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Barack Obama has an infantile mentality.

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:58 AM
>>>>>>>>Is it me or that photo with the cigg was 100% photo shopped?!!...Clearly it was..what a bad move not cool at all lol...

One question though?!

Did he really say that stuff about the weed and blow?lmao!! Thats crazy if he did.. i want sources?!!!!!!

I see like this>> if the nwo is real? which seems to be true. No matter whos president this country is still gonna go the same direction no matter what!! why not see what this black fellow could do? might be real interesting no?

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by GAOTU789]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Um...What is infantile about having a sense of humor?

What is infantile in pointing out the very real difference in how he's treated as a Black man in America?

What's infantile about this fantastic note:

"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest." - Barack Obama

I would say in all of your quotes you've shown him to be funny and accurate. A real human being disguised as a politician.

But if you want another smirking chimp terrorist in office chucking poop on other countries at the behest of his puppet masters, go right ahead and vote for the alternative.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by pai mei
Look at Dalai Lama, you will see how he behaves in public, see the movie "10 questions for the Dalai Lama". He cares not about "etiquette" , but he is a good person.

You've hit on something here I've been trying to explain all my life. (Although people seem to get it when Yoda does it. Heee.)

There are some people who don't care about the meanings behind words, they can only hear the literal translation of them. I suspect people who thump bibles are the same people who believe The Simpsons is "just a dumb cartoon" and The Beatles were a hair band.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by Jeremy_Vaeni]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:21 PM
any bets in which month will FOX NEWS will use the term NEGRO to describe Obama? you know it's just on the tip of their tongue, and some lame-ss talking head will blurt it out.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by jimmyx]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd
I don't see how any of those quotes, or any of his wife's quotes, or any pictures of him talking on the phone or smoking a cigarette would lead one to beleive that Barack Obama has an "infantile mentality".

It's almost as if you have nothing to attack him on, so you attack him on things that no one would ever attack anyone on.

What I mean to say is, looking at those quotes, there's nothing there! Nothing that would be even remotely close to a character defaming slip-up. You can poke around and find funny out-of-context quotes from any politician.

Stop taking shots in the dark, and challenge the man on the issues and not some dumb quotes.

I just started reading this thread and so far, this is the only person
to bring up any realistic comment in regards to the original post.

OMG, Barack smokes cigarettes!

OMG, Barack can talk!

And, all this stuff about him following scripts can be easily put to rest if you guys go and watch a speech.. where you see him looking into the eyes of the audience, speaking to them directly, not reading off a teleprompter or a script.

I think you guys have this impression because he is a good public speaker, went to college, knows a lot about the issues at hand and has plans to tackle them.

umm hmm

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Cyberbian
That George Bush made promises and did not keep them.

Yes, Bush did, but what Barack has that Bush doesn't is a track record to back up his stance on said issues. His "blueprint for change" show the problem, the resolution, and what Barack HAS DONE in the senate so far to fight for it.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:47 PM
The fact that he was a pothead, boozer and coke head should be more damaging but.....The fact that he refers to whole race of people as "typical" would be more than enough to cook a white mans chances, but......The fact that people are still smoking after what we now know shows a true form of stupidity that can't be argued, but......The fact that he chose a racist, anti american man to be his guide through the past 20 years of his life really gives us all a picture into BO's soul that would be extremely damaging if it were McCain, but......The fact that he chooses words like "trick" and "tactic" when referring to his ability to manipulate "white" people while at the same time attending a church that was founded on a Theology that states one goal as "the destruction of the white enemy", but.....

Obama supporters have nothing to stand on so they lie to themselves to keep their belief strong, it's always but, but, but. They are so full of their own bias spewing sheeperish when they say things like "it's a shot in the dark", "Those issues arn't important" The fact is BO has zero substance, he is reading a script made for you by the Liberal Democratic party. When it come to voting for a president, you are not simply voting for a side, you are voting for a person, the whole person, past and present, not just his ability to memorize a made for TV script, so don't be so foolish as to say he should only be challenged on his political views, like was said, if that were the case you could just replace him with the person that writes his speeches, he's the one your really paying attention to.

But...But, But.....

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by vuoto
Personally, I'm a little more optimistic about the direction of the country when it's not being run by people who have sold themselves to corporate interests.

