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Flying on Flight 1989 on September 11th, 2001

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:01 AM
I am posting this story because it is being removed as we speak. flight 1989 crossed paths with flight 93 and landed in cleavland, I believe this was the origin of the cleaveland airport mystery on 911.

Since the webpage no longer exsits, I am not going to quote it but paste my copy of it.

Traveling on Delta Flight 1989 on 9/11
[My thoughts about the day can be found at 9/11/2001 Thoughts. A detailed
timeline of the events of the day at 9/11/2001 Timeline. I've also collected
some pictures of 9/11.]
[This was written by a friend of mine and I find it interesting from a couple of
different angles. I thank her for the permission to post it. As an aside, the
Delta flight 1989 she was on was initially thought to be flight 93 since they
were very close in the sky at the time that 93 was hijacked. Her flight was the
only 8am flight out of Boston bound for LA that was not hijacked. It was also a
767 and full of fuel. Given discussions with some of the 9/11
skeptics/tinfoil-hat-types out there, I felt compelled to add some additional
details and some comments from the author of this piece. I also have scanned in
her scrapbook from the time. ]
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:19:40 EDT
Subject: A close brush with death and happy to be alive
Dear Friends,
Many of you knew that [my spouse] and I and many [fellow] employees were on an 8
am flight from Boston to LA on Tuesday morning. I am happy to be alive and to be
able to tell you of the events of our harrowing journey. Even though it has been
only 48 hours since we departed Logan, it feels as though a lifetime has passed.

