posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by craic.n.up
Dreams combine a lot of stuff; archtypes, allegorical vs. literal associations, repressed memories, symbols, and often contain elements of whatever we
were doing just before we went to bed/sleep. Since you say it's the 8th year, perhaps try to remember back to that year and what you were doing with
your life before that first dream started. You might also consider the timing, is there any family birthday or other celebrated annual event at the
same time of year you have that dream?
Dreams are fascinating. The subconscious uses dreams to help us accept or realize things in our conscious mind.
The Black Madonna is used in many cultures and since Jesus and Mary were semitic (spelling? - no spell check here) - they were portrayed in their
natural racial skin color by the early church up to or through the medeival period. Isis and Nephys can't be ruled out either; though, your text
stated "black madonna" so I'd be more inclined to think early Christian church, gnostic, or even modern day usages of the black madonna in
Santeria, or many other less common religions. There's even a country (forgot which one - Poland? Czechoslovakia?) that associates itself with the
black madonna.
I can't find anything on the book you mentioned: "mysteries of the catheral by fucanelli".
Have you discussed your dream with your spouse and what does he say?
I'm afraid that's all I know that might help you in your search.