posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:06 AM
I live in south central florida eastside the chemtrails are flown at night so in the morning the sky is blanketed with trails all spread out nice the
way they like it 100% coverage for you to inhale poison air. People are very dumb, all tv commercials new cars , drug companys, cereals, lots have
chems in the background the more tv you see the more you will not see chems. The weather is made by the chems, your life will end with the chems.
Instead of a yellow sun and blue skies, 80% of the people think the silver sun and white or light blue sky is normal. Chemtrails affect the brain
function, along with mind control programing, and you have a zombie population. And the few people that can see this are affraid to speak out. It is
no longer a world that many of us over 50 remember.