOOD and the BAD.

Know that what's good is good and what's bad is bad.

This world has been taught what is bad is good and whast good is bad. Isn't that backwards? It was all to be cool. Who do you want to be cool with? Satan or your Family, Friends and YHWH?

I am not promoting a religion here but a direct relationship with God. You do not need to focus on the After Life but focus on what you do here.

Let God live through you.
Be nice, Show respect, Love everyone and give protection to the innocent....

God has sent us a messanger. A leader to bring us to his nation. We are going to be freed from Pharoh but first you must free yourself from Satan.

Email to get important information [email protected]

[edit on 30-5-2008 by uknow_me72]

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Check out the cover of the book.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:16 PM
good post man,

i learned in life it takes 2....
there were summerians and then there were assyrians....
summerians taught the TRTH and assyrians taught science.

they try to make it out to be the pharoah was black but truth pharoah was assyrian.

i have enough proof to show how assyrians helped teach others thru history to genocide and to become barbarian animals like they did to africa/summeria....

assyrians,who worship the sun/science taught their pagan gods to others as they powered their take over countries and turned them into powerhouses in a 3 year spand,russia,rome,uk,america,spain etc....

its called science!

these people make up the "Illuminati" they are known today as jews,but are also everywhere and every race....

Jewish is a religion not a race!

jewish religion is the sun/magick ,its what the assyrians worshipped!

they all worship the sun because it brings them light in this fake world of life.

there plan is to pull the gravity field closer so it pulls the light in order to create their dumb finished pyramid thru out the solar system but doesnt know what happens next....

they worship being alive and they make us worship it to by making us have to have money with comes from gold which comes from the sun!

one word for these people!


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 09:47 PM
Here is my proof!


do you see how they have the same style as rome did?
and as you will discover these assyrians,you will discover ow they taught each powerhouse country,"Science"

and they create this,"Illuminati"

start were it all begins....

and ocourse you know how assyrians discovered science....

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:02 PM
Here is when he romans went and,"took the menorah,arc of covenant and golden horns"


But little did they know,the menorah,the arc of covenant,the golden horns,is all science! and not an object!

everyone is killing eachother over what i drew!

You want to tell the people in jerusalem that the arc of covenant is science,i wonder how much that would kill them!

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:41 PM
here is the arc of covenant and the menorah for proof

Arc of Covenant


Dont be blinded by Science....

Poor people in Jerusalem....

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