posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 01:53 PM
This is a sick world we live in. If a picture of human beings naked is ' wrong' then what does that say about us? If they had shown pictures of
naked kids gunned down or blown up in a war that would be art, or news. But if there is no blood and gore then it is obscene, right? Sick.
Unless the youth were exploited and posed in sexually provocative ways, then this is ART. How can medical books get photos of the various stages of
developement? Draw pictures so some cop will not feel ' strange ' and arrest the artist?
Photos are in and of themselves merely representations of the past, and without proof of sexually explicit posturing or abuse, this is ART, plain
and simple. Now they are even trying to charge people for FAKE pictures that offned some people...not even real pictures but computer generated
images...and they are trying to make those illegal as well! Where does it stop? When the cops are locking up people for taking pics of their kids at
the tub naked...or whatever.
Nasty is in the mind of the beholder, and unless something is obviously sexually posed and that inspires lust and avarice, it is ART. There have
been so many attempts at this prohibition that it is sickening; first no pics of drugs or of naked people...then no pics of whatever the ruiling
phonies say they don't like...until we have NO rights left.
SHAME on the thug pigs down under for interfering with art and for making the human body, created by Goid, to be a thing of shame....maybe the cops
and those all upset are hiding behind their own lustful and shameful inclinations and it makes them uneasy to see images when THEY see all nudity as
sexual and evil..what a world.