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Could Cheops Pyramid's Small Channels and

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posted on Dec, 30 2002 @ 06:40 PM

"Doors" 1 and 2 are in the southern shaft rising from the Queen's Chamber on the left of the above diagram. The most recently discovered "Door 3" is on the northern shaft rising from the same chamber.

Both Door 1 and Door 3 have copper pins, staples or handles. Door 1 and Door 3 also block the two respective shafts at approximately the same distance from the Queen's Chamber: 210 feet.

Door 2 is seven inches beyond Door 1. The actual path to Door 3 is now known to have three turns in it to get past the Grand Gallery. No one yet knows what is behind Door 2 and Door 3 or what the purpose of these strange, narrow shafts and little blocks might truly be.

More :

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part 3 :

[Edited on 31-12-2002 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Jan, 5 2003 @ 03:46 PM
Interesting read.

posted on Jan, 5 2003 @ 05:57 PM
Both Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval have written extensively about the Great Pyramid. Their theories have been scorned and ridiculed by many scientific and archaeological experts. However, I have found them to be well researched and convincingly presented.

Here are their website links:

Door in the Great Pyramid:

Great Pyramid and Sphinx: htp://

Graham Hancock Official Website:

Graham Hancock older page:

Another Graham Hancock Page:

Robert Bauval:

posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 01:16 PM
We knows only a few on these pyramids, even if the majority think that everything have been sayed.

But it's more easy to say and write that we know everything. After all, our civilisation is the best of the best, right ?

posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 01:27 PM
Oh Oh I'm glad UP posted here, or I'd never have seen this.

My dad's friend is a surveyor and an engineer and he and his buddies figured that they placed these heavy stones using Sand, because among other reasons, the angle of the sides of the pyramid match the angle that sand can achieve before collapsing, you know, a little sand pile

So anyways, these doors, these shafts, me and him were talking about, may have actually been "chambers" used to hold a quantity of sand, that would hold open the main passages...and when that sand was released into the main chambers, the main doors sealed shut, and that block with the copper handles set into place as the last of the sand emptied into the chamber.

I feel that's a good theory, what do you all think about it? Because unless they have more recently, I don't think they've found the exit point of the shafts on the outside of the pyramid.

Which must mean they don't exit, they must lead to another chamber, that could have been filled with sand, like a funnel, that helped to hold something such as a door open...perhaps.

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posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 05:58 PM
Mason, i hate to admit it but it sounds like you actually have some good points there. Still i would like to think it leads to somewhere more exotic, like a room filled with secrets of the Egyptians
...Oh by the way have they ever opened up the chamber below the Sphinx?

posted on Jan, 8 2003 @ 06:02 PM
Don't hate to admit it, they are DAMN good points

If people are to smear me for my plentiful idiocy, they might as well publically shower me with gifts for some good intelligent posts too.

There's quite a lot about it, we had a long discussion, but I hadn't post it all, mainly because I can't really put it all in words.

I just remembered seeing this sorta thing on tv, and they sent that remote up the shafts, and it was was described. And on the outside the shafts didn't break the surface of the pyramids.

Does anyone know if they have done some form of radar or sound penetration tests for any cavities in the pyramids yet?

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posted on Jan, 9 2003 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason

Does anyone know if they have done some form of radar or sound penetration tests for any cavities in the pyramids yet?

Egyptians and British scientists did it. Actually, Egyptians are still looking in the Pyramids. It seems that they are looking for " something ", but nobody knows what they are looking for.

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