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Looking for best way to generate electricity and shielding from EMP

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 07:55 PM
To me, maintaining all the electronic devices is very important, especially for communication. In fact, I'm thinking of buying a motorhome if I have the money. Even though it will probably run out of gasoline, I expect it to still have electricity. I also think some shielding from EMP attack is necessary. Thanks.

[edit on Wed, 28 May 08 by Jazzyguy]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:00 PM
You can always get some gigawatts out of the emp pulse.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:19 PM
A faraday cage can shield smaller electronics from an EMP but I honestly have no idea if you could scale one up to protect say a car and have it be feasable in any way shape or form. But a generator should be doable.

I think the best bet for electricity generation will come from either wind, solar or small scale hydro 9can be dipped into a river etc.

However, you also have to be carefull. The last thing you want is to draw attention to yourself with lights at night

One thing I found out from researching a PV system for our house is that even with a huge bank of panels, if you have a grid tie system, and the grid is out, you do not power your house at all. you also are blacked out.

[edit on 5/28/08 by FredT]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Jazzyguy

In order to save bandwidth, and prevent repeating the information...

Please see the recent threads in the Survival forum titled "Possible EMP Block" and "EMP attack , how to survive".

I dont know how to post a link, maybe someone would be kind enough to do that for us?

Best Regards,


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by FredT
However, you also have to be carefull. The last thing you want is to draw attention to yourself with lights at night

That is an excellent point Fred, thanks.

reply to post by Blitzkreigen

The thread in mention. Possible EMP block
Paint? Very interesting, but wifi signal is much weaker than EMP detonation, I'm assuming.

Your posts. Are you sure rubber will work? I'm not sure the faraday cage will work, it works well for shielding from cell phone signal, but EMP burst, not so sure.

What a coincidence eh? I don't go to this board often but it seems a lot of ATSers are thinking about EMP lately and being off the grid. Off the grid is very important, that is why the motorhome. EMP shielding is just in case.

[edit on Wed, 28 May 08 by Jazzyguy]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Yes, I'm sure the rubber will work. ( its just an 'insulator' )

Its thick black ( i dont know the 'Mil' thickness ) and its thicker than whats used for "shower pan underlayment liner". Its thicker than "Pond Liner". I cant remember what it was designed for, and I probably picked it up at a commercial building construction site somewhere, or in a salvage warehouse.

The rubber , or cardboard, just acts as an ''insulator" between the appliance ( or electronic device ) and the "inner layer" of the tin foil.

( 2 layers of tin foil, 'insulted' between the appliance, and 1st layer, then more protective insulation and then a second "outer" layer of foil -- all in a box thats insulated inside, and sealed on the outside)

It just stops stray electrical current that will form on the inner tin foil surfaces.

It keeps that 'charge' from touching the radio or electronic appliance.

It also keeps the metal box sides and bottom from touching the stored electronics. You could probably use dense packing foam, or even bubble wrap.

Thank you for posting those links... I'm pretty new to this "posting" thing ( ATS ), and I have not learned the 'magic' yet.

I do find it very interesting how many people are interested in EMP all of a sudden.

I've been researching it for over 20 years, when I have a chance, or find some new "white paper" somewhere.

I have found that until recently, it was a well guarded secret, and some of the technical details are still 'classified' ( such as do you 'ground' or do you 'not ground').

Seems as if the people who KNOW... dont want US to know....

There seems to be a LOT of disinformation out there on the subject as well, and only within the past 5 to 8 years have I been able to get some solid data. Even that is missing the details and tech specs that I want..

The best information seems to be from not the Government, but from 'Tech geeks' ( no offense, I consider myself one too ) who set up protected computer server systems , for like Siemens and AT&T.

I hope this information helps you, as this is the BEST that I can find at this point, and its what I have personally 'invested' in for my own electroncs.
I have redesigned and re done this system several times, each time improving it from further research, and trial and error.

Best Regards,


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:33 PM
site i got the info from

Gauss' Law establishes the relation between electric flux flowing out of a closed surface and the electrical charge enclosed inside the surface. Basically, in a hollow object that can conduct electricity, such as an aluminum sphere, charge will (ideally) distribute itself evenly over the surface of the sphere, and there won't be an electric field inside the sphere. This has the effect of blocking EMFs (elecromagnetic fields) and shielding radio frequency waves.

Not sure if I did this right, but I hope it helps

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by angryamerican

Thats exactly what the Military Missile "crate" does.

Its an aluminum "box", not a sphere, but it should allow all the energy to form on the outer surface, and not penetrate the box.

IF it DOES penetrate the box, the second outer layer of tin foil, all bonded together , will act as a second "Sphere", collecting on the outside of the outer layer of foil.