And you're convinced the Obama's haven't sold themselves to corporate interests huh?

Obama called hypocrite for wife's Wal-Mart link's-Wal-Mart-link.html

In a new ad, Obama says, "I don’t take money from oil companies."


Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.

Two of Obama's bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.

Edwards Campaign Asserts Obama Once a Sellout to Corporate Interests

Obama Rallies Hometown Corporate Donors

Despite Rhetoric, Obama Pushed Lobbyists' Interests

Yeah, no ties to corporations whatsoever.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:13 PM
On the subject of Obama talking about former drug use,

I think it is lame that people are trying to hold this against him. He is being real with the people, admitting to it, because the truth is .. many college students in the late 60's up through modern times have partaken in some form of recreational drug use. Often times it is a stimulant of some sorts, (like "blow", or riddalin/adderal are the common ones now too), with some use of alcohol and sometimes pot. Not all college kids, and college aged kids, or heck even mid to late teenage kids for that matter do this, but a very sizable percentage do or have done in the past. Obama was just admitting it..

Kinda like Bill Clinton, he said he smoked but didnt inhale. Now we all know that is completely retarded, and knowing Bill's tendency to lie in public, everyone knew that he really did inhale, and was just trying to stretch words, much like not including oral sex in "sexual relations". But just for admitting it at all, the people loved him and thought he was kind of hip and upbeat. Now Bush on the otherhand .. rumor has it that he used to have a coc aine problem, not just an occasional use. But would Bush dare admit to even doing coc aine ONCE? Heck no .. never that ..

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:16 PM
I have no intention of voting for Obama, but this idea of him being infantile is without a doubt one of the dumbest most hypocritical things I have read lately.

1. Bush was definatelty "presidential" while eating with his mouth open at an international meeting as well as walking up behind the German Chancellor (Merkel) and putting his hands around her neck. You could actually see her revulsion and I think I actually felt embarrassed for my country.

2. As far as him smoking, so what. God only knows how many Presidents actually do smoke. Hell, FDR was always seen with a cigarette.

If you are going to criticize someone how about "constructive criticism" instead of lame infantile diatribes.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:36 PM
I believe the most serious issue with this thread is the lack of discipline in the art of debate. The party advancing the affirmative notion, namely that these quotes by Barack Obama should be construed as damaging, carries the burden of proof. The quotes standing by themselves are nebulous and thus open to interpretation. To wit, a number of the early replies centered on something to the effect of "I don't see what's so bad about that." It is the responsibility of those who argue for a negative interpretation of the quotes to explain in each case why the quote supports their view that Barack Obama is infantile. Similarly with the photographs. Those disagreeing with you should then rebut your points if they feel they are incorrect.

I would further contend that those pointing out negatives regarding Obama unrelated to aforementioned quotations should subject their point to an "apples to apples" comparison. If you're complaining of corporate support and all of the viable candidates are receiving corporate support, it's a bit of a moot complaint.

Finally, any supposition advanced along the lines of "Obama will destroy the military" should be packaged with a source or two.


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by AgentStovkowski
You have lots of white people voting for him just to cure their "white guilt" because lots of whites feel guilty about the whole slavery thing. Though none of them will admit to you that's why they are voting for him.

Oh, I will.

My first vote goes to Ron Paul. But, since he's no longer "viable" per the Republican Party, I'll be voting for Obama. Yes, it's because he's black. And I'll guessitmate that 90% of white people voting for him are voting for the same reason. I highly doubt that 10% of Obama's white supporters could accurately list his stance on foreign or domestic policies. I know where he stands ... which is why Ron Paul is my first choice. After all, we're left with practically the same thing from all candidates after we remove R.P. So, yes ... my vote is based on race. Well, that and the fact that I won't support another dynasty with H.R.C. ... or a saber-rattling buffoon that doesn't know in which directions the Double-Talk Express is heading.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by jamie83

Reagan?! I agree; it is folly to compare him. I don't think Mr. Obama's policies would be as vapid, as destructive, as predatory. Do you understand this about Mr. Reagan and his record? It appears not. Obama appears to be brighter and has a broader conception of the world and politics than Mr. Kennedy. I agree about that comparison, too.