[My spouse] and I and six other fellow [...] employees were on the 8 am flight
from Boston to Los Angeles on Tuesday, but we were on the Delta flight [1989],
the one out of three 8am flights departing Logan that did not get hijacked.
Instead, we were forced to make an emergency landing in Cleveland because there
were reports that a bomb or hijacking was taking place on our plane. The pilot
had radioed that there was suspicious activity in the cabin since one of the
passengers was speaking urgently on his cellphone and ignored repeated flight
attendant requests to stop using his cell phone while in flight. Also, there was
an irregularity in the passenger manifest because there were two people [with
the same middle eastern name] who were listed but only one aboard.
After our emergency landing, our plane was directed to go to an isolated area of
the airport, and we waited for over two hours in quarantine before FBI agents
and bomb sniffing dogs came out to the plane. Just after we landed, the pilot
gave us permission to make one very brief telephone call before we were banned
from any further telephone use. The sixty or so passengers were thus able to
gather some alarming details of the unbelievable fates of the other two LA-bound
planes and the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, the suicide bombing of
the Pentagon as well as reports of other plane crashes in PA and LA (LA proved
unfounded) before we were cut off from any further communication. Unfortunately,
all this information only added to the alarm and confusion we felt as we waited
for over two hours far away from the gates of the airport.
Finally, a caravan of cars bearing FBI and Treasury agents and bomb sniffing
dogs approached our airplane. About twenty or so armed FBI agents and police
officers boarded the plane and said there were concerns about our flight and
that they were taking precautions to rule out any further danger. We finally
were allowed off the plane, told to take all of our personal items and leave
everything at the edge of the tarmac. While our personal effects were examined
we were taken to a secure building at the airport where for three hours we were
interrogated at length about any unusual or suspicious activities we observed at
Logan that morning or during our flight. We were all alarmed and distraught
about the dribs and drabs of information we were slowly getting from our
telephone calls (none of us was able to see a TV or listen to a radio) and
feeling unbelievably lucky to be alive.
The agents interrogated two of the passengers at length and we later learned
that one of them had an expired drivers' license and that the social security
number on his license did not match the one he gave. Despite these unusual
circumstances, we were all eventually released and went back to the airplane to
gather our belongings. We were then escorted out of the airport without going
through the main terminal to avoid what the FBI called a "media circus" because
the mayor of Cleveland was holding a press conference stating that there was a
bomb on our plane and a hijacker in the cabin. Fortunately we were unaware of
these goings-on at the time or it would only have increased our alarm. (By the
way, the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper the next morning confirmed all of this
and reported that the mayor retracted his comments later that afternoon.)
Because we were in protective custody or detention at the Cleveland airport for
so many hours I was not able to make phone calls to let our children know we
were okay, and child [...] spent a couple of extremely distraught hours after
the school assembly announced the horrific events of the morning. S/he knew [my
spouse] and I were on an 8 am flight from Boston to LA and when s/he learned
that the two airplanes that crashed into the two WTC towers were 8am flights
from Boston s/he feared the worst. S/he called home but there was no one to take
the call. S/he had to wait a couple of agonizing hours before we were finally
able to call the school to let [them] know we were shaken but alive.
Fortunately, I was able to reach [my other child's] school and they pulled
[her/him] out of class to reassure [her/him] that we were safe before making the
announcement of what had happened that day. We were also able to relay
information to [our other child] that we were safe before s/he learned what had
Eight other of our employees, including my [sibling ...], left earlier that
morning on another flight to LA, a Sun Air flight that made a connecting stop in
Minneapolis. [My sibling] is feeling fortunate that the terrorists did not
target their plane because it probably did not have the full load of fuel that a
direct flight to LA would have, and it seems they targeted only nonstop flights
filled to capacity with fuel. In all, there were 16 [company] employees on two
flights to LA leaving at or around 8 am Tuesday heading for [the company's]
semi-annual training in LA. The statistical odds of all of us escaping injury
and harm are mind-boggling.
My [sibling ...], a [...] executive at [...], works frequently out of an office
in the World Trade Center and we were unable to reach him because the telephone
circuits to NYC were jammed. I knew s/he and [spouse ...] had vacation plans
sometime in September, but I couldn't remember when they were supposed to be
back in NYC. We later learned that s/he and [spouse] were just returning from a
vacation to Paris and were over the Atlantic when the disaster struck and their
plane was turned around to return to Paris, where they remain until they are
able to get back home.
hese have been the most devastating hours and days. Although it is only two
days ago, I feel that a lifetime has passed by. So many people's lives are
forever altered. Yesterday while I was watching Good Morning America I was
stunned to see three members of [a] family from Onset/Wareham on the television
and learned that their brother [...], whom I knew as a child, was on the
American Airlines flight that crashed into the WTC. He was supposed to fly out
on Monday, but events changed and he was delayed until Tuesday.
Our brush with death was frighteningly close. When our company made the travel
arrangements for our trip to LA two months ago, [my spouse] told the staff to
book us on the American flight 11, the flight we usually take to LA, but in the
day it took for the travel agent to get back to us, the price of the flight had
gone up several hundred dollars, and for economic reasons only, [my spouse]
instructed the staff to look for a less expensive flight. Fortunately, Delta
Airlines had a lower fare. With gallows humor we have all been expressing how
grateful we are that [my spouse] is so economy-minded when it comes to travel
expenses. Humor aside, though, we are all shaken by how close a call this was,
and humbled by the realization that with all of these coincidences, Someone
Above must be looking out for us.
In another ironic twist, I had not planned to go on the trip to LA because of my
very full schedule of conservation work and the usual back-to-school activities
at this time of year. [My spouse] has been very patient and supportive of all
the work I've been doing even though it has interfered with our personal lives
and was understanding but very disappointed that I would not be joining him on
the trip to LA. So, I decided two weeks ago that I would surprise him and meet
him in LA by taking another flight. Everyone at [the company] was in on the
secret. His assistant [...] helped me explore other flights, and since I had a
lot of frequent flier miles on American Airlines we were trying to book a flight
on American. She got flight information, but was unable to reach me by telephone
to finalize arrangement and e-mailed me. I mistakenly wrote back to her at her
home email to tell her to book the flight, and our communications missed each
other ...............

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:02 AM
...........and our communications missed each
other for a critical one day period. So she and [...], [the company's]
operations director, decided in the meantime to use the Delta Airlines miles the
company had accrued, since they had just enough for my ticket. Without that
missed telephone call and e-mail, I very well might have been using my frequent
flier miles on the fated American flight.
I can't tell you how many people on our flight had a similar story. One woman on
our flight was an employee of TJ Maxx, and her 15 or so co-workers were on the
American flight. She had been furious that her employer wouldn't let her fly
with the others because the price of the flight had gone up so much before she
booked it. That is how she ended up on our Delta flight.
Delta was very accommodating to us during our ordeal. They put us up in a hotel
for the night and kept us updated on events. Unable, and frankly unwilling to
fly back to Boston, we rented cars in Cleveland yesterday and arrived home in
Boston at 3 am this morning. I am trying to contact all of my friends to let
them know that we are okay.
Thanks for your many calls and your e-mails. We are extremely fortunate to be
alive. Say prayers for the thousands of unfortunate people who have been lost in
this senseless tragedy, and for their families and children.
With love and extreme gratitude,

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:06 AM
Mod Edit- removed large quoted material.

Mod Edit: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

Is there a point to this post that I missed?

Is there a link to the external source?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:34 AM
here is another take on it.

