posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Though proof positive is probably impossible, its enough for many to believe what is happening is HAARP related, especially since there are many
quakes happening in China and Japan through may alone. dbickford TRUTHTV PROOF US GOV USING HAARP 12 QUAKES CHINA!! search for it on
Perhaps this isn't enough for the average person to pay attention, although I'm really wondering what it will take for the average person to wake up
and start paying attention. This is certainly enough for some serious attention to be paid to the matter. But when it comes to opinion, China is
going to form its own opinion, and they'll be basing it on US behavior. In other words, this kind of stuff will be viewed in the overall picture.
Hmmm wonder why China isn't buying bonds anymore? Wonder why theres so many countries who will not be supporting US domination of the world?