posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:21 AM
I know someone that is going back to Iraq in 2 weeks..
for the fourth time .. as a mercenary.
He used to be in the Marines and has been anywhere and everywhere you can think of over there.
He's been in two hummer ied accidents and in one he was the only survivor and in the other only 3 survived and he had to take charge after a return
to consciousness and made the call to let his fellow soldier to die because of the condition he was in.
The stories this man has told and the pictures he has shown is a truth colder and harder than my heart knows how to understand. He does not lie and
when he first went over there, he actually had compassion. He said that after 6 months, then a year then two years of active duty ripped his heart
out. He used to try and help the people but day after day after day after day changes you.
I haven't even seen the video in this thread and I don't need to.
It's war over there. There is no law where there is no camera.
Rape is overlooked, killing has become a betting game and feeling for the fellow human exists only for the man beside you helping you stay alive
because men, women, children and grandparents are all trying to kill the soldiers.
Since the Gulf War and being in the military myself, I've lost friends to mind collapse as well as death. They are one and the same. I truly have
nightmares from things I have never seen but have been told in a detail from eyes devoid of emotion at first but speckeld with blood from the
emotional trauma by the end of the accounts.
It is war.
Unless the soldier was that way before he went into the military, I do not blame him 100% I blame the human condition for being a part of it's
environment and if your environment is death, you become a mechanism of death.