I don't agree with the premise of this thread at all. It is infantile and immature. You people continue to demand that your politicians are stripped of any humanity or sincerity, you will keep getting what you've been getting, and the world will continue on this course to certain destruction, with the greatest pain and suffering for those who have least.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by tyranny22
I won't support another dynasty with H.R.C. ... or a saber-rattling buffoon that doesn't know in which directions the Double-Talk Express is heading.

Barack Obama, May 18 in Portland, Oregon on Iran: "They don't pose a serious threat to us."

Barack Obama, May 19, in Billings, Montana, on Iran: "I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave."

I'm loving the irony on display here. Unfortunately it's going to cost this country big if this "saber rattling buffoon" gets elected.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by sos37]

[edit on 29-5-2008 by sos37]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Not if those republicans also say that Bush says stupid things as well.

Fair enough - but people saying Obama shouldn't be president because he says dumb things really have no base to work off, do they?

And do those Republicans who say such things, also say that Bush isn't fit to be President?


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by jamie83

Originally posted by Dinamo
Obama has "infantile mentality"?

G.W.Bush in one speech explains what left hand is doing BUT holding RIGHT hand in the air???

i will never forget that idiot's face. my 5 year old kid can't make that kind of mistake

I took a logic class in college once and there was a technical term for this type of illogical argument. I forget what it was called. Anybody know?

It goes something like this:

1. Person A: "That box on the table contains an apple."
2. Person B: "But the box on the bed contains a bigger apple!"

It's like, WTF does statement 2 have anything to do with statement 1?

Is it possible for Obama supporters to craft a logical argument which defends Obama's foolishness without referring to somebody else's foolishness?

Exactly. Forget Obama having an infantile memory, I think some of the users on HERE have an infantile memory.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by vuoto
I don't know how many of you geniuses have ever been on the Law Review at one of the top 5 universities in the world, but Barack Obama has.

If I was black, due to affirmative action I could probably be on the law review at one of the top 5 universities as well.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by seagull
When are people going to realize that a lack of public speaking skills, especially off the cuff, is not a statement for or against intelligence. I'm not the greatest speaker in the world, yet I'm fairly intelligent.

I'm not the greatest speaker either, in fact I'm a HORRIBLE speaker, yet I don't go around saying there are 57 states (clearly he really thought there were 57 states too, it wasn't a speaking mistake) and say I did coc aine.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by vision

Originally posted by drwizardphd
I don't see how any of those quotes, or any of his wife's quotes, or any pictures of him talking on the phone or smoking a cigarette would lead one to beleive that Barack Obama has an "infantile mentality".

It's almost as if you have nothing to attack him on, so you attack him on things that no one would ever attack anyone on.

What I mean to say is, looking at those quotes, there's nothing there! Nothing that would be even remotely close to a character defaming slip-up. You can poke around and find funny out-of-context quotes from any politician.

Stop taking shots in the dark, and challenge the man on the issues and not some dumb quotes.

I just started reading this thread and so far, this is the only person
to bring up any realistic comment in regards to the original post.

OMG, Barack smokes cigarettes!

OMG, Barack can talk!

And, all this stuff about him following scripts can be easily put to rest if you guys go and watch a speech.. where you see him looking into the eyes of the audience, speaking to them directly, not reading off a teleprompter or a script.

Have you ever been to a Bush speech? I have. It's the same thing, him looking into the "eyes of the audience" as you put it.

It's called an earpiece. It's well known that Bush, Obama, and McCain use them, Hillary probably does too.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by vision

Originally posted by Cyberbian
That George Bush made promises and did not keep them.

Yes, Bush did, but what Barack has that Bush doesn't is a track record to back up his stance on said issues. His "blueprint for change" show the problem, the resolution, and what Barack HAS DONE in the senate so far to fight for it.

I've BEEN to an Obama speech, 2 long hours, all he talks about is change over and over, but never lays out what exactly he's going to do. He's all talk and no walk, like the other 2 frontrunners.

And track record? Obama has no track record whatsoever. Bush has an even bigger track record that Obama, albeit a negative track record.

Look at Obama's voting record while in the senate compared to what he says he's going to do. Before the vote for the patriot act renewal came up, he publicly said he would not vote for it- then 3 days later, he votes yes on it.

Some track record.

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