posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:35 PM
I want to start a thread on using your surroundings to help make life easier in a shtf have at your disposal several automobiles 5 4
cylinder cars 2 v6 's and a v8, you also have hundreds of tin cans available, a water heater, 4 open top 55 gal drums and one bunghole 55 gal drum,
50 feet of bandsaw cutters, a piece of silver, some lead, tin, 50# bag of salt, jumper cables, a huge assortment of drills, a 1000 gallon tank of
propane. 3 inch wide steel tubes 15 feet long, 1000 watts of solar cells, old style television. various screws, and nuts, microwave oven, a leaf
blower,and a 500 watt dc-ac converter, a led flashlight. and don't forget a chainsaw.
You must use your inventive mind to create usable devices out of the parts from
this stuff only.