If it gets through THAT layer, each individual piece of electronics had a final "Inner layer" of tin foil ( not bonded ), which should act as a THIRD sphere...

Put this whole asembly ( packed Military Crate, EMP sealed ) inside a vehicle, or BOAT, and you really have FOUR layers of protection.

The only question that I really still have is the "grounding" issue...

I prefer to use the "Floating Ground" theory at this point, but I have seen people stating that you SHOULD ground, to a proper WET EARTH gronding rod, or even SEVERAL rods, with very very short lead in wire.

To me, thats just a big antenna that will COLLECT EMP, ( grounding ),
but I'm willing to humbly stand corrected if I can read more theory and application data that makes sense and stands up to peer review.

Best Regards,


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 09:49 AM
I spent three long years studying EMP and its effects. Got my info from the web so it may be flawed. Unfortunately most of my original sites were lost in a hard drive crash.

In that research I came across the issues of the grounds. From my understanding EMP thru the air acts similar to radio waves. however once it touches something conductive it flows more like electricity, in that it will take the shortest route thru the item. unlike electricity how ever it will keep flowing. So the grounds allow it leave the item. the best method is for each item to have its own ground. reason for this is because if the grounds are all in one the pulse may go up another ground and into another cage, or item. If the ground are separated from each other the pulse goes into the earth ware it harmlessly dissipates.

One other point of interest I came across is about electronics. The initial pulse does a lot of damage but it may only damage one or two items. as the electrical components in those items break down they in turn give off there own little EMP pulses. So for up to 5 minutes after the initial pulse passes damage is still being done. TV screens will continue to glow as well as fluorescent light bulbs.

As I've already said I am not an expert and this information may be flawed but it all made sense to me. hope it helps.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by angryamerican

Thats Just Awesome!

I too have heard about multiple grounds, and your explanation makes a lot of sense, more so that where I read it.

I'm not giving up on this subject, because I know that there is More information available NOW than EVER before.

Excellent Post Angry American! Starred and Flagged.

I still on a Mission though... This is a VERY intriguing Subject to me.

I know that other people will post their info as well Please.

There simply has to be ONE right way, and I intend to figure that out, in detail.

I'm listening to all , so Please add your opinion here : ________< hit reply> ____________

Best Regards,


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:24 AM
Dang, this is much more complicated than I thought!
Is there a professional solution to this? Money is not an issue as long as it's not an obscene amount.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Blitzkreigen

i was whatching the discovery channel a show called modern marvels. one of the eoisodes was on norad. according to the show norad is inside weather mountain or whatever its called, solid granit. and they soround their entire facility i metal and then ground it. they compared it to a lightning rod.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Blitzkreigen

i was whatching the discovery channel a show called modern marvels. one of the eoisodes was on norad. according to the show norad is inside weather mountain or whatever its called, solid granit. and they soround their entire facility i metal and then ground it. they compared it to a lightning rod.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Siemens and AT&T, for sure.

Will they work with a civilian? Who knows..

Corporate , Banking, Security, Feds, yes... daily.

The truth IS out there...NOW we just have to nail it down on 1 page.

Its On the WEB just need a larger in-box filling up to sort through and prioritize.

I hope thats what happens here.

Best regards,


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:21 AM
If you're looking for a very low-tech means of producing electricity, here a good article on making a windmill capable of power a small workshop. As for EMP shielding you guys seem to know more than enough about the subject.

Look on the side bar for the link to Homemade power. I don't know how to create a direct link to the article.. Sorry

Windmill Power Plant For The Amateur's Workshop

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:29 AM

Please share your EMP information with us.

I've read many of your other posts, and I know you have some fuel for the fire.

It would be appreciated by a LOT of us for you to add your thoughts on EMP.

Best regards,


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:54 AM

A bismuth hts alloy should do the trick , it reflects the field as well an aluminum covering over a Faraday cage with a bismuth lining should leave all your things intact.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Blitzkreigen

I'd love to help you guys out, but EMPs and Faraday cages are subjects I really know little about. I need to learn more about the topic because an EMP attack is very likely.

You, angryamerican, and FredT all seem to be very knowledgeable on the subject in my opinion. The most I could contribute to the discussion would be a couple of links. They seem to be fairly in-depth articles, and coincide with what you guys have been discussing. I hope they're of some small help.

Making Faraday Cages


[edit on 5/30/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 04:04 PM
Anyone considered an all metal container box they use on container ships? You could park your RV in there and in the event of an EMP (granted the doors are closed and sealed) you would probably protect your precious electronics. If you have land, I would bury the container under a hill so you can access it from the side of the hill.

Just a theory which needs validating.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:19 PM
That is actually an interesting idea, but since it is an all metal container, well... I don't know.

But the idea of purchasing one of those things and bury it as a quick makeshift bunker, it's not a bad idea at all.

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