Dark Doppelganger of Delta 1989

Total 9/11 Info | January 25 2005

It is already known that Delta 1989 made an emergency landing in Cleveland on 9/11, and that the plane had a mysterious doppelganger who landed half an hour later as an emergency, too.

Now take a look at the 9/11 commission report, a really interesting book. What do we learn about Delta 1989? Is it possible to establish a timeline for the flight? Let's try.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:01 AM
Additional Details About Delta Flight 1989 on 9/11

My thoughts about the day can be found at 9/11/2001 Thoughts. A detailed
timeline of the events of the day at 9/11/2001 Timeline. I've also collected
some pictures of 9/11.
This page posts some additional details about Delta flight 1989 which a friend
of mine was on. I also have scanned in her scrapbook from the time. At the time
I posted the flight 1989 pages just a point of information. To give people an
interesting and human side of 9/11. Now I add these details mostly due to
threats and accusations by 9/11 skeptics and tinfoil-hat-types who believe that
flight 93 landed in Cleveland instead of going into the ground in Pennsylvania.
Feel free to contact me respectfully if you'd like my friend to add any
additional details to this report. Also, here's a fascinating account from the
Flight 1989 flight-deck.
Some Quick Clarifications
Although 1989 was scheduled to leave Boston/Logan at 0800, FAA records have it
leaving closer to 0825.
FAA reports have Flight 1989 landing in Cleveland around 1010 which was after
all 4 hijacked planes had gone down, and the South Tower had collapsed.
The 9/11 Commission report says that Flight 1989 had flown past Cleveland and
was over Toledo when it was ordered to return to Cleveland to land.
My Friend's Answers to some Questions
S/he confirmed that the pilot gave them permission to make one call while they
were on the plane. S/he remembers it as being while they were still in the air
while her initial letter says that it was after they landed. Either there were
2 calls allowed, their memory (5 years later) differs from what happened, or
s/he was incorrect in the initial letter. Remember that s/he wasn't, at the
time, writing for posterity but to reassure family and friends. S/he doesn't
remember what time s/he was able to make a call(s) that was but for reason
thinks it was closer to 1000. It was around the time the first tower
collapsed. That was one piece of the information they got while still in the
air. They were later able to make more calls after they had landed in
They were told to make one call but people might have snuck more. S/he
remembers thinking that it was a very inappropriate joke when someone
mentioned one of the WTC towers collapsing.
Although they shared what information they had with other passengers, at the
time they did not realize that the flights that hit the WTC towers originated
in Boston so didn't realize until later that it could have been them.
In questioning them in 2006, s/he recalls that there was an interminable wait
on the plane until agents could come to the plane to take their luggage and
them off onto the tarmac. Once they were inside a building they were
individually interrogated s/he remembers specifically asking an FBI guy if
they could call their [family] and he said okay. They put the agent on the
phone to say hi to [them].
I asked them where they were when they we rerouted to Cleveland. S/he is not
sure but think that 1989 was Southeast of Cleveland at the time. It was "a
good 45 minutes at least" after we were told we would have to make an
emergency landing in Cleveland that they finally did. It is unsure whether
this was in response to the FAA halting all flights at 0949 or due to their
being confused with Flight 93 which was happening closer to 0930 - 0935. The
9/11 Commission Report states that 1989 was closer to Toledo which would have
been West. S/he is most likely mistaken since the FAA would have the data
given that flight 1989 never turned off their transponder.
S/he said that they did not see any fighters escorting them to Cleveland and
in talking to the pilot afterwards in the FBI interrogation line, he was
"pleasant and forthcoming" and did not mention any escort -- which, of course,
doesn't mean that there wasn't any.
I've asked them for some pictures of the day.
My Comments About 1989
Most of the confusion around flight 93 and 1989 was due to the fact that the
hijackers on 93 had disabled the transponder that gives air-traffic control
the plane's number and altitude (possibly more information). Without this
information they were a blip on a 2 dimensional screen. 93 supposedly came
within a couple of miles of 1989 before turning and heading for DC which
confused ATC.
The skeptics are responding to a piece by one Liz Foreman who was working for
WCPO in Cincinnati the morning of 9/11. She published an erroneous report from
the AP that 93 had landed in Cleveland. Much of this may have been due to the
Mayor of Cleveland being off his rocker and holding press conferences that day
spouting incorrect rumors. Much of the fervor has been due to the fact that
WCPO removed the story after they published it citing falsehoods in it so now
people say that it is a government cover-up. In any case, Ms. Foreman's got
details about the mistakes made by her and WCPO on her blog.
Given the mistakes I heard from newscasters that morning, I have no doubt that
this error happened. I remember accounts that there was a car bombing at the
State Department, that cell phone systems were down because they all routed
through NYC, and that we had gone to DEFCON 5 -- all false.
One question I've been asked is why the Mayor cared about flight 93 -- why did
he give the press conference. My response is why did I give blood that day
when I should have know that the Red Cross was collecting too much and would
end up burning 75% of it. It was a strange day filled with passion, confusion,
and helplessness. I'm sure it was not Mr. White nor Ms. Foreman's most lucid
I've found a copy of an article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer on 9/12/2001
which talks about 1989 and explains some of the misstatements from 9/11.
Here's a great story (local copy) put out by the Cleveland Free Times in
response to all of the 9/11 myths. It interviewed by source as well as others
quoted by the tin foil hat types.
Here's another great page about the Flight 93/1989 confusion from

Here's a fascinating account from the Flight 1989 flight-deck.
Here's a USA Today article about 9/11 that talks about 1989. I've got a scan
of an original in the scrapbook.
I have no idea about flight 89 that is mentioned in some of the 9/11 testimony
nore why Col. Alan Scott states that flight 1989 landed at 0947 instead of
1010. He actually talks about flight 89 which is either short for 1989 or
another flight that I know nothing about. Col. Scott might have been listing
the time that 1989 left Boston airspace or when they were ordered to land as
opposed to when they actually did. If he was quoting NORAD times then there
may be errors. Two planes including 1989 were reported to NORAD as hijacked
incorrectly. In addition, the FAA did not communicate that flight 77 was
hijacked until 28 minutes after the transponder was turned off. NORAD was
certainly working with a lot of faulty data that day and Scott may just be
quoting from it.
One of the things that may me skeptical of conspiracy theories like 9/11 is
the number of people that needed to be in collusion to pull it off. This
implies that hundreds, maybe thousands, of people needed to conspire to make
the events of 9/11 happen. The more people the higher likelihood that someone
would change their mind, wanted to make millions with a tell-all book, had a
confession on their deathbed, got pissed off at a spouse and decided to get
back at them by spilling the beans, etc.. It is hard to keep secrets, as the
Bush administration is now finding out, even in organizations designed to keep
secrets. Adding the fact that so many civilians needed to be in on the big
9/11 hoax this makes the chances if them pulling it off very, very remote.
What it is hard for all of us to remember now that we are looking back on the
events of 9/11 with some resolution and some semblance of clarity, is that at
the time confusion reigned across much of the command and control
infrastructure in the US. A plane had not been hijacked in the US for 27 years
and the FAA and US air defense were just not prepared for it. So much of our
defense systems were outward facing to track incoming aircraft and missiles
instead of watching civilian national carriers. So many, many mistakes,
misrepresentations, and bad reports were made on 9/11 that it's no wonder
there is tons of fodder for the skeptics. It is unfortunate, however, that the
skeptics continue to question the events of 9/11, usually with little to no
cause, questioning in effect the last moments of so many brave innocent people
and bringing, I expect, unnecessary distress to their families. It is fine to
question the official reports but you need good solid evidence before posting
"facts". Relying on rumors and posts off the internet is just not enough.
If you are going to be skeptical of published reports then you need to be
equally skeptical of the rumors and contradictory stories.
9/11/2001 Thoughts.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:03 AM
I posted this thread because the original webpage and story is dissapearing.

Ats is known and loved for this information and many people will love to read this rare story.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

Why the MOD intervention here? Isn't the whole point of this thread the large quote, since the original source is being destroyed? Is ATS collaborating in the effort to silence this information for some reason?

EDIT to add: I know that ATS gets accused of this all the time, but this is the first time that I have been truly concerned.

[edit on 5/28/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:25 AM
This story is so important. It could be said that whatever happened on the 911 planes also happened to flight 1989.

Whats interesting is the pilot told the passengers to make "ONE" call during the ordeal..... why?

With the threat of a bomb on board and 2 guy with the exact middle eastern name causing a fuss on his cell phone, how stupid is it to tell people to use their cell phones especially when most of these devices are triggered by cell phones?

What became of the middle eastern men?

Were they part of the exercise?

SO many questions to ask.....

I ask fellow ats'rs to pick this story apart. A major truth lies within.

This plane is believed to be the other 911 plane. Everything is identicle to the other 911 planes except that this plane never crashed.

The pilot allowed the passengers to make 1 call just like on the other 911 planes. Of course the passengers snuck in more. What do you think some of those calls sounded like?

"MOM? MOM? i think we are being hijacked."

I think there’s mace… that we can’t breathe. I don’t know, I think we’re getting hijacked.
BETTY ONG, stewardess on flight

or what did the pilots message to the alarmed passengers sound like?

Would like you all to remain seated. There is a bomb on board and are going back to the airport
- terrorist pilot on flight

The above clip could of been lifted from flight 1989 as with most of the calls the allegedly came from the suicide planes.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 30-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:08 AM
I'm glad you clear things up about the so called missing flight 93 where cters believed that 93 never crashed but was hidden somewhere else and passengers were killed. Indeed flight 1989 was mistaken as flight 93 as the hijacked plane.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:08 AM
I'm glad you clear things up about the so called missing flight 93 where cters believed that 93 never crashed but was hidden somewhere else and passengers were killed. Indeed flight 1989 was mistaken as flight 93 as the hijacked plane.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:08 AM
I'm glad you clear things up about the so called missing flight 93 where cters believed that 93 never crashed but was hidden somewhere else and passengers were killed. Indeed flight 1989 was mistaken as flight 93 as the hijacked plane.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:42 AM

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:16 PM

I think you have failed on all my threads and are a pathetic debunker who uses old tactics such as trying to make me into anti-semetic or "toother" or some other cheap label your weak talents can only offer.


Flight 1989 research it.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by IvanZana


If you ever READ the posts by the folks in here that deal with facts, you would know you wasted a lot of bandwith on this thread. Delta flight 1989 was dealt with on another thread you started.

Try reading stuff other than Alex Jones and his Prison Planet garbage.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 08:50 AM
Honest question for the mods: why is Ivan allowed to consistently spam these boards with pages upon pages of quoted text from blogs?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to simply post the originating web addresses rather than allowing Ivan to make post after post after post after post of the same topics over and over and over again?

Is it not a fair assessment that he doesn't have anything new to say and is using huge amounts of quoted text to "keep the dream alive"? In addition, is it not a fair assessment that the majority of time he actually produces his own thoughts, he isn't doing anything other than calling other posters names?

Doubt me? Look at this very thread.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
Honest question for the mods: why is Ivan allowed to consistently spam these boards with pages upon pages of quoted text from blogs?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to simply post the originating web addresses rather than allowing Ivan to make post after post after post after post of the same topics over and over and over again?

Is it not a fair assessment that he doesn't have anything new to say and is using huge amounts of quoted text to "keep the dream alive"? In addition, is it not a fair assessment that the majority of time he actually produces his own thoughts, he isn't doing anything other than calling other posters names?

Doubt me? Look at this very thread.

I SECOND this!!!! Ivan does nothing but cut & Pastes stories over and over from Prison Planet and a very few other sources.

Thanks for brining this up Slightly!!!!

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
the original source is being destroyed? Is ATS collaborating in the effort to silence this information for some reason?

The relevant webpage is still available online.

You simply have to use a website such as the Internet Archive to find it.

The Internet Archive is a very useful tool given how often blogs and other websites are abandoned and subsequently deleted.

For example, using that Archive the last version of the webpage of interest to Ivan can easily be found here.

So, "the effort to silence this information" is not very effective (whether or not ATS is "collaborating" in "the effort").

Oh, and Delta Flight 1989 has already been discussed in considerable detail elsewhere...

All the best,


[edit on 31-5-2008 by IsaacKoi]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 10:12 PM
i recommend to research this fully since all the poor debunkers have attemted to derail and try to accuse this thread as been spam that can only mean they hate this story for it holds some nuggets.

Must have some really important information.

Lets discuss flight 1989 in this thread.

[edit on 31-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 10:15 PM

S/he confirmed that the pilot gave them permission to make one call while they
were on the plane. S/he remembers it as being while they were still in the air
while her initial letter says that it was after they landed. Either there were
2 calls allowed, their memory (5 years later) differs from what happened, or
s/he was incorrect in the initial letter.

How odd is that for the pilot to allow them to make "ONE" phone call considering the seriousness of the day? and the fact that there were 2 middle eastern men on the plane with the same name acting suspicuous on their cell phones

Cell phones are commonly used to detonate bombs which flight 1989 claimed to have on board.

What do you think some of those calls sounded like?

What happened to the to men. What were their names?

How come none of the terrorists names were on the flight manifests on any of the planes?

[edit on 31-5-2008 by IvanZana